Monday, March 2, 2009

Book Review and Giveaway: Rampant by Diana Peterfreund

I just finished this “killer unicorn” novel and I seriously have the urge to share it with everyone I know! Well, since it doesn’t come out until August, and I only have one copy, I can’t. But I am giving away my ARC to one lucky commenter as part of the Book Giveaway Carnival hosted by Bookroom Reviews and buying a hardcover copy when it comes out for my permanent collection. UPDATE: The author herself was so excited to see how everyone was so excited about her novel that she is also donating a copy to the contest which she will sign!

So what’s all the fuss about? 16 year old Astrid has always thought her mother was nuts with all her talk of killer unicorns and how they were driven to extinction by a virgin ancestor. But when Astrid’s best chance for a prom date is mauled by a unicorn in an apparent reemergence, Astrid discovers the truth behind the legends and joins a convent of virgin warrior maidens in Rome charged with protecting mankind from the foul beasts.

Sounds kind of out there doesn’t it? But Author Peterfreund has done her research and actually bases both the virgin warriors and the killer creatures on historical myths and legends, and weaves them perfectly into the tapestry of this thrilling novel. (Find out all about the 5 types of killer unicorns on her website here – spoiler free!)

There are so many things to love about this book. Let’s start with the characters. There are a lot of them, but even the supporting players get distinctive enough personalities that you can tell them apart. There’s Astrid - the type of sarcastically hilarious, fiercely loyal girl you want as a best friend (and want on your side in the case of a killer unicorn apocalypse). There’s also her free-spirited and athletic cousin Philippa. And there are the couple of boys that become serious threats to their virginity and their powers. (Abstinence programs take note – this book makes a great case for keeping your virginity!)

I also loved that the book takes you on an emotional journey with Astrid. There are the highs of a successful hunt, a stolen kiss (ok, a lot of stolen kisses), and discovering the benefits of her powers. But there are also the lows of defeat, of discouragement, of wanting to give it all up.

One last thing I want to mention is how much I enjoyed the scenes with Bonegrinder, the small unicorn of the zhi variety that lives with the convent girls. She is as sweet as a kitten to virgins but gores anyone else. Every time she was around, I just wanted to cuddle my kitten even tighter.

Rampant will be released in hardcover in August 2009. Leave a comment on this post telling me why you’d like to read it by March 12th at 11:59 pm CST (DEADLINE EXTENDED) and you’ll be entered to win. Post about the contest on your own blog (sidebar is fine) for a second entry and leave a separate comment telling me you’ve done so (It MUST be a separate comment to count, thanks). This contest is open INTERNATIONALLY!

PS. Don't forget to enter to win one of 20 copies of Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak if you haven't already!


di said...

I'd like to read it because books with killer unicorns AND stolen kisses? They have to be pretty amazing.


Steph Su said...

WOW! This book is just about number one on my wishlist. And look: now you're giving me hope. Giving me hope is sometimes bad, for I get sad when I lose hope. Alas...

Anyway! Why do I want to read this book? Let me count the ways... 1. Diane Peterfreund is a talented and hilarious author; 2. the concept of killer unicorns and virgin unicorn killers is just incredible; 3. it's a fantasy book. I like those; 4. Because...?

Steph Su said...

Yes yes, and I've linked to your contest in my sidebar, of course.

-.- said...

Killer unicorns sounds like an awesome theme for a book! You always assume they are nice and playful, but they do have that horn. :p

Great idea for a book! I'm adding it to my wish list, please enter me in this giveaway! It sounds fantastic!

~ Popin

-.- said...

I've also left a link of your giveaway at my blog, it's off to the side under the header Giveaway List.

Thanks again!

~ Popin

Meredith said...

I have been hearing about this book around the YA Blogging world for awhile now and it is making me crazy! I want to read it. So count me in.

rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com

M. Rooney said...

Okay... why do I need to read this book? Because I've had a lifelong phobia of unicorns. Yes, I admit it. Ever since I was a little kid, and my family tried to buy me things with glittering unicorns that promised love and happiness and nothing scary at all, I've always known that they were crazy flesh-eating monsters that were out to get me. Seriously. I've had nightmares about them.

I just need to read this book so I know I'm not just crazy. =)

Oh, and because Diana Peterfreund is made of awesome.

Anonymous said...

Okay - who wouldn't want to read about crazy killer unicorns. I've been dying to get my hands on it. In fact, I'd probably give up my right pinky to get one. :)

I love the aspect of the dangerous romance that could ruin everything.

Anonymous said...

Here is my post for the extra entry.

mindy said...

i would like to read it because it sounds quite intriguing thanks for the giveaway

Diana Dang said...

I wanted to read it ever since I saw the cover! And when do people write about unicorns these days? =P

Diana Dang said...

I have also linked it to the sidebar of my blog!

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Wow I'd so love to read this! I love unicorns, it hurts me that they are killers in this book lol. But I still want to read it, it sounds really good!

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

Genevieve said...

Ohh, this sounds so good. I'd like to read it because I love the idea of using legends that turn out to be real. And I love most fantasy in general. Plus, this sounds different than the average book that's out there. : )


Genevieve said...

Oh, and I posted a link of this contest in my blog's sidebar:


Mari said...

Unicorns! That right there is reason to want to read this.


Nancy said...

OMG!!! Is it christmas already? Ever since I read the about this book I knew that it would be amazing and wanted to read it. Who wouldn't? Killer Unicorns, fantastic fantasy, virgin unicorn killers and after your glorious praise I want it even more.

Please enter me

Nancy said...

Ohh...and now I have the contest inmy side bar

Sage Ravenwood said...

When you think of unicorns, the first thing that comes to mind is the mythical beast of legends. Magical beings of purity. It doesn't cross your mind there might be another side to the story. I would love to read this book for that reason. Thanks for entering me in the drawing! Indigo

Anonymous said...

I would like to read this book because YA + Fantasy almost always = a brilliant read, and Ilike the sound of these killer unicorns!

Anonymous said...

Why do I want to read it? Uh, maybe because it's about KILLER UNICORNS! Yep, that might be it.

Katie said...

I really like fantasy books and unicorns sound interesting.

Keri Mikulski said...

Sounds good. :) Diane is on my list of authors I'm dying to read. :)

scottsgal said...

I'd like to read this because unicorns are so unique sounds so interesting

msboatgal at aol dot com

Nora said...

I can't wait to read this one because it just sounds flat-out amazing! Killer unicorns? What else could you possibly want from a book?



tetewa said...

Killer unicorns, count me in!

Erika Powell said...

this book sounds totally original and when you read a ton of books like i try to you always want something different
sports dot erikalynn at gmail dot com

Erika Powell said...

i blogged about it

wintergirl20 said...

I want to read this book cause of the killer unicorns!

Alea said...

LOL! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and it made you hug Emmy! I think I need to read this just because of how insane it sounds!

Senfaye said...

I want this book soooo bad because killer unicorns sound really interesting! Thank you for this amazing contest.
-Senfaye :)

Riva said...

Killer unicorns??? I HAVE to read this! Please enter me in your giveaway.


dulcibelle [at] earthlink[dot]net

1_scoop_vanilla said...

Omg! Killer Unicorns thats awesome, never heard of a book like that... Your review on it makes it sound so much cooler, and the cover rocks! This is definitely on my TBR list can't wait to read it :)


1_scoop_vanilla said...

Oh and i linked it to my blogs sidebar :)

Purdypirate said...

I want to read this book because I haven't read a good unicorn book since The Last Unicorn and I think it's about time the world got over vampires. Unicorns should so be the next thing lol.

velocibadgergirl said...

Wow, this one sounds weird but good! Count me in :)

velocibadgergirl at gmail dot com

velocibadgergirl said...

I also sidebar-blogged this giveaway at

Thanks again!
velocibadgergirl at gmail dot com

Bunny B said...

I love unicorns!! And this fantasy book about Killer Unicorns makes it intriguing!! Plus, you described Astrid as someone I admire :)
bunnybx at gmail . com

Taylor said...

I want to read it because.. hello there are KILLER UNICORNS! & don't forget that the cover is beautiful.

Bunny B said...

bunnybx at gmail . com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Sounds amazing. I must try my had at this and enter. I want a book about unicorns. LOL And I love the book giveaways this week. They are always so much fun. I'll have mine up Thursday. :)


Brooke Reviews said...

Killer unicorns? Sounds awesome. I'd like to win this book, so I could review it on my blog. :)

bacarleton at gmail dot com

deltay said...

I've heard so many great things about both the book + author, so it would be great to check it out. And I haven't read that many original/good fantasy-esque novels lately, so it would be great to find one worthwhile!


deltay said...

& I've side-bar linked this contest:

Anonymous said...

I might just be morbid, but the premise of the book sounds hilarious. It seems like it would be a good laugh.


donnas said...

I would like to read it because its not everyday you can read about Killer Unicorns. Also it sounds good and I love to find new writers.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

photoquest said...

I would like to read this book because i like to venture outside of my romance reading zone and this definatley sounds like it will take me there to something different. I think it will satify my imagination for awhile.

Amelia said...

I want to read this book because its about unicorns. I haven't read a unicorn book since I was a kid. And its an ARC so I can be one of the few to review this book before it comes out.

Amelia said...

I put this in my sidebar

Ladytink_534 said...

"Killer unicorn"? Well there's something you don't hear everyday! Now I simply have to enter just to appease my curiousity!

Kelsi Rose said...

If you want the real reason why I want to read this book it is I am addicted to books, especially of the fantasy variety. I live in a small town and I won't be able to get my hands on this one for ages because the library here is pretty lame. I am very intrigued with kill unicorns and virgin heroines.

Anonymous said...

ooohh...I want this book, please do enter me and thanks for the contest Lenore...

Anonymous said...

oops...I forgot to tell you why I want tor ead this book. Well, I have Diana Peterfreund's blog on my google reader and I have read too much about this book already to pass it :)

Catherine Haines said...

Wow, that sounds really awesome, not to mention original. Count me in!

Kelsi Rose said...

I mentioned the contest on my blog,

Anonymous said...

This book sounds totally different from any other YA fantasy out there right now. I'm really curious what I'll think of it.

Blogged about this contest here:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to read it because I'm always looking for books featuring unicorns and this one seems like a really interesting twist! I also am growing to like YA more than I expected to, so this sounds like one for my wishlist if I don't win.

Laina said...

The girl on the cover looks like Dolly Parton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hold on a sec, this is a giveaway? Oh, jeez, I'm observant. Cool, a contest. :)

I want to read this because... killer unicorns. Duh, lol.

Laina said...

Umm, link in my sidebar here:

Oh, and

Anonymous said...

Wow, a giveaway of Rampant!
This book is in my wishlist and I can't wait until August to read it, so please count me in**

Fantasy and killer unicorns... it sounds amazing*

Charlo said...

My friend linked to this review, and I have to say I that killer unicorns sounded like a plot that was just trying way to hard. Somehow though, your review managed to intrigue me, and 'll keep my eye out for it in August. I might even stick around and see what other reading ideas you throw my way... it's about time I rediscovered reading.

DeenaML said...

Unicorns = totally fresh concept! That's why I wnat to read it. Woo hoo! Go Diana!

Anonymous said...

Cool book! Nothing can be better than Killer unicorns. what a twist. Sign me up please.

livingmyhappilyeverafter at yahoo

Rue said...

This sounds like an interesting book, all kinds of different takes on not so well known myths. Sounds like a really different story. I'd love to read it. Thanks for the chance to win!
ruthann (dot) francis (at) gmail (dot) com

Rylie said...

I've never read a book about killer unicorns, so this sounds like it would be an interesting read.

bcanyon at hotmail dot com

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

You had me at "killer unicorn apocalypse"! This book sounds awesome, thanks for the chance to win.

Angela said...

I'm very interested read this book ... mainly because the cover is so beautiful! But now that I hear how much you enjoyed it I am even more anxious to get my hands on a copy!

Anonymous said...

ugggh I have been waiting for this book since Diana first mentioned it on her blog! August seems SO FAR AWAY. *pout*

wrigleyfield said...

I just think the whole concept of killer unicorns is... freakin' awesome.

Mary Danielson said...

I'd love to read it because...well, Diana Peterfreund wrote it AND there are killer unicorns! Could a girl ask for much more?

jpetroroy said...

I LOVE Diana Peterfreund's books. :)

Alix said...

It sounds great, of course I knew it would be because Diana wrote it. Excellent review I like the sound of Bonegrinder and I'm always a fan of stolen kisses.

Unknown said...

ooh, unicorns! I have yet to read a unicorn book and I think Team Unicorn needs to beat Team Zombie! :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all, Steph stole my answer - because - DUH! Diane Peterfreund? You cannot go wrong. Then, YA Fantasy? Love. And finally - recommended by Lenore? Obviously that in itself makes me want to win.

Maureen McGowan said...

I cannot wait for this book. Mostly because the mere notion of killer unicorns is, AWESOME!

Also want to win this because the hardcover will have the new cover, no? No need an ARC so I can have a complete set of RAMPANT covers ;-) I am a proud owner of a complete set of SSG covers.

MySharonAnne said...

oh I want! :)

MySharonAnne said...

I linked to it on my sidebar.

Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit said...

I'm desperate to read this book because I'm a die hard Diana Peterfreund fan, and this book sounds like the perfect addition to my lifelong love affair with unicorns. Also, it sounds fun and beautiful--I like to both laugh and suffer with characters, and it sounds like this book will be wonderful for that.

Also? A radiator in my apartment just burst, and I had to deal with a pressurized stream of disgusting water flooding my apartment, and now I have to pay for damages and stuff. I need to some good news (yes, I'm going for the sympathy plea!).

Lizzy said...

Not only do killer unicorns sound fun, but everyone who has reviewed it so far has loved it! There's nothing that I love more than a book that sucks you into it's world. Plus, I've died a little bit inside because they pushed back the release date...Thanks for offering up your ARC.

H said...

Why I want to read it - cos it sounds amazing? Can that be an answer :) Seriously though, stolen kisses suggests some sort of romance and coupled with the lose-your-virginity = lose-your power that could prove very interesting.
Also, I want it because I HAVE A CHANCE!!! Yay! (people outside the US/Canada will realise how amazing and rare the international contest truly is :) )

H said...

And I've posted on my sidebar :)

Marie said...

I've never read a book about "killer unicorns" -- sounds fascinating -- I would love to read it and get a different view on unicorns!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I posted it on my sidebar for another entry.

Bookworm134 said...

Man! This is so exciting! Why I want to read this book: I have been following the great ya author's unicorn/zombie fight from the very beginning and I am a huge fan. I love books about strong virgins, you don't have to be sexually active to be able to take a stand in this world. I have love mythological creatures for years and everyone of my friends and family know it. If they find anything with unicorns, dragons, phoenix, ect on it they always bring it to me. Well that is all I can think of.
Thanks for a great contest!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read this once because the cloisters sound really cool and the premise is so unique. I don't know if I can condone the killing of unicorns, but I have a feeling this book might change my mind a little on that ;-)


Anonymous said... UNICORNS!! I'd love to read this because it sounds like an awesome book with awesome in it and an extra helping of awesome on the side.

Pen Pen said...

okay-I'm officially a!!

You have me!!! :)

Melwyk said...

How could you not want to read a book about killer unicorns?? This sounds great. I've just been reading Peter Beagle's short story based on the Unicorn Tapestry and would like to read this view of things as well!

flip said...

This book sounds great. Killer unicorns, Yeah

flip (at) tetonvalley (dot) net

Jena said...

Have you ever heard of Meredith Ann Pierce's Firebringer trilogy? it's about a tribe of unicorns.


unicorns pulls me in

Icedream said...

This is the first I have even heard of Rampant and I am impressed. I absolutely love to come across a book that is so unique compared to all the books out there.
Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I've never read a unicorn story before although I do love reading books about mythical creatures. You made me want to read the book based on your comments about it.

rachel0 said...

Is it weird that the phrase killer unicorns makes me want to smile? That's why I'd love to read this book NOW please!

Janus said...

I would like to read it because I have thoroughly enjoyed Diana's Rose & Grave novels, and I am interested in seeing how she handles writing in another genre.

Melissa O. said...

I'd like to read it because I've never heard of "killer unicorns." I thought unicorns were supposed to be pure and innocent... Sounds like a great read. Thanks for the giveaway!!


Anonymous said...

I love myths and legends and kinda wonder about a killer unicorn. It looks like a great book.

Unknown said...

I want to read this because I've never heard or thought of killer unicorns.


Liviania said...

I'd like to read it because killer unicorns are something different from the norm and I enjoy stretches like that. Plus, I can get behind almost anything with strong characterization.

Rachael Stein said...

well, diana peterfreund is a pretty awesome author (i loved her secret society series, at least the ones i've read), and the summary just sounds so intriguing!

Simply Stacie said...

I love the unique subject matter in this book so I'd love to read it.

bettycd said...

Been looking at books this afternoon, and this is the only one with killer unicorns. Thanks for the giveaway

Anonymous said...

this sounds great
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

MD said...

If Rampant is as good as Diana's Secret Society Girl series, then count me in!

Sarah Woodard said...

This book sounds great. Unicorns!

Michelle Kuo said...

Wow, I really want to read this! I mean seriously, killer unicorns? That's a first for me! Not to mention that Bonegrinder unicorn sounds totally awesome, haha.

Michelle Kuo said...

Oh and I posted this contest up in my blog:

Alyce said...

This book sounds fascinating, and I love books with a taste of fantasy.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Nurin said...

Great review :)

I'd like to read it because, I LOVE ALL UNICORNS...
even thoseof the killer variety.

Angiegirl said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! I must read this one when it comes out because I am going to be bereft when I finish Tap & Gown and a brand new Peterfreund will be just the thing. Also, the setting sounds so fun!

Anonymous said...

Killer unicorns, you say? That doesn't sound "out there," it sounds amazing (and creepy)!

greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com

tsslug said...

Unicorns that kill
I'd sure like to read this one.

Cheryl Vanatti said...

I want this one for my new daughter-in-law (not only to score points, but also because she loves unicorns).

Cheryl Vanatti said...

I've blogged about your contest on my book blog: Here's The Post

ellie_enchanted said...

I really want to read this for the killer unicorns, and also because I read DP's blog, and boy, can she write well.

Janssen said...

Say the word "fantasy" and I'm interested :)

Becca said...

I like fantasy so this appeals to me anyway but also I really can’t think of anything cooler than killer unicorns so I would love to read this. Thanks!

Belladonna1975 said...

Killer Unicorns? That is fantastic!



demmi said...

It sounds like a interesting story line con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

toohotforturtle said...

I would love to read this because I am a Diane Peterfreund noob and am fascinated by the concept of killer unicorns

JJ said...

Thanks for the chance to win!Killer unicorns?

Anonymous said...

Ooh! I'd like to read this book because I've never read anything with killer unicorns before. It's oddly fascinating, however, and seems to make sense upon consideration (they have to use the sharp horns for something, of course! And I suppose they could hide so much by seeming pure and innocent). It would change how I view unicorns, probably.


Hillary said...

I want to read this book because I've never read a unicorn book. Vampires, zombies, drugs? Heck yes, but no unicorns. My bookshelves (and I) will never be complete without unicorns!

booklovergal12 @htomail. com

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

Ok I'm totally Team Zombie, but Killer Unicorns?? I cannot resist the temptation of this book :) I must read Rampant!

I'm going to attempt to post this on my sidebar too (blogger's been cranky this week)


Wrighty said...

I'm taking your advice here and want to read about the killer unicorns. Sign me up please! I'm very curious. Thanks for your contest.


Wrighty said...

I've added this to my blog.

Rebecca Herman said...

I'd like to read this book because it sounds like a very unique plot and it's always nice to read something that is different from the typical teen fantasy novel.

Blodeuedd said...

Must agree that that cover is so lovely, would love to read the book.

Can't remember the last time I read about unicorns

Unknown said...

i would love to read this book I read something similar a few months ago

ezziriah (at)gmail(dot) com

Carrie Ryan said...

Ooh, Boo Bear's Place - I loved Rampant and would love to find another book like it! What did you read recently like it so I can grab it?
(and don't enter me in the contest, I've read and adored this book!)

Lenore Appelhans said...

I was wondering the same thing Carrie!

Yan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yan said...

I'd love to enter too Lenore! :D 1) fabulous summery 2) it was on everyone's waiting on Wednesday so there has to be something amazing about it :D

Unknown said...

I don't think I can handle waiting till August to read about killer unicorns! Help!


Chantele Sedgwick said...

This book looks awesome! It really looks great! Who doesn't love Unicorns? Even ones that kill!?


Tiffany Alice Book said...

Killer unicorns, the main reason I want to read this book. It sounds like a unique and interesting read.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Emily Ruth said...

I've been enamored with unicorns for forever; I'm glad there's finally another book about them! So obviously, that's why I want to read it...
Thanks for the contest!

Emily Ruth said...

I linked in my sidebar :)

Nicole said...

Killer Unicorns and virgin maidens... sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

It'd definitely be a unique read. I think it's one that both myself and my teenage daughter would enjoy.
-Terra H.

LisaMay said...

Hi Lenore :)

I'd love to win it... um because I'm a bit of a loser and genuinely like unicorns. I think I need to get a dose of killer unicorns to balance out my rainbows and sunshine unicorn-mentality.

Sena said...

This fantasy story with unicorns intrigues me!

Sena said...

And yes, I have also linked you at

katayoun said...

i think i really should read this, to be better informed when joining discussions on zombies and unicorns!!! :)

Carolina said...

I'd like to read it cus it's about unicorns and because of the very pretty cover. :)

Thao said...

I want to read this book because I'm deeply in love with unicorns, and killer unicorns sound greater than anything. Also, cool cover too (kill me, IJABBIC)

Pamela S said...

Well now THIS sounds like the most unique book I've heard about in a long while!! Love to win this!!

Neverwithoutabook said...

I've been fascinated by unicorns forever! I'd love to read this, and am curious about the killer unicorns aspect. I've also become a follower.

Nickolay said...

It sounds very interesting. Looks like a good book for a Saturday afternoon

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

I've been seeing a lot of this book around! I'm hoping to see this in my TBR pile soon!

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

I also put it in my side bar under "Current Contests!"

pepsivanilla said...

I want to read this because there aren't any books about unicorns out there, and this one looks awesome!

Debs Desk said...

Please include me in your giveaway. I have read several reviews and would love to read this book.

GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

Ok, I don't think I've entered yet. I have been looking forward to reading this since I read about it in an article from School Library Journal. The article was talking about upcoming books that were featured at a recent publisher's lunch and Rampant was one and had the best pitch: Killer Unicorns. How could I not want to read it after that?

Kristi said...

I have never read a book with a unicorn - let alone killer unicorns! Please sign me up for this drawing.

kherbrand at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I've posted about this contest on my blog:

Jenita said...

I really want to read this because a.) it just sounds awesome and b.) on a more serious note, I think unicorns are seriously underused in modern day fantasy... somewhere along the line they got a reputation for being cute and cuddly and pink and only fit for five year old girls, and that rather bothers me, because really, there could be so much more than that. (For starters, they could kill people... :])

Bcteagirl said...

OOoo killer unicorns. I never would have thought of that :P I would love a chance to read this book thanks!

caseykelp said...

Sounds like a real good read. Please include me in the draw. Thank you for the giveaway

Lindsey said...

How cool! Why do I want to read it? Well after a review like that who wouldn't? And killer unicorns... that sounds totally new to me.

Thanks for giving away your copy and thanks to the author as well!

ladyufshalott at

Molly C. said...

Wow, this sounds like a really cool book. And I am always ready to read a good book.

Jayna said...

Ha! Killer unicorn apocalypse... what other reason do I need to want to read it?
Aside from that bit of silliness, it actually sounds like an enjoyable book with a good storyline.

penryn said...

You had me at "killer unicorn".

Seriously, though.

Anonymous said...

I want to read this because it reminds me of when I was a kid, trading unicorn stickers on the playground. Only now there's blood and mayhem involved. Maybe someday there'll be killer unicorn stickers and it'll all come together?


Megan said...

I want to read this because the concept of killer unicorns is so cool.

Megan ( the book geek )

Jenn said...

Wow this book sounds so awesome and amzing!I really hope i win! I mean who woudn't want to read about killer unicorns?

Qwill said...

I would like to read this just to see if the author can pull off the whole killer unicorn thing.

Meaghan F. said...

This sounds so awesome! Just the kind of book I love to read!

Unknown said...

I'd like to read it because it sounds like my kinda book

nhertel85 AT yahoo DOT com

Khy said...

I hate unicorns, but yet I still want to read this one...

Candie L said...

This is definately a unique plot for a book, but I have to admit I am interested. Thank you.


Carolina said...

I blogged about the contest here. :)

Anita Yancey said...

I'd like to read the book becaise it sounds very interesting. Thanks for having this giveaway.


Anonymous said...

this one looks like a lot of fun, big fantasy fan! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Anna said...

I'd like to read this book because I've never read an unicorn book before and this looks like a fantastic place to start. :)


Anna said...

Linked to on my contest page:


Paradox said...

I want to read this book SOOOOOOO badly!!! Enter me please!

paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

live42day said...

I love anything to do with unicorns, and killer unicorns sounds like an interesting twist. I am intrigued to say the least.

nirali said...

well, how many people wouldn't kill to read this book? A combination of fantasy and realism is just too appealing. Wild and crazy killer unicorns sounds like a breath of fresh air after reading books about vampires and wizards this past year. I think it's time for someone new with new ideas to wow everyone (including me) with their books! I would love to be given a chance to read this book!! :) :D

nirali said...

in case you can't access my email and you need it, here it is : niraliadesai[at]gmail[dot]com

Becky said...

I would love to win this book because it is so totally different than anything I have ever read.I am trying to broaden my reading horizons and this sounds like a great book to start with.

Thanks so much!

Test said...

I would love to enter! This book sounds SO good.

Test said...

Also, I have a link to this contest on my blog's left sidebar under cool contests.

BN Book Blog said...

Ok.... I have the best reason for wanting to read about unicorns. My school's mascot is a UNICORN!!! Yes, I'm being serious. Go Unis!
Beth (& Nathan)

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this novel because (1) it is a fantasy novel and I love my fantasy (2)killer unicorns and that concept is something new.

Thanks for the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

I blogged about this contest on my LJ:


cata ananias said...

I'd like to read the book because unicorns are such an unusual theme.. there aren't many YA books about them out there, and especially not about killer ones!
Thanks a lot!

Book Sp(l)ot said...

oooh oooh oooh, I so want to read this book! There's all the zombie vs unicorn debate going on and while I love all the zombie books, it's hard to be firmly on the side of zombies unless you've read a really good unicorn book, so.... :D

Katie said...

I would love to be entered in this contest! I'd like to read it because I love any books that have romance and the supernatural. I think killer unicorns could be qualified as supernatural. Pretty much I would just love to read this book.
Thanks for the awesome contest!

Unknown said...

I'd love to read it based on the premise alone. *crosses fingers to win*

bethrevis at

Anonymous said...

This sounds like such a unique, interesting plot! I love finding books with new themes, and YA that brings in unicorns is definitely all right by me :)

Thanks for the chance!

writing.meg [at]

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

P.S. I have a link up on my sidebar now (=

Pandragon said...

Wow... want to read! I mean, what's better than killer unicorns?

Cricket said...

I would like to win this book because I'm often told that I'm lost in my very own world! Well what if I find myself with a killer unicorn in someone else's world? Wouldn't that make me more normal? lol Thanks for the great giveaway!

The_Book_Queen said...

I've heard a lot of really good things about this book, it's been on my want to read list for a while now... Come on, killer unicorns? I mean, how often do you see books like that? Who wouldn't be interesting in reading it! :D

Lenore Appelhans said...

CONTEST IS CLOSED! Thanks to everyone who entered :)

Ellie of Words said...

i want to read it because who doen't love a good killer unicorn I mean seriously.