And let's just say, I know the three blocks on 34th St. between 8th Ave. and 11th Ave. very well. Here's a bird's eye view (taken from the Empire State Building on Tuesday).

On Saturday at BEA, my main focus was the author signings. In the morning, I went to some picture book signings with my friend Heather. In the afternoon, I ran around trying to hit a bunch of signings with Alea and Gail that were all at the same time. We were successful for the most part! I had such a blast getting to chat with authors, publicists and bloggers that I've been in touch with over the past year. The books are just icing on the cake (and nice souveniers). Here is my stack of signed books from Thursday/Friday/Saturday (not including the picture books or Geektastic).

Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
Liar - Justine Larbalestier
Once Was Lost - Sarah Zarr
Candor - Pam Bachorz
Shiver - Maggie Stiefvater
Prophesy of the Sisters - Michelle Zink
Going Bovine - Libba Bray
Sea Change - Aimee Friedman
One Wish - Leigh Brescia
Also Known As Harper - Ann Haywood Leal
The Plague - Joanne Dahme
Lips Touch - Laini Taylor and Jim Di Bartolo
Leviathan - Scott Westerfeld
The Unnamed - Joshua Ferris
Little Bird of Heaven - Joyce Carol Oates
Saturday evening was Little Brown's Geektastic party. Amy (My Friend Amy) and I had lots of fun bowling badly! I was also stalked by David Levithan (and have top secret pictorial proof). Thanks to the team at Little Brown for organizing such a fun event.
And now, something special for readers of my blog. While I was at BEA, I got three packages shipped to me. Liar, Shiver and Catching Fire. Since I already have signed copies of these three titles, I want to pass them on to one lucky blog reader. This contest is open internationally, and will run until June 17th at 11:59 PM.
For one entry, tell me either a great lie you told, something that makes you shiver, or to what lengths you would be willing to go to catch Catching Fire.
For a second entry, post a link to this contest on your blog or social network site, and tell me you did so in a separate comment.
Good luck!
1 – 200 of 365 Newer› Newest»OMG, So want this. Hmm, what would I do for Catching Fire? Probably anything short of selling my soul!
What makes me shiver? Little scaly spiders. Crawling by the side of my head. Egh.
OMG! What a great giveaway. What would I do to get a copy of Catching Fire? Really what wouldn't I do? :) Ok, most practically I've been stalking blogs and trying to figure out who to contact to request a copy. I do draw the line at buying it off of eBay. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
Always tweeted about it (@awaitinserenity)
How boring am I? I can't think of a great lie I've actually told... But I haven't read The Hunger Games yet (it's a whole long library process thing), so I don't know what I'd do to get the sequel--I just know the first one sounds like a book I'd dig.
How about something that makes me shiver? People talking about bending their fingernails back in books. Or my husband running a finger down my back or along the inside of my wrist. I guess the first one is more of a shudder-inducing thing than a shiver-inducing thing...
Posted this contest onto my blog:
I also posted it on my blog here:
dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
Rachel's post reminded me that Hawaii's flying cockaroaches definitely make me shiver. Especially since one flew across a room once and landed on my head. I get the shivers just thinking about it now.
I also retweeted the contest. (DebWorldOfBooks)
Shiver: I still have to jump into the bed if the lights are off. If I stand there for more than a couple of seconds I get extraordinarily nervous. I find this embarrassing, but probably not as embarrassing as I should.
Shiver: I would say when it comes to the dark that would be it, but really, I'm just a spaz and the panic attack sets in mode. So what really give me the hebejeebes is someone that has an eye (or both) that are glossy and red like - example: Pink Eye. I shudder everytime, I can't look at the person, and my own eyes start to fill up with tears. I dunno why, I've always been like this, and I run away from anyone that ask if there is something stuck in their eyes. If that person happens to be a friend, they usually chase after me because it's hilarious to everyone else but me.
For Catching Fire I would do a lot of things. Like go on a food strike. And I ADORE eating.
For some reason the thought of putting my head underwater in a lake/ocean/body of water makes me shiver, it's weird, even underwater scenes on tv give me the heebeejeebes! Please enter me!
I have posted this on my sidebar at
also posted this on my blog at
Hmmmm stepping on squishy wet grass makes me shiver. >_<
Thank you so much for this AMAZING giveaway!
lovejessicamarie [@} gmail [.] com
I shall aslo post this on my sidebar:
Hm...something that makes me shiver. I can't really explain it but sometimes when I'm just standing (or sitting) and doing nothing, I get this shiver throughout my body and my whole body becomes cold...kind of weird.
What would I do to win a copy of Catching Fire?
Volunteer to participate in a hunger games.
Oh wow, this would be an amazing contest to enter. and I'm stillll jealous of you all for BEA. lol
Anyway, something that makes me shiver? Spiders. real ones, even pictures. I hate them hate them hate them. I'm also not a huge fan of the dark and I hateee heights for the most part.
What makes me shiver?
extremely cold water
fingernails on a chalk-board
a cold knife blade sliding across my throat,
and dying screams
I blogged too:
What makes me shiver is spiders. Ugh just thinking about them gives me chills. Luckily my cat catches and kills them before I know they are there.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Ants and bugs crawling inside my ears makes me shiver. It happened twice and I thought I was going to be deaf or something.
Thanks for the great giveaway Lenore!
I'll link this on my sidebar!
Driving in the rain makes me shiver. Even if I'm not the one driving, because if I can't see out the windshield, then what are the chances the driver can? I do my best to avoid having to drive when it's raining or looks like rain.
Bugs make me shiver... Ugh. I hate them soo much, that if I have a stray hair on my arm and think it's a bug, I will end up slapping my arm for like 5 minutes.
Also, birds. They all go out of their way to scare the livin' daylights out of me. It makes my family & friends laugh their heads off when I scream when the birs come near me, but they make me go ugh.
~Meredith F.
rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com
Hello, This is my amateurish link to my blog, where I posted about your contest.
Something that makes me shiver; not much nowadays, although when my youngest (now 20) son was 3 years old he used to tell me things like this:
"mom, remember when we used to go to the _____(here, I don't remember the place, only that we had never gone there)" me: "no, when was this?" son: "you know mom, when you knew me before!" me:"before what?" son:"mom!, you know...before I died!". There were a few other conversations along this line, but that used to give me the chills! As he got older,these type of conversations trickled down to zero, but boy - makes you think!
Man I wish we could edit our own comments. I forgot to enter my e-mail, but wasn't that last one creepy? the post with the conversation my son had with me when he was 3?
here's the email
How about the fact that I used to lie (elaborately & extensively!) as a teenager now makes me shiver when I think about it.
I'm serious: I once spent an entire semester of a college French course telling detailed stories about my "experiences" as a novice at a convent to my teacher and classmates. I worked that story & they totally believed me. Can you say "attention seeking"!
But then I grew up and stopped telling my crazy stories. But I would consider doing it all again for a copy of Shiver! :)
3 books I'd love to have! I don't have any memorable lies, I really only shiver when it's cold (my fright response = freeze like a rabbit), and for Catching Fire (which is the one I actually want least out of the three . . . I am a strange one) I would do a highly public, silly dance and post it on youtube. Because I lack shame when it comes to dancing.
Hello again,
I posted the contest at another blog of mine...
Okay, there was a weeklong contest to win front row tickets at a concert. All you had to do was answer a simple question, or be the first texter who got the answer right.
I'd already won a pair of tickets on Friday, but I wasn't satisfied as there are 4 people in our family! (dad, mum, me, lil sis)
So what I did was to try my best the next contest day on Monday, and I won! But since you can't win twice using the same cell phone number or ID, I used my little sister's cell and ID. The DJ was pretty suspicious, especially after he heard our address, and he went "Are you sure you haven't won before?"
And I'm like "Nope! Never!" Lucky for our family that my sister and I have about the same voice.
Phew! Nervewracking!
Tweeted it!
I am so totally in for BEA next year!! I'm jealous that I didn't get to go and meet all of you wonderful year, next year.
And what an awesome give away! Hmmm...what would I do for Catching Fire? Unlike Drea, I probably would sell my soul :p Pretty sad when it's really not THAT long until the book comes out...but yeah, I want to read it that bad! All three of those books are on my wishlist actually!
what makes me shiver:
-flies when they come to close to my ears. i dont know why, but whenever this happens, the buzzing is all i can hear and it freaks me out so bad. hence, i shiver.
-walking out into the hallway at exactly midnight. i am a very paranoid person, Lenore, very paranoid indeed. the fact that its midnight, dark, and quiet, only makes me more paranoid. i shiver a lot then too.
-when i'm reading a really scary, suspensefull book--such as skeleton creek--i shiver a lot, and get goosebumps
-when i first go under the covers at night. my sheets are always really cold.
-when i'm really cold and go take a warm shower--i shiver a lot and my teeth chatter
sell my soul to the devil, or let some creepy lamia (thing DRAG ME TO HELL, the movie) drag me to hell.
thats just about it.
I am also going to put this on my sidebar, and link to this post.
i suuuuuuure hope i win
PS: if i get people to say they found out from me, will you give me extra entries? like, no joke? completely serious?
i'm tweeting it too!
Oh, yes... I'd love to win! The whole jumping through fire thing just scares me to death! The only thing I'd sacrifice myself for is my kidlets!
But, this book sounds AWESOME. I subscribe. And, I'd review it!
Does that count?
A Novel Menagerie
Something that makes me shiver is when the creepy guy at chirch follows me around. It totally creeps me out.
Great giveaway!
What makes me shiver : the dark, simply! I hate the darkness! I'm pass 20 years old and I sleep with a night light... sad, I know!
infiniteshelf at gmail dot com
Hmmm, a really great about the time I convinced my young nephew that his mother and all the other moms really did have eyes in the back of their heads. I told him that they developed when women had babies and that the reason he couldn't see them is that they were camouflaged to look like hair. He believed me for months. *grin* Hey, he started it by asking if it was true.
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
What I would do for Catching Fire unfortunately doesn't stretch as far as getting a plane to America and going to BEA (I am only a student!) I also wouldn't y'know, catch fire. I'm sure at some point someone will say they will, but I draw the line at permanent bodily harm. But other than that, I'd do pretty much anything :)
Great lie I told: Back in the 80's my mom and I took my brother/friends to a Bon Jovi concert and Ratt opened for them. Told my brother that Mom got invited on Ratt's tour bus and got their autographs...on her body!! he believed me for a long time!!!!!
I would have liked to have seen you and Amy bowling.
I'll go with something that makes me shiver.
How about walking by the milk and yogurt section in the grocery story in a tank top.
Thanks, Lenore! Hope all is going great!
To get Catching Fire early--hmmm i would go without sleep for more than twenty four hours. I would camp out all night in a line to get it too. I might do some crazy dare of some kind. I would beg, borrow and bribe for a copy of that book. I can't wait until September--Aggh!
I always linked from my blog!
What makes me shiver? Spiders. Absolutely can't stand them.
bcanyon at hotmail dot com
A great giveaway be enter me.
What makes me shiver?Creepy crawly bugs..yuck.
Things that make me shiver are those creepy, crawly, multi-legged things that scurry out from under things in the basement! EEEEEEEEK!
I posted a link to your contest here:
Don't enter me. I just wanted to say I'm so happy I got to meet you even if it was only for a few minutes. I'm already looking forward to next year. I love your picture from the Empire State Bldg - I didn't make it there, but my husband did - the only camera he had is the one on his phone, so his picture's aren't that good.
All of the "shivers" that people mentioned make me shiver...sitting at my desk a bit freaked out. My ultimate eek out though is the thought of anything touching the back of my ankle...ughhhhhhh. Mostly the thought of scraping it with a door and..."happy place".
Thanks for the contest.
I am pathetic, but I shiver over shots. Moment i see them, i fall short of passing out. but my face goes white and i start to shake.
Thanks for the contest!!
What makes me Shiver? How about waking up in the middle of the night by yourself to total darkness after watching a horror movie?!! EEKS!!
Uhhmmm, may I just say that seeing all those books you got from BEA makes me shiver, shiver with jealousy, if that's even possible:D
I'm shivering with jealousy as well.
Wow, what makes me shiver? The first thing that comes to mind is having a nightmare about something bad happening to my husband. I wake up shivering when I do.
shelcows AT gmail DOT com
Some people have all the good fortune in the world! I would probably walk from California to Maine for a copy of Catching Fire.
Contest is posted in my sidebar.
What makes me shiver? eerie noises in the night creeping up behind me
posted contest in my sidebar
Wow. Great contest!
So. A lie?
OK. You know Soda Club? If you don't, it's a machine thingy that makes water fizzy. Then you add flavors, and - voila! - soda.
So it comes with special bottles that fit in the machine. The bottles all have dates on the bottom, telling you that you have to stop using the bottle by that date. I'm assuming that it's to get you to buy more.
Anyway. I was eating with my family, and my dad asks, "Hey, I wonder what happens when the date passes." Obviously, nothing does.
But I say, "Oh, I checked on Soda Club's website awhile ago. It's really kind of dangerous. About a month after the date - so you have time to get rid of the bottle - it just explodes."
That got everyone's attention. "Explodes?" My mom asks.
"Yeah," I say. "They set it so it goes off at night, in case you haven't gotten rid of it yet. I read that they're trying to make it go off in the cold, so it'll be in the fridge and won't hurt anybody."
I kept going on and on. Normally, I can't hold a straight face. But that time, no one suspected. It was really kinda weird, but VERY funny.
...yeah. Not the best lie, I know. But anyway, thanks for the contest!
My email:
(No lie. Hee hee hee.)
What lengths I would be willing to go to catch Catching Fire?
I really loved the first book, The Hunger Games so I'm dying to read the second book. And, to get this second book, I'd be willing to donate my other books to a library, just to have that one ARC of that one special books. And that would be quite a sacrifice, since I have some pretty amazing books in my collection & I'd have a hard time parting with them.
booklovergal12@hotmail. com
And I posted on my sidebar at
For Catching Fire, I would stick random pieces of paper into YA books in B&N advertising the wonderful Lenore and her outstanding blog.
Free publicity. Does it get better than that? Noo way Jose!
Great contest!
BUGS make me shiver! I don't care what kind. If they crawl, jump, or fly, I'm scared of them.
I would basically do ANYTHING to get my hands on Catching Fire!!! Thanks for the spectacular contest Lenore! :)
What makes me shiver? Last night- Catching Fire in my hands, gripped tight as sirens chased me through the midnight streets. That's a lie by the way. ;)
I tell many lies, but I guess the best lie I have made was more of an 'avoiding the real answer but not wanting to lie' lie. I missed about two and half months of my physical science class because I was too busy ditching in the library. Yeah, I'm such a rebel! I remember being so engrossed in Magic or Madness that science didn't matter. So, when I went back the last week of school to study for finals and Dr. Toad asked me where I had been I said "uuuuuh...out and about." I didnt want to give away my hiding place.
Something that makes me Really good music, like the score for LOTR, or Harry Potter, but lately it's been Rostropovich's cello concertos, not only do they make me shiver, they make me laugh, they're just that beautiful. They make me so incredibly happy.
I would catch Halley's Comet for Catching Fire.
I posted a link on my twitter, myspace, facebook via twitter, and LJ! Wow. I must really want to win. I never go for the posting links bit.
You know what makes me shiver? Birds. Ugh. Especially big black crows. Ugh. Their feathers, and talons, and little beady eyes. Even thinking about it right now. Ugh.
One of my better lies from childhood was one day, I was playing with the taps in the bathroom downstairs. I had this fun game where I would plug the drain in the sink and let the water run until it was almost full, then pull out the plug. When the water drained, it made this really funny sound. Well, I plugged the drain again, but I got bored waiting for the water to fill up, so I went to go look for something. I ended up getting distracted and watched a movie. The bathroom was completely flooded. When my mom asked what happened, I told her my brother did it. She believed me. Keep in mind though that I was about 5 and my brother was 3. Eh, I was still a jerk.
I also posted a link to this contest on my blog at the top of the right sidebar. :)
Here's a childhood lie that I got caught at :: I used to forge my mom's signature in school. Extremely embarrassing when I got caught.
Tweeted ::
oh! oh! Please enter me! Shiver huh? My husband is out of town quite a bit for work. It's really windy by our house and sometimes I hear weird sounds. It sounds like someone is INSIDE! It freaks me OUT!
Oh lies....well, I told some good ones to my mom as a teenager. The one I thought she would never fall for and couldn't believe she did....I knocked this lamp over and it shattered. I left it there for her to find and totally blamed it on the cat knocking it over. ;-)
Sounds so fun! I love bowling, but it's so expensive...
To read catching fire, I would drink an "anything smoothie" which could include mustard(barf) or cheese or pretty much everything in the kitchen sink. I'd probably puke afterwards, but it'd be worth it to read about what happens with their world and Peeta and Gale....!
I blogged about your giveaway here:
Oh, and I forgot my email on my previous comment.
So this is the most offensive lie that I think I've ever told, but once I lied to some Mormons who were going door to door and told them that I was Jewish. It just sort of popped out and then I felt bad and embarrassed admitting that I'd lied. If I had it to do over again I'd show them (as well as other people whose culture I appropriated as my own) the respect to be honest and just tell them I'm not interested.
I'm not sure how far I'd go. Pretty far. I've been entering lots of contests and crossing my fingers and twittering about contests and posting about contests. And feeling like a fangirl gone mad with how excited I am.
Things that make me shiver... hmm. Not a lot, but I really don't like bees. I like the idea of bees, I like how awesome bees are, but I have an intense irrational fear of them. Whenever one gets close I shiver, jump and run away like I'm six years old. I would like to have bees in my yard one day, so I have to get over this fear somehow.
Will tweet later this afternoon!
Shiver: If it ain't cold out and I'm not sick, I shiver because I am feeling deeply shaken up or I'm panicking to an extreme level. Sometimes I get like this when I'm talking about things that upset me, or, the complete reverse, when I'm talking to my crush and I'm aware that he is really really close or something. ^^;;
LIAR: Erm, I lie quite a bit, especially if I wanna get away with something... Or to make someone feel happy. But a school example: There was an essay I let slide because I was too involved with the extracurricular activities and clean forgot it was due. I acted sick and delirious and even got a doctor's note in order to get an extension. <-- is really good at acting sick.
I would even carry out the act for days just to be convincing about it.
I would go to very great lengths to win a copy!
As for what makes me shiver..I'm pretty tough, for the most part. I can deal with snakes and spiders and most creepy-crawlies juuust fine. The one thing that truly gives me the creeps is CLOWNS. Can't stand them!
I'm cold all the time anyway so I end up shivering anytime I eat ice cream.
What makes me shiver: hairy spiders, fingernails on a chalkboard, and the sound of dry fingers rubbing together.
I would absolutely love to win Catching Fire (as well as the other titles). I'm sure everyone would love to win Catching Fire though!
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'd "live" without internet for 3+ months!
Izaya at hotmail dot de
Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend! One thing that really makes me shiver is... lima beans. I know. Silly but true -- I despise them, and don't even want to look at them!
Thanks for the chance! :)
writing.meg [at]
Oh goodness, I'm embarrassed to tell this story, but in kindergarten I figured out how to rig a card game that I was playing with my parents, ensuring that I would win. I felt terrible, like scum, afterwards, but never told them about it. Instead, I just let them think they had a really, really, really bad hand. >_<
stephxsu at gmail dot com
And I've linked to this contest in my sidebar. :)
What makes me shiver? Spiders. Well, lots of insects, but particularly spiders. BIG spiders. We have really giant ones in FL. Spiders the size of your hand. Spiders so big, you can hear their feet *tick* *tick* ticking across the linoleum as they run across the floor. But I'm a wimp. It doesn't take one of those monsters to make me shiver. Anything quarter-sized or better will do it.
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
Count me in for this contest. For something that makes me shiver ... I have to go with leeches. I hate those buggerin' little squirming abominations! If God has a plan for every animal, he missed a spot.
I also posted a link to this contest on the top right of my own blog.
oooh I want all three of these books! Something that makes me shiver: fish. I have an irrational fear of fish. I cannot look at them. I don't eat them. I once had to quit a job that required me to animate one swimming. I wish I had traumatic fish stories to support this, but I really don't. It stems from when I was like 2-3 and a stuffed marlin on a wall freaked me out.
Forgot my email: shanasilver AT gmail DOT com
Hmm let's see...what would I do for Catching Fire...Well, quite honestly, I would probably go on a hunger strike until I got a copy. And something that makes me shiver...ticks. I always hate finding them on my cats (especially when Frontline doesn't work).
I also posted about it in my sidebar
I teach high school special ed, so when a student actually READS a book (any book), and tells me how much they liked it, I shiver with delight!
First, I simultaneously want to implode and explode from an acute, overwhelming feeling that is very much like the lovechild of jealousy and desperate want. I cannot accept that there are people in this world who already have signed copies of all the books I want. It simply isn't fair.
And that very feeling is what makes me shiver - the bastard hybrid of desperation, jealousy, and impatience is causing me to quiver and squirm in my seat at this moment out of an inexpressible need to have and read those books. Honestly. I want them so, so much.
Something that makes me shiver? Injuries to fingers. UGH.
For some reason, watching planes fly-- either in real life, or on TV, even-- makes me shiver. Kind of an 'if I look too closely, the laws of physics will finally remember that planes really shouldn't be able to do that' thing.
aidoru @ gmail dot com
Hmmm. Big hairy spiders make me shiver. I've been getting better but seeing a real one...ooooiiii.
Fingernails on a blackboard make me shiver!
Great contest! Thank you so much for making it international!!!
My lies aren't really elaborate. Although, I can lie quite naturally if I don't want to do something. I have a hard time saying no so I avoid saying it and work around it.
Caching Fire - I would sell you to the devil. Joke :) I would sing really loudly in public (and I hate singing loudly in public).
What gives me the shivers? I get cold really easily so I could be sitting in the sun and have both heat rash and goosebumps. When I'm on my own in the dark and I get that unnerving feeling that someone is watching/following me. That makes me shiver - and increase my walking speed.
Thank you so much for making this international.
I never lie.
And there you have it. ;-)
Okay, for real, ice cubes down my back make me shiver, a really good scene in a book or movie makes me shiver, and being in a graveyard at night makes me shiver.
What I would do for Catching Fire? I actually saw a comic about this! There was a librarian who said they were in a Hunger Games type game with their fellow librarians all fighting over an ARC of Catching Fire. I would fight my co-workers over an ARC of this book. Maybe it's a good thing one hasn't appeared at our library...
What would I do to read Catching Fire? WHAT WOULD I DO? I would be willing to give up carbs for life if that's what it took. And if you knew me at all, you'd know that is pretty much the equivalent of selling my soul.
mya.rooney AT gmail DOT com
I linked on my blogs:
Oh, and another thing that makes me shiver is fantastic contests. ;-)
There's a link to this contest on my sidebar at
Thank you!!!
mya.rooney AT gmail DOT com
Wow, look at all these entries lol. Honestly, I used to lie a lot at one of my old jobs. Any excuse I could think of to miss work. LOL
Also, when I was a little girl I told my sister that a piece of cat poop was chocolate...I guess that's a pretty big lie!
The biggest lie I ever told was telling my mum and all my friends that the coolest guy at school was my boyfriend but it was a secret so it wouldn't look like it and they weren't to ask him about it. They still don't know I made it up! I know, sad and mortifying!
Lenore, I am so jealous of your book stack! (but in a good way) Liar and Leviathan and Joyce Carol Oates and Catching Fire? Wowza.
What would I do for Catching Fire? Pretending to be you at BEA would probably have worked, it seems. =) Otherwise, hmm... I'd make you chocolate chip cookies and send them to you in Germany! (Does bribery help?)
As for a lie - I don't lie much, b/c I have a terrible poker face, but I do have one good lie story. New Year's Eve 2000, my roommate and I were headed out for a night on the town in Boston. We wanted to take a cab b/c Boston in December is wicked cold but there were no cabs to be had, at all. So we called a cab company and pretended to be very angry b/c we had ordered a cab hours ago and it still hadn't arrived and how dare you lie to us and tell us that no order was in the system? It worked, too - we had a cab in about 10 minutes!!
ok. Done!
tweeted: @cristinareads
Clowns make me shiver. They are the only thing I fear. I don't even like to look at the word. Clown. AHHHHH!
Well I can't exactly answer the lie part.. since I can't lie. I'm the worst liar and whatever I try to lie I get caught because I laugh.
Something makes me shiver.
Gruesome killing of people.
And what wouldnt I be willing to do to catch Catching Fire?
Also I posted in my sidebar at:
:) Erica
WOW I really want to win!! But can't think of a great lie.. at least one I'd share in a public place!
I would kidnap a cat for a copy of Catching Fire, not your Emmy of course :) I'm seriously kidding btw.
Um to get a copy I think I'd do pretty much anything even eat five worms. But only five or two hehe :D
lc_intocable [a]yahoo[d]com
what makes me shiver? I would have to say scorpions. They usually come inside my house in the summer or when it is hot outside. It really sucks!
I have added a link on my blog
I would sell my little sister to catch Catching Fire. =D
kal09139 at hotmail dot com
What makes me shiver? Spiders. I will shiver, run, then bawl like a baby with the slightest threat of spiders.
I've linked to this awesome contest for a 2nd entry!
To this day, going across bridges has always given me a shiver, especially over water. I live here near Mpls, and when the 35W bridge collapsed I just shook. Thankfully, no one I knew was in that area at the time, but the repurcussions are still being felt and folks are still recovering.
Thanks for the great giveaway and sharing these great books with one of us.
JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com
I would willingly participate in the hunger games for a copy of catching fire!
Your so lucky you got two. :)
Enter me please thanks for having the contest.
Something that makes me shiver ...
SNAKES give me the BIGGEST goosebumps! I don't even like pictures of snakes! In 7th grade science, I would tape white paper over the snake fotos in my textbook, just so I wouldn't have some slithery thing staring at me while I studied.
(Reposting because I forgot to add my email address!)
Ooh, Catching Fire! I'm DYING for this book! Hmmm... what would I do to catch Catching Fire...
Ooh, I know. I would travel around my entire town reciting passages from The Hunger Games, while carrying a sign that says "GO BUY THE HUNGER GAMES BY SUZANNE COLLINS. (And go pre-order Catching Fire, because you'll want it.)" and when it got too dark to do that, I would head to the library and post fliers all around saying "CHECK OUT THE HUNGER GAMES" and then swing by the local bookstore and post a note on the front door saying, "ORDER COPIES OF THE HUNGER GAMES (you'll need them)."
The funny part is, this is totally something I would do, and is very possible to do for real. ;)
Nothing says dedication to a series like getting tons of people to read it! I'd say supporting the series is a good way to show how much you want the next one. :D
Something to shiver for? The cold. XD Aaand. Presenting in front of class. Gaah. I shiver just thinking of it.
Alex & Lauren at aflightofminds(at)hotmail(dot)com
The biggest lie I ever told was when I was 6 and Santa brought a horse to all of us. (I have 3 siblings.) He had left a note on a saddle saying this. When everyone else woke up, there was a note addressed ONLY to me! When I was questioned by my parents, I said that Santa had brought me a horse because I was the only one who had written him & asked for one!!! ( The original note wasn't found until summer!!)
And linked in our sidebar here
Alex & Lauren at aflightofminds(at)hotmail(dot)com
My best lie(s): whenever I meet new people who annoy me, I always tell them that I have a three-year-old sister who can do algebra. They actually believe me. :)
I've also linked to this giveaway:
Catching Fire? Oh, I'm soooo jealous!
I would be willing to do anything... Even (gulp) let spiders crawl on me, and I hate spiders with a PASSION!
For Catching Fire, I would give up my greatest IPOD. I can't remember my life before it. :)
The greatest lie I told:
My mother told my younger brother, S, that he had to clean his room before he could go outside and play. He cleaned, and when he went outside, I snuck into his room and messed it up again.
THEN, when he came back inside, he couldn't figure out how his room got messed up, so I told him it must have been a poltergeist.
He told my mother the same thing, and she grounded him for not cleaning up his room and for lying.
And he spent the next few years convinced his room was haunted.
(I must really want Catching Fire, because that story makes me look so terribly, terribly evil.)
What makes me shiver? Big, fuzzy Moths. Since one flew into my eye. Yuck!
I've just posted a tweet about it on my Twitter:
And to win Catching Fire...I would dive into a pool of jello, even though I hate slimy stuff on me. And I also hate jello.
Also, I can't dive so it would probably be a belly flop. But I would do it. :)
What makes me shiver are spiders crawling on my ceiling.
Something that is making me shiver right now is our cold basement. Hello socks ... normally I save you for winter :P
Something that makes you shiver: When I leave the window open for the entire day. Then when I go to sleep and close the window, my bed is freezing and makes me shiver.
~ Popin
I've also posted your giveaway on my sidebar.
~ Popin
I would be willing to lie (although not to win prizes) and shiver, by jumping into the ocean in January!
I posted this contest on my blog here:
Hmm. What would I do to win Catching Fire? I would dye my hair pink, maybe even multicolored. I would jump into a freezing cold ocean. Swim with the jellyfishies. Wear only one color for a year. I would go for a whole month without reading another book (which would be tough for me). Give up music or tv for a year. Give up chocolate. I might even consider giving my little sister my (bigger) room to get Catching Fire. I'm dying got this book, so I'd pretty much do anything.
I had to have surgery to correct a congenital malformation of the knees when I was 14 and 15. Then I had to wear a cast from my ankle to my hip for eight weeks. I had loads of people asking me what happened to me.
Finally I told someone I had been standing on the BART platform and someone had pushed me off, into the path of the train. I said I had tried to get out of the way but my leg had been severed and a brilliant surgeon had managed to reattach it.
Then I looked annoyed and shocked and said I couldn't believe this guy hadn't heard about it since it had been in the news so many times and he said yes, he had heard about it. Then one by one everyone else who was standing around waiting for the bus with us said they'd heard about it too and started supplying all these odd details.
I would partcipate in the Hunger Games to read Catching Fire!
OK that's a little extreme, I wouldn't do that...
But I would shiver in the cold, while telling lies to my cats, and then go catch some fire and warm myself up!
I posted this contest on my blog
Linked it:
nasty creepy crawly bugs make me shiver
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Hmm... Well, I'm a lousy liar, and I live in Chicago so I don't shiver unless it's fifty below. So I guess that means I have to say what I'd do to catch Catching Fire.
In order to catch it, that means it must be falling. Or someone must have thrown it away (horrors! okay that made me shiver). So, let's say someone threw it off a fifty-story building. I'd leap after it, strapping on my handy, pocket-sized parachute on the way down, securing it just in time to wrap my fingers around the binding of Catching Fire. Then I'd float to the ground.
And if I forgot my parachute, I'd whip out my foldable hang glider and steer it to the book, catching it and tucking it safely into my vest-of-a-thousand pockets. Then I'd take my glider down.
And if I forgot my glider, I'd sprout wings and fly, then hug that precious little book to my chest. And, *yes*, that's possible. Cause I'm stubborn and I'd find a way to make it happen. :)
Ok, this is sad, but the thing that makes me shiver is looking into the mirror with the lights off...ever since I was little and heard the Bloody Mary game I can't do it!!
I just tweeted your contest.
Wow, this contest is already so hot that I'll bet the people entering will have a better chance of catching real fire than winning Catching Fire. :)
And I blogged about the contest here
What lengths would I be willing to go to catch Catching Fire? Well, I'd say any lengths, but I'm guessing you want something more specific. So this is what I'd do:
Give away every single book I have.
It's not like I have hundreds of books or anything. But the books I do have mean a lot to me, since I only own my favorites. I would give every single one of them up just to be able to get Catching Fire.
Another thing that's just as terrible, if not more so:
I'd go under freezing cold water and force myself to stay there for as long as I could hold my breath, which is about a minute or so. No, this wouldn't make me shiver. It would just make me scream a lot. And maybe give me a heart attack. I have a horrible fear of being submerged in cold water (nearly drowned when I was 6, and the water was so cold it hurt). I'm sure in the Hunger Games contestants would have to face their fears at one point, so this might seem more fitting.
What else, what else...
Live in the woods for a year. Yet another thing I'm afraid of (funny how I live right by it), with all the bugs and lurking animals/axe murderers and the cold/dark and no music or friends or books or anything. Did I mention the very scary animals? Try walking home from school only to see a ginormous bear walking along your driveway - not a calming picture, I assure you.
I've listed the worst things I could think of. I would do one of these things or all of them. I may be a little - or a lot - crazy afterward, but I know it would be worth it.
I posted a link to this contest on my LiveJournal.
Here's the post:
what makes me shiver - hmmm definitely Chicago winters when it's sub zero temps
msboatgal at
What makes me shiver (in a good way)? Beautiful music or beautiful poetry. What makes me shiver (in a bad way)? Poor grammar or awful writing.
What a great contest!
Sorry, I forgot to add my email in the previous post:
What makes me Shiver? If I dream of something and then the next day, similar things begin to happen! SHI-V-ER!!!
Oops ... tehashley(at)yahoo(dot)com
What makes me shiver in a bad way? The sound of a helicopter. I was working on the top floor of a helipad at a hospital four years ago when a helicopter crashed onto the helipad right above my office. I still remember the sound of the propeller grinding into the concrete. Thankfully, no one was hurt. Still, it's a sound that I can't help but think of every time I hear a helicopter overhead.
Wow....thanks so much for this contest, and look at all the entries! Great blog, my first visit so I'm glad I got to check it out!
I'm not a very good liar so I'll have to go with shivers....the good kind...those first few raindrops on the back of your neck!
What makes me shiver--it's always been sharks. Ever since Jaws, I can't go in water without worrying about sharks. This is embarassing but sometimes I EVEN get wierded out in pools! :)
Thanks for the great contest!
Also posted contest @ my site:
i've wanted Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater ever since i learned about her inking a deal with scholastic for it in Library Journal or something. it's been well over a year, i think. anyway, i'd LOVE TO HAVE IT. and i would sell my soul for Shiver! and Maggie KNOWS! hehe i love Maggie and this is a fantastic giveaway!
Awesome stack of loot! Yay for books!
One thing that makes me shiver? Great big hairy spiders, the kind my grandfather would say you can "slice up and fry for dinner". Ick. I'm shivering just writing this.
tweeted about this @sharigreen :)
shari579 AT
one lie I told?
Well, I went to an all girls school, and I would tell them about this gorgeous guy friend I had. I eventually had to make up a whole family for him. My stories must have sound genuine because about 3 years ago, I met this friend who'd listen hours about "my-boyfriend-who-did-not-exist" and she after asking about my husband and children whom she hadn't met, she asked me about the imaginary guy!!!!
Oh! I so want a copy of Catching Fire!!!!!
cheboricuas AT gmail DOT com
I posted on facebook!
Yeah! another entry!
What made me shiver is when I've done venipuncture on a patient and then his vein started to bulge. That was really scary for me because it was the first time it happened to the person whom I extracted blood.
As for Catching Fire, I'm willing to catch a shark. :)
I posted this contest here:
LJ -
Multiply -
I did posted the link to my facebook profile!!! I loved the Hunger Games and cannot wait to read Catching Fire!!! I heard its amazing from a friend that already read it. Again cannot wait to read it!!!!
Scary and slasher movies make me shiver. Even the commercials will make me lose sleep for days especially if my hubby is out of town.
All three very good questions: What makes me shiver though? Easy - piles and piles of dirty laundry. My worst nightmare!!!
mmillet at gmail dot com
Something that makes me shiver? about the GIGANTIC black widow spider and her very large egg sac that I shooed out of my FRONT DOORWAY just the other night. Man, that thing was big!
Can't wait for Catching Fire!
What makes me shiver? The thought of being the centre of attention. I show up half an hour early to my tutorials every time because I can't stand the thought of walking in late and everyone watch me as I walk in and take a seat.
I have an odd thing that makes me shiver: the sound, feel, or even just watching someone tear, rip or even just have their skin get stuck to paper napkins. Ehhh, it's making me shiver now just thinking of it! Weird, huh?
Sara Larson
I posted it on Twitter baby! Sara Larson
I postes a link to the contest on my site.
Posted it on my sidebar.
Shiver: Seeing my English teacher. She's so scary. And I have to go to English class now...
Amazing contest! I absolutely loved the first book!
What makes me shiver? Hmmm.. perhaps a mass of snakes, cockroaches, and poisonous spiders in my room, which I only discover when the lights are off. Not to mention the convenient burglar/ serial killer person in the corner.
The one thing that makes me shiver & my hair stand on end is when someone is sanding a piece of wood. (Like when Jethro on NCIS sands that boat of his, I have to change the channel!)
What makes me shiver? Hearing Mozart's Mass in C Minor live at the Seattle Symphony. Violins send tingles down my spine.
karenkincy [at] hotmail [dot] com
Also, blogged about this here:
karenkincy [at] hotmail [dot] com
Sleeping with my neck exposed makes me shiver... I guess I've read too many vampire books! I always tuck the sheet around me like a turtleneck :-) I am DYING for Catching Fire!!!!!!!!!!! I also tweeted about your wonderful contest! (rachelsdreaming)
Rachel S.
The shivering part is pretty easy....the air conditioning in my office is currently set on high and full blast for the entirety of th work day. It's so cold in there that my fingers and toes turn blue!!
As for Catching Fire? Yea, I don't know that there are words to express what I'd do (within legal boundaries that is) to get that book. Seriously, it's painful how much I want it. Of course so does the rest of the population. LOL
What makes me shiver? Someone shoving a handful of snow down my back! :)
un_pissenlit (at) hotmail (dot) com
The one thing that makes me shiver is thinking about things that might exist "out there" that I don't know about. Like, what if vampires or werewolves really were real?
Blogged -
I reposted the contest at
What makes me shiver? Thinking about the time my nephew fell out of my second story window. (He was one. And he was fine - we went to the hospital and he didn't even have a bruise.)
neohippy10 [at] hotmail [dot] com
what makes me shiver? pencils where the erasers have gotten worn down so the metal scrapes along the paper. AGH! I'm shivering just thinking about it!
Nora have a lot of comments. But here are answers (and I love to write so I'm going to answer all three. I just hope you get to it!)
A great lie: My sister is sick (this is true and not a sob story!) what a children's version of Arthritis and when I was younger I would milk it for all I could. In the fifth grade, my teacher asked me why I didn't have my homework done so I looked her strait in the eye and said: "My mom has been working a lot and MAKES me take care of my sister and so I couldn't finish my homework"--that's right, not only did I take advantage of my sisters illness, but I told my teacher that my mother was a sick-child-neglecting-workaholic. She of course talked to my mom and told her that it wasn't good for her to be working so much and neglecting her children...I was so busted.
Shiver: I have always had an over-active imagination and it spins wildly out of control after midnight. I forget what is real and what is make believe. But in my older sister's seldom used bedroom (she is already grown and moved out) is a creepy, squeaky black pram (an old fashion stroller). And I swear that that thing is connected to some spirit because several times I've dreamt a old lady in victorian times is pushing this pram down a deserted street, speaking to some unknown thing. She has a long black dress, claw-like hands, withered skin, and gray, frizzy hair. I always fear that some horrible thing has happened or will happen to the baby in the pram but she is so possessive of the baby, but I also think that she is going to eat it. But as I'm laying in bed, waiting for sleep to claim me, I hear that old crone and the squeaky pram. She whispers "Its mine" sometimes, other times "I want it back!". Every time I think about this horrid pram I feel like there are eyes watching me. All I know is I want that pram gone.
What I would do to catch Catching Fire: I would defiantly hire Katniss from Hunger Games and Katsa from the Graceling to do what they do best to get me that ARC! Maybe I can convince that old crone to haunt who ever wins...
I want to read Catching Fire so badly!! I would do almost anything to get my hands on a copy, as long as it's not illegal.
What would I do to catch Cathing Fire?
Hum... I would parade through a huge avenue wearing nothing more than my underwear! :P
from Argentina!
Posted a link on my side bar:
I've heard that Suzanne Collins is a good writer but I would not sell my soul for it. Something that makes me shiver is spiders. I hate spiders. And Stephen King. Don't like him after he dissed a couple of my favorite writers. Thanks!
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