Thursday, June 11, 2009

Emmy meets the new kitteh

So we picked new kitteh up today. He was not scared one little bit. He wanted to run around in the car and not stay in his cage. The breeder also told us that he stole a cookie from her 2 year old daughter yesterday and defended it mightily. So he's definitely a brat.

I went up the stairs first to close off a "safe" room for the new kitteh, but Emmy heard his meows and raced out the door to meet him before I could catch her. We put him in the "safe" room in his carrier and let Emmy come in and check him out.

Here they look pretty friendly, but Emmy did hiss at him a few times, and we aren't about to leave them alone together for now. Emmy is totally stressed out, so I am spending time with her while Daniel is spending time with new kitteh. It wouldn't be fair to leave him all alone in a whole new environment, and every time one of us comes in, he purrs VERY loudly. It makes it hard for us to watch season 7 of 24. We are about halfway through and it is at a very exciting point! (At least I get to hang out in the room with the computer).

I'll keep you all updated on my exciting "kitteh theater" on twitter! Follow me at @lenoreva if you don't already.


bermudaonion said...

How exciting! They're both adorable in that picture.

Ana S. said...

Awww. It'll probably take a while for Emmy to adjust, but I can totally imagine them snuggling together :D

ANovelMenagerie said...

It won't take long for Emmy. She has to show him that she's boss of the manor and then he'll respect that.

He's soooo cute!

Brittany said...

awwwww I love kitties!

Yan said...

I want a new kitteh. So freaking adorable!!!!!!!!!!!! *squeal!*

~The Book Pixie said...

Awww! How precious are they? *cooing softly to computer screen*

Erica said...

Awww. They're both adorable.

I love cats, but I'm like insanely allergic =\

Liviania said...

Utterly adorbs! Good luck with the kittehs getting along.

Kate said...

Awww, oith kitties are sooo cute. I'm sure Emmy will come to love the new kitty in time :)

Alea said...

So precious!!!!!!!!!! <3

Genevieve said...

You got an award on my blog!

prophecygirl said...

He is so cute! (as is Emmy!)

Irish said...

such cute kitteh's I'm sure that they'll be good mates before long.

Anonymous said...

How adorable!
When we brought our little girl kitty home our old grumpy male kitty became very annoyed and hissed quite a bit. Turns out now that they're very good friends and our boy will lick the girl like he's her "mommy!"

Priya said...

Awww, the new kitteh is so cute!

Kristen M. said...

How sweet!

Kelly said...

Nothing's cuter than a kitten!

CeeCee said...

Other peoples cute pets makes me want one. Then I remember I'm not the best with animals. They are adorable though.

Anna Claire said...

That's about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Good luck getting new kitteh acclimated to Emmy and your home!

Memory said...

Oh my goodness, he's adorable! I hope he and Emmy click soon.

Literary Feline said...

Such a cutie! Both of them. :-) I hope they settle in well together soon. It took my two a while to adjust, but they've managed to quite well. Hopefully that will be true for your two as well.

Amy said...

How cute are they! I love that you call him a funny.

Beth Kephart said...

Oh, sigh. Your life with little white beautiful creatures.

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

He's too cute! :)

Chick Lit Teens said...

Awwwwww!!! How adorable! I'm a sucker for kittens (and any feline for that matter). Don't worry Emmy will adjust quickly and they'll get along well.

Ruth King said...

He is impossibly cute. I hope all goes well with getting him used to his new environment (and big sister)! I'm sure he and Emmy will get along great once they've had a chance to get to know one another.

Staci said...

I want them both!!! They'll end up being best buds!!!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Cat lover here. Both so adorable. A new addition is always a challenge. Good Luck.

karen! said...

oooooh... such a cutie. I hope the transition goes smoothly.

Amee said...

Aw! Hopefully they get acquainted soon. I want another kitty, but I'm afraid my cat would resent me for bringing in another!

Zibilee said...

I am glad your new baby is finally home! It must have seemed like such a long time to wait. Hopefully he and Emmy will soon be the best of buds.

Darlene said...

Oh my goodness, how adorable! Emmy will get used to him sooner or later. She has had all the attention to herself for a long time but once she realizes she has someone to play with, she'll be happy. Great picture.

Anonymous said...

They will get along may take a day or two, but soon they'll be the best of friends. What kind of name are you going to come up for this cute kittie.


Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

Aww! They are so cute together, I'm sure they'll be buddies and causing mayhem together soon enough. Sounds like you and Daniel planned everything out perfectly for the new kitteh's homecoming.

alastaircookie said...

Awwww, new kitteh! He's so fuzzy and vary ful ov kutenis!!!

(Sorry, I still have to brush up on my lol speakeazy!)

Both your cats are adorable, and I can't wait for more kitteh theatre!


Melissa O. said...

OMG, the new kitty is soooooo cute! Looks like the two of them will be quite a pair :-) Congrats on the new addition!!

Linda said...

The hissing will soon subside, though our two still hiss at each other occasionally. They will curl up together, and give each other baths - I think. He's so adorable. Can't wait until you pick a name for the new kitteh!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations on your new baby! :) He is very, very sweet. Hopefully in a few days, all Emmy's ruffled fur will settle back down and she'll love him as much as you o. :)

Anonymous said...

She's a beauty. We just adopted a new little kitten as well, this is number 3 and the last. Have fun :D

trish said...

You have the most beautiful cats ever. Seriously! I must forget about this before I go home to my own kitty, though. :)