As part of the tour, I got to ask Malinda some questions about her debut YA novel ASH (which I enjoyed and reviewed here).
ASH is set in a fantasy world. Did you create a map to help you get your bearings?

I do have one fairy tale in mind, but it would not be a young adult novel, so I’d rather not say more at this time. I’m a little superstitious about revealing too much about what I’m working on in the early stages!
My next novel, though, is not a fairy tale retelling. It is set in Ash’s world, and it’s a fantasy quest-type of novel.
Which classic work of world literature is ripe for a GLBT retelling in your opinion?
Hmm ... well, one of my favorite novels of all time is Pride and Prejudice. Everybody seems to be redoing Jane Austen with monsters these days, so how about instead of zombies, we had Pride and Prejudice and Lesbians? That idea cracks me up, except I love P&P so much that actually I would hate to have any of it changed. (I admit, I can’t bring myself to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.)
Wait! I’ve thought of one. Little Women. I want a retelling of Little Women in which Jo actually is gay instead of merely coded as gay, and she does not marry that German professor guy. That would make my day.
You did graduate research about The X-Files. What where some of your findings? And what is your all time favorite episode of the series? (Mine is “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose”)
I thought it was really interesting how the producers of The X-Files did incorporate fan feedback into their creative process, while simultaneously having extremely mixed feelings about the incredible level of investment fans had in the series. They wanted to please viewers, but they didn’t quite know what to do with their fans.
Since The X-Files was one of the first TV shows to have a dedicated online audience, the producers were some of the first people in Hollywood to be forced to deal with the blessings and curses of internet fandom. Sure, Star Trek came first, but most of Star Trek fandom developed before the World Wide Web, and it’s impossible to overstate how much of an impact the internet made on creators of TV shows. Instant feedback can be good, but it can also be stifling on creativity.
My favorite X-Files episode ... I just looked through an episode list to refresh my memory, and one stands out from the rest: “Bad Blood,” written by Vince Gilligan. A hilarious take on vampires. I love it every time.
I love that one too! Thanks Malinda!
Also check out Malinda's website for answers to frequently asked questions about ASH.
Want to win a gorgeous hardcover copy of ASH? Just tell me in the comments what fairy tale you'd most like to see reworked and what your fresh spin would be OR tell me what your favorite X-Files episode is if you are a fan of the show. Extra entry for linking to this contest in your blog (sidebar is fine) or social media site (please leave a separate comment indicating that you did so if you want the entry to count). Contest will remain open until 11:59 PM CST on Oct 3rd and is US and Canada only.
Amy not stealing Teddy and Jo's trip to Paris would make my day. I hated her character, she was just so... ARGH! And she burned her manuscript! *grumble-can't-stand-little-twit-stole-everything-grunble* }=\
Anyhoo! I'd like to enter, please!
I'd like to see Little Red Ridinghood get revamped. I'd make the Wolf a shape shifter infatuated with Red, the woodsmen could be the token-hot-guy-nextdoor or whatever, and Granny could be Red's gaurdian. I don't know how eating Granny would work into the plot, but- wait! I just got it! Hmm... I think I can work with this... :}
zombiegirrrl21 at aol dot com
I linked your contest on my sidebar. :)
zombiegirrrl21 at aol dot com
I would love seeing Little Mermaid getting revoked - it's be interested to see how that turned out.
:) Erica
I was going to say Little Red Riding Hood. I'll say Sleeping Beauty. I didn't read a lot of fairy tales. They didn't appeal to me or maybe it was because they weren't read to me as a child. I'd be happy to see any fairy tale revamped with an urban or contemporary setting and with people of color. One of the problem I had with classic children literature was that is was so foreign to me- first the fantasy and then no characters who looked like me. That gets exhausting.
Check my sidebar for a link.
I would LOVE to win a copy of ASH, I heard so many great things about it =)
The fairy tell I'd like to see revamped... The little mermaid, The beauty and the best and Pocahontas were my favorite while growing up. So any of these three would make me happy! New twist I'd like to see? Well I'll leave that to talented authors =P
I am a follower!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I'd love to see Beauty and the Beast reworked. It's done fairly often but I'd love a new one!
It's hard to think of a fairy tale that hasn't been reworked. I suppose I would like to see a new spin on The Little Mermaid. Maybe something from the evil sea witch's perspective?
amanda n.
I would have had a different answer back when I watched religiously, but I think the X-Files episode that's stuck with me the longest is "Jose Chung's From Outer Space". And man, now I really want to go back and watch all of these. Times to break out the old VCR?
tweet tweet:
amanda n.
I'd want The Little Mermaid to get redone. Kinda like the premise of that book that's coming out in '10, Forgive My Fins.
shutupjessicasreading at gmaildotcom
I would like to see Beauty and the Beast redone. Beast could be a shifter. Belle could be a witch or something. a forbidden romance.
Don't enter me! I already have this book. I just want to comment on the awesomeness of Malinda Lo doing research on the X-Files for Grad School. That is so badass. :-D
I think Snow White should be redone. It was never one of my favorites. Instead of Snow being naive enough to take the apple, they should change that up and then have her rescue the prince somehow instead of him rescue her.
I'd love to see Peter Pan revamped. It has always been one of my favorite fairy tales, but I always had a secret wish that Peter Pan would fall in love with Wendy, not simply see her as "his mother" - which sounds kind of creepy now that I think about it... ! It would obviously have to change quite a bit...!
Thanks for the contest!
+1 linked contest on sidebar @
I'm not sure about my favorite X-Files episode, but one that's really stuck with me would be "Home".
bcanyon at hotmail dot com
I'd like to see The Little Mermaid reworked since I've never seen a retelling of it.
I know it may never happen in YA, but I would love to see Bluebeard redone and modernized. I just love the cleverness of the heroine in that fairy tale.
i would like to see swan princess re-worked. I loved that movie :) I would like to see it with a main character of color oor maybe 4 it to be more like the ballet (swan lake).
I would love to see Hansel and Gretel reworked. I wouldn't want to modernize the story, but I think that modern special effects would be able to do amazing things. Except the witch should actually be a vampire, not a witch woman.
I don't know if this counts as a fairytale but I would love to see Alice In Wonderland reworked! :D
Linked to the contest on twitter!
I really want to see a male version of Cinderella. Like, really badly! Linked sidebar:
faked_sugartone at hotmail
I was always a bit peeved that after "Happily Ever After" the story was finished. I'd like to see Cinderella or the Sleeping Beauty after the "end" going out, getting a job, and learning how to live with this magical person who 'saved' them. Inject real life into it, in other words.
I'd love to be entered to win Ash!
+1 I'm adding this to my blog sidebar.
How about a modernized version of The Elves and the Shoemaker? I always loved the Ugly Duckling but that's been reworked many, many times on the big screen.
melacan at hotmail dot com
Favorite X-Files - there was one with these 3 sons that lived in a house with their mother. She was kept on a flat rolling board under like the bed or something. At the end of the episode they all drive away to some 50's like song.
foltzfantasticbooks at
Ash looks amazing! I'd love to win a copy.
Someone else already mentioned it, but The Little Mermaid would be a good one. In the original story, she is changed into sea foam and it's such a tragic story. I'd love to see a modern twist on that.
I would love for The Little Mermaid to be redone in a darker, modern way. Maybe a little less happily ever after.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I am so desperate to read ASH!
I don't have a specific fairy tale I want retold, more of a type: I'd like to see a retelling of some of the classic fairy tale tropes (like the series of three trials where the first two would-be heroes are unworthy), but with some sort of unexpected twist.
I'd love to see Cinderella where instead of a princess, it was a princess and a servant boy.
I also tweeted here
jpetroroy (at) gmail (dot) com
Great interview:) I love Pride and Prejudice too, although I'm really dying to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies:)
Anyway, I would really love to read a retelling of Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast, I've seen lots of retelling of other fairy tales and although there are some for Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast, I'd really like to see more, I think it would be great:)
Thanks for the contest!!:)
Beautiful map. And I can definitely see Jo being lesbian--that probably would've made for a much better ending than that German professor marriage copout! Grrr. I, too, will not read P&P&Z cuz I love the original too much. If I could retell any fairy tale it would be.... oh dear.... this is too hard to decide. I'd want to do something obscure, but I can't remember any names off the top of my head, especially as my Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales book is not with me right now. Maybe something with swans? Shape-shifting made fairy tale-like. That would be cool.
I've also linked to this in my sidebar. :)
stephxsu at gmail dot com
my favorite x files episode is "the blessing way"
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. But what if Snow White just kind of invaded their house, and they don't really like her. After that it's all blurry to me as I don't have much of a creative side.
There is a fairy tale called the Mouse Princess. A boy falls in love with her and marries his mouse love. This is enough twist in itself. Who says the boy is always the animal in romances?
neohippy10 hotmail
I'd really like to see a re-worked Ugly Duckling. I think it could be creatively tweaked to have modern day boy who lives in present day superficially focused society & wants plastic surgery, until he learns to accept self.
Heh. I loved The X-Files. I have several favorites: Quagmire (love the scene on the rock in the lake), How The Ghosts Stole Christmas, X-Cop, First Person Shooter (Go, Skully!) and Hollywood AD (I laugh every time Tea Leoni goes by practicing running in heels). I miss that show.
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
No need to enter me in the giveaway! I already have a beautiful copy of Ash! I just wanted to let you know that I loved this interview :) Great job Lenore!!
Ooh! The fairy tale I'd most love to see rewritten is Sleeping Beauty. I love that tale!
I would love to see Sleeping Beauty reworked so she doesn't just sit around snoozing and waiting for the prince to rescue her.
karenkincy [at] hotmail [dot] com
I would like to see Sleeping Beauty redone to make the heroine a little less... boring. I also hated Amy's character in Little Women. Anyway, look forward to reading this one.
I'd like to see Sleeping Beauty written from the witch's perspective, without her being just an evil baddie. Something Wicked-esque, I suppose. But with less green. And there are some really great suggestions that other people have posted here which sound awesome, too. You can never go wrong when you re-tell a fairy tale. (Yes, okay, you totally can, but work with me here.)
I loved the Ugly Duckling when I was little. I don't know how it could be redone but that's my pick. Would love to win this one! Heard great things! Thanks
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
I'm a big fan of the comic book series 'Fables' so anyone willing to take on that world with more of a novel-like story. Particularly Rose Red, who always seems to be forgotten in fairy tales.
hawkeyegirl (at) gmail (dot) com
Also Tweeted the post @Hawkeyegirl.
I would really love to see Rapunzel reworked, although I have no idea how. I think that Rapunzel is a fairy tale that gets lost in the shuffle and should get more limelight.
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
emily DOT wittenberg @ gmail DOT com
would love to see 'cinderella' in today's world.
would love to read this book.
karen k
I was thinking of Sleeping Beauty - but that already got revised with Shrek. Another choice, the Little Match Girl - but instead of having her die from cold after lighting all the matches, I'd like her to discover that she has some sort of unusual power that allows her to see or hear events before they happen. Let her save someone important but untrustworthy and catch their attention. The person she saves will want her around and the match girl will go, get an education and will have to navigate her savior's greedy plans.
gaby317nyc at gmail dot com
Maybe Thumbelina or the Emperor's New Clothes would be interesting if reworked.
deidre_durance at hotmail dot com
I'd like to see The Swan Princess be redone. I've only seen the Disney version so maybe a 3-D version or even a live-action version.
Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to see Snow White redone.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
This one looks fab! I love the cover too.
My preferred fairy tale retelling would have to be Goldilocks. I'm not sure how to spin it, but I'd love to see it in a full-length book since I loved hearing it as a kid.
mmillet at gmail dot com
Thanks for being part of the ASH blog tour, Lenore! I loved answering your question about TXF. :)
Sleeping beauty - maybe with a sci fi cryonic twist or something...
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
I would love to see Sleepy Beauty told as a dystopian tale. I think that would be really interesting.
Linked on sidebar
When X-Files was on I watched all the shows -- I don't know the name of my favorite one though (I can never remember titles) but it was the one where they did a parody of aliens -- "her hair was red, too red" and he "screamed like a girl" etc. My husband and I quote from that one show all the time :-)
This sounds like an awesome book! Please enter me.
I would like to see snow white reversed. A pretty boy prince is in an enchanted sleep. And the 7 female fairy elves convince a passing beautiful, yet ordinarily dressed, princess, whom had sneaked away from her castle, to try and awaken the prince with a kiss. Although reluctant to kiss the boy and loose her first kiss, and unconvinced that a kiss will really break the curse, the princess eventually complies being the secretly soft hearted person she is. At first she is a bit taken aback that the boy actually had woken up, blushing a bit and trying to answer the boys questions of “where am I? What happened?...............wait.......did you just KISS ME!?!? ect. ect. They eventually strike up a conversation and what do you know it’s……….hate at first sight. The prince is a pacifist and pretty boy, who like wearing fancy clothes, going to royal events, tea, ect. Ect. Ect. while the princess, although very beautiful and hot, is a tomboy and spends her time secretly training in all kinds of combat and magic (secretly because she IS a princess and a GIRL and she would get in trouble if she got caught doing knight/combat/magic/etc. training AGIAN) and takes any excuse to get out of the evil (in her opinion) dresses and accessories that she is forced into (Notice above she is “ordinarily dressed”.)
lol. I got carried away. Sorry. I have a bad habit of making plots in my head.
I'd love to see Rumpelstiltskin revamped for a newer generation. It seems like that fairy tale isn't as popular for reworks, but that could be a good thing. A new modern spin on that one would be excellent, because it's such a creepy little story and outrageous. One could make it even creepier and sassy. Sassy would be nice. A couple fight scenes, and maybe a little more romance. Maybe the maiden ends up falling for the king even though he's an idiot who thinks people can turn straw into gold. I'd really love to read that book.
linked to this contest on my sidebar
I'd love to see a retelling of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. But instead of Dwarves, they're seven ghosts, demons, werewolves, fae, vampires, etc. I would love that.
Sara M
silentalibis AT yahoo DOT com
I really want to read this book. As for a fairy tale I'd like to see remade, I'd say The Little Mermaid. That would be interesting and a lot of fun!
I love Cinderella remakes!! Guilty pleasure:)
The book i'd like to see revamped is The Fox and The Hound! haha i know it's a weird choice but if you change the Fox to a girl and the boy be the Hound i think it would be really interesting! The big black bear at the end could be like a mean boyfriend or something! HA I DONT KNOW!!
Oh and i am a follower too!
I would totally like to see one of the fairytales, but with the main character as a GUY. that's be cool.
infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com
I was kind of weird, and my favorite story as a kid (other than The Twelve Dancing Princesses and an occasional craving for Puss in Boots) was The Elves and the Shoemaker. I know, random. Anyway, I'm really curious what someone could do with it, and what turns it would take. I have a feeling it would end up creepy...
I would to have Ash.
Add me to the list of Sleeping Beauty being redone. It's one of my favorite, but would love to see something new.
I'd love to see Sleeping Beauty reworked so that she's not such a passive character.
nnjmom at yahoo dot com
I blogged about your giveaway here:
nnjmom at yahoo dot com
I loved the Bad Blood episode as well. Very funny. The one that I keep thinking back to is episode "Monday" which was kind of like Groundhog Day X-Files style.
I'd like a Snow White where the prince (possibly blind?) falls in love with Snow White's personality and not her face.
That or a Cinderella with the BIGGEST feet in the kingdom. :P
muchdeepmeaning @ gmail . com
Hi! Please count me in
I think I'd redo Snow White.Make her more of an eccentric beauty then a classic one, but her in high school and make her fall in love with a charming boy with a 'bad boy' cover-up aura.
+1 I tweeted here:
harajukualice (at) yahoo dot com
I don't see very many Beauty and the beast stories and the few out there are just ok. So i would be totally excited if I saw this fairy tale reworked don't care how, just waiting for it, since its my fave fairy tale. Awesome Contest Lenore! Hope I win!
I linked to the contest in my sidebar
Ooh, I definitely think Malinda Lo should redo Little Women with Jo as a lesbian. I never really bought the original ending! I'd also love to see a retelling of Snow White where she's a bit brainier and her relationship with the evil queen is fleshed out more!
I would like to see Snow White re-worked. This story would be very cool if Snow White was a overwhelmed teacher of the Dwarfs, who are her students. The Dwarf's would all have different issues, ADD, ADHD, LD, physical disabilities, ect. It could be funny and informative. The Wicked Witch could be the principal and the prince could be the jock gym teacher who gets on her nerves. All the cafeteria sells is apple food, apple pie apple tacos, apple nachos, ect. I am liking this more and more!
I would love to see Beauty and the Beast rewritten.. maybe add a few twists and make it a young adult novel. Beast could be a werewolf. Or maybe the twist could be that the beauty was the guy and the beast was the girl!! That'd make one heck of a novel! Anyway, I wanna be entered in this giveaway!!!
staysil7 [at] yahoo [dot] com.
I think the Hunchback of Notre Dame could be revamped with a modern style to make it a bit creepier and more involving.
I would love to see a YA book of The little Mermaid, preferably kind of darkish.
+1 Link on sidebar:
I really can't wait to read this book. Please enter me in the contest! My favorite fairy tales made new are Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Rapunzell.
Ooh, I'd LOVE to see a modern remake of the Sleeping Beauty! I don't think there is one..yet ;)
+1 linked this contest on the sidebar at
I'm not in the US, but I have a US address - I hope that counts.
And I think I'd like to see "the Magic Flute" redone. It's such a beautiful story, and I think some amazing things could be done with it.
Fallen Angel in Series One was my favorite episode of the X-files
Cinderella has been done SO many times, but how about Sleeping Beauty? That might be pretty cool.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Tweet! Tweet!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I would like to see a modern-day re-telling of The Little Mermaid!
paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
I linked to the contest on Twitter:
paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED! A winner will be notified shortly.
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