I thought I'd also take this chance to show you a few German versions of US books that are on the loose here in Germany.
Jay Asher's 13 REASONS WHY (German title DEAD GIRLS DON'T LIE)
Carrie Ryan's FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH (German title FOREST OF 1000 EYES)
Markus Zusak's THE BOOK THIEF (same title in German)

Scott Westerfeld's UGLIES (German title - UGLY: DON'T LOSE YOUR FACE)
Kristin Cashore's GRACELING (German title - THE GIFTED)
Stephanie Meyer's TWILIGHT (German title - UNTIL MORNING COMES)
What do you think? Should I track down more German versions and post them on my blog?
Yes, please post more! I love the 13 Reasons one. I have that German Twilight - it's lovely!
Yes! This is so awesome!
yes! i love seeing what books are called in other countries - sometimes I like the other titles better. :)
That was really neat. Yes, please post more I love seeing the different covers and new names.
I enjoy seeing the foreign versions. How fun to meet international bloggers!
Yes! I'd love to view them. :)
I find it interesting that they changed the titles.
Yes, you should.
I love the warning "Don't lose your face." I'll have to start using it.
Definitely interesting to see those - the Forest of Hands and Teeth one is gorgeous. Totally prefer that one to the US cover.
The guest post was great! And those German covers are so interesting. I love how different designers interpret books.
I loved this post! Please, please do more!
PS. Some of the title translations are funny....love 'em!
I love teh German Twilight! It's gorgeous. And I think you should post more {:
Please do post more! I always like seeing different cover versions- and I especially like that one of the Book Thief (even though I haven't read it yet)
lol...Ugly Don't Loose Your Face?!
Some books I can see how the title needed to be changed for translation purposes. One I will never get is Harry Potter and the Philospoher's Stone being changed to the Sorcerer's Stone. We Americans are too dumb to know what the philosopher's stone is I suppose!!
I like this...I'd love to see more!
I always think it's so weird and interesting when they change the titles. They do that in French a lot, too, and for some reason the French titles they choose are always terrible and half the time make no sense.
Anyhow, yes, keep posting! Love seeing the other covers!
That 13 reasons why cover is mesmorising and makes the book like kinda creepy. Love it.
Ugly: Don't loose your face bwahahaha
Awesome! I loved looking at the other covers and seeing how the titles "translated" (or, you know, didn't!). When I was in England, I spent a solid half hour looking for my favorite books from home to see what they looked like in the UK -- and was surprised by many of the differences in cover art, etc.! Craziness! But really cool :) And, of course, I had to buy a British version of Harry Potter And the Sorcerer's [Philosopher's!] Stone! It has a place of honor on my bookshelf :)
The titles made me chuckle!! But I loved the covers!
Definitely. Its so interesting to see the different ways books are marketed in different countries.
Thanks for sharing.
I really enjoyed seeing the covers, and especially the different titles, of the German versions. Fascinating.
Yes, please! I love seeing different titles and book covers for titles.
Yes! German things are awesome.
I loved finding out that they had a French BSC version and seeing all the BSC members' names en francais...
Oh these are completely different! Really like The Book Thief one though. I just love looking at covers from different places :)
This was most fun. I hope you will do more.
If you ever see NBG over there in Germany (I'm not sure when the translation is due out), I'd love to see what it looks like!
Please do! I love seeing other covers in different countrie!
I love the German cover of The Book Thief!
this is a great idea! It's cool to see the different covers and the "new" names...
Yes, please keep posting these! It's neat to see the various cover art and titles.
Glad you all like it so much! I took more pictures yesterday that I'll post on Wednesday :)
I love the Book Thief cover. And Yes to more German covers
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