I used the series feature to find out if there were any new books in the Mode series by Piers Anthony (I had read the first 3) and I saw that there is a fourth, so maybe I'll go back and read that someday.
Generally I am reluctant to start series. I just don't want to be tied down. That said, I do own the entire Series of Unfortunate Events (Lemony Snicket), the three Violet books from Melissa Walker and all of Jasper Fforde's Tuesday Next books though I still have to read the latest. I bought all three in Libba Bray's Gemma Doyle series with plans to read them all. I also recently acquired Extras to complete Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series and I'm anxiously awaiting the 5th book in Shannon Greenland's Specialists series. And I will pick up Death by Denim (by Linda Gerber) since I enjoyed Death by Bikini and Death by Latte. And I think that's it for series I own.
I have checked out series from the library, such as a couple of VC Andrews (way back when), Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer and I read up to book 9 of the Left Behind series.
I've read quite a few first books of new series lately and am trying to decide if I want to continue. Hunger Games sequel? YES! YES! YES! Triple Shot Bettys in Love (sequel to Confessions of a Triple Shot Betty). Very excited! The second in the Joy of Spooking series? Most definitely. The Resistance (sequel to The Declaration)? Considering. Sequel to Far World? Maybe, but probably not.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some. It's amazing how many series books there are!
And now... on to this week's kitty pic!
Emmy likes us to carry her around in weird positions - the weirder, the better. Here's one of her favorites:

that's one awesome picture :-) kitty looks so relaxed!
Oh I forgot to list on my post all the VC Andrews books I have collected over the years. I haven't read any new ones in age's though. My niece keeps trying to get me to read that Uglies series.
LOL at your pic. It would take both me and my hubby to do that with out female cat. She kinda has a weight issue.
Thank you for posting the photo. Every time you do, I get the best chuckle. Love it!
Your kitty looks like she enjoys being pampered as much as my pooch does. They can be so funny!
Haha. Looks like she has been caught mid-flight!
Emmy is a riot!
I had forgotten the Violet series, so I went back and edited my post after reading yours!
LOL! Emmy is adorable! Now if only my dog Daisy would let me carry her around in that position!
Emmy looks like she's doing a yoga backbend. :) So cute.
Yes, I love series books...
OMG - I love that pic. And the gorgeous shelves in the background!
I've always wanted to try the Gemma Doyle series.
I didn't even notice the shelves in the background... drools!
I also love series books, although I don't think we have any that overlap. I'm a big fan of detectives and vampires and serial killers, apparently.
I forgot about Lemony Snicket in my bit about kids' series (which aren't in my library, but are in the house).
Perfect pic - Emmy and books together!
In my house, we call that cat post the "Dead Cat" -- it's one of my favorites.
Sadly, my cats don't do it.
As for the question: yes. I am trying to keep track of WAY too many series.
Emmy is adorable!! Love the pose!
I've been reading the Twilight series, even though I am 31...oops!
I enjoyed the Lord of the Rings in 8th grade but can't see myself reading them again. I'll always love the Little House on the Prairie Series. I guess I haven't really fallen into adult fiction series books...yet.
I have the entire Twilight series but have yet to start them...Emmy belly is just screaming to be rubbed!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! From all the comments I've read over the years, the Outlander series is one you either love or hate. There seems to be very little middle ground. Your mention of Scott Westerfeld reminded me of yet another series I forgot to mention!
I so love pics of Emmy-they are the best. This one is sooooooo cute. Buddy would never let me do that with him. lol.
As for series, I've done Harry Potter, I used to read VC Andrews also. I follow Anita Blake, the Betsy Vampire books-actually there are a few I like.
What an adorable kitty!! I'm amazed that she likes that!
Here is my first Tuesday Thingers post:
~ Wendi
I loved the Lemony Snickett books too. Cute kitty!
That's all the series you have? xD Either I have more than normal, or you have less than normal. Probably the former.
Also, have I ever mentioned that Emmy is completely adorable? Because she is.
Another great pictures of miss Emmy!
I read lots of series, from the Alex Cross books by James Patterson, to the Baxter series by Christian author Karen Kingsbury. I actually like to read series because I get so involved with the characters.
I've been meaning to check out Death by Bikini. I didn't realize there were already 3 out in the series.
Emmy looks so content, she has the humans under complete control.
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