I found The Memorist to be a more satisfying novel than The Reincarnationist. Plot and character development were much improved and the conclusion was far more engaging. A great read!
Sorry for the incredibly short review, but I need to pack for my return trip to Germany.
The contest which I first announced on my review of The Reincarnationist has been extended until January 6th! So far, I will be giving away 3 Reincarnationist paperbacks and I'd love to give out all 5, so enter now either by commenting on this post or at the original post. If you live in the US or Canada, you can also win the grand prize which is both The Memorist and The Reincarnationist.
A sequel that's better than the original? That's rare! Intriguing.
I think I already entered the contest.
I believe that I already entered the contest.
But this series sounds so very good!
P.S. Safe travels!!
I thought I entered on your original post, but I can't find my comment. If it's there, please ignore this one. If it's not - please enter me! These books look fantastic.
I think I may have already signed up, but if I didn't, sign me up. :)
Sounds awesome - please enter me in this contest :)
See you back in Germany soon! And bring me some CLIF bars! haha, just kidding.
When you first posted, I thought - eh, I'm not that interested. But I was in the bookstore the other day and saw the Reincarnationist and now I'm intrigued! So - please enter me -
(and best of luck on the flight home!)
I think I entered the contest already too.
I love the cover of this one.
Please enter me! The series sounds great.
This one sounds great!! Thanks for the opportunity!
daq_17 at hotmail dot com
Sounds great-- very Alias. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks!
I know I'll get around to reading this sometime next year!
Have a good trip!
Sounds good, please enter me!
Please enter me! I've been entering for these all over the place, maybe tenth times the charm. LOL
This sounds really interesting -- I keep picking it up at the bookstore and debating about it :-)
Oh I'd love to win these please please!!!
oh oh!
sounds very intriguing!
sign me up, please!
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