I have reviewed every non-picture* book I've read since the end of April except for one: Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. The reason I didn't was because I happened to read Jen Robinson's review (or reaction to it as she calls it) right before I was about to write mine, and what she said was exactly what I would've said, so I left good enough alone. *(I read a ton of children's picture books that I don't review on the blog).
In most cases, I post my reviews either right after I finish reading or a day or two after (depending on how my scheldule is). If a publicist or author requests that I hold my review, I wait on reading the book too. I have A LOT of books to read, so there is no problem for me to find one that is already out or about to be released. That means I have a lot of MUST READ books that I haven't gotten to yet...but I am patient.
I post many of my blog reviews to LT (when I think about it) and a few to amazon (if an author requests it or if I loved it and feel like it is underrepresented there). I don't post more to amazon because I am wary of their system. Whenever I posted a less than flattering review, I would get a ton of unhelpful votes (I never had a review removed though). Sort of turned me off to contributing there to be honest.
NOTE: This may be the last Emmy pic of the year since I am flying to the US on Saturday and can't take the kitty with me. Or I could run pictures from the archive if demand is high (let me know in the comments).
Emmy spends about 16 hours a day sleeping and she likes to sleep on our laps/arms while we are working. Here is her "contribution" to Daniel's output:

these cute kitty pics almost make me want to get another cat....almost...
You should pull from the archives! I wish I had one of those drawing tablets! They are so fun!
caite - well, if you invisible kitty ever gets lonely...
alea - or I could get Daniel to take pictures of her covered in ribbons and send them to me :)
I post only to my blog, but I do leave links in various places.
If my imaginary kitty get lonely I will get her an imaginary dog to chase her.
Emmy is adorable. I enjoy seeing her so much, I posted a picture of my dog today.
Currently, I only review for TeensReadToo.com - but I previously reviewed for YABCentral too. Sometimes my reviews are posted to Amazon, but I never post them there myself.
Oooh yes! Do that!
My dog sprawls across my lap just like that while I'm reading, but since she's a 45-pound basset hound, it gets a little complicated. On a more relevant note, I also wait to read books until their release or requested review date comes near---it would be too much to coordinate if I read them early, wrote reviews while they were fresh, and then had so save the reviews for a while.
I try to read books close to their publish date too. Sometimes this seems to even put me further behind on my reading.
The only books I don't review are re-reads. I wish I could post directly after reading like I used to but I allowed myself to get too far behind and now I'm in the middle of reviews from July lol.
Aw! Emmy is SO cute.
I loovvve pics of Emmy--she's so adorable!
i've been slacking on my book reviews lately, but plan to add them to my blog soon! (And just received Chalice in the mail--I can't WAIT to read it!)
Well if that is the last Emmy photo of the year, it's certainly a great one to go out on! She is absolutely adorable there.
I've heard so many detrimental things about posting reviews at Amazon that I have no desire to do so!
Its not so bad holding a cat while your reading but its not real easy to do when your trying to type on the computer. I mostly just post my reviews on my blog and LT. Every once in awhile I will post them at B&N.
I'm going to miss the pictures, but am going to be glad to see you!
Another adorable pic!
Cute kitty!
As for the reviewing, I review every book that I read. Every.Single.One. it's just one of those things that I always do. Even when I don't want to review a book, I review. If I invested time in a book and I loved it, I want everyone to know and on the flip side, if I hated the book, I'm going to vent about the book and why I hated the book on my blog. Again, it's just what I've always done.
I've been reviewing books for the last three or so years and I started reviewing books as a way to tell my friends in one place what I'm reading and what I thought. We started our book blog as a way to steer each other toward books we loved and know they'd enjoy as well and to steer each other away from books we know we'll hate.
Now that we've been blogging for a years, we've paid our dues and we get a lot of books for reviews from publishing houses and authors and we haven't really shook our whole being honest thing. We still review every book we read and we are still completely honest in our reviews.
Sometimes being honest isn't always a good thing because we've gotten rabid fangirls coming onto our blog to let us know how dumb we are for not getting what their favorite author was trying to get across in the books. *rolls eyes* But still, I review...LOL.
Also, the only time I ever link my reviews is if I'm asked by the author.
Rowena - Stay honest! That's why we love you gals :)
I am a "I just read this really good book and I can't wait to tell you about it" kind of a reader (assuming I did, in fact, really like the book I just read). So I have a hard time reading a book and then holding back on posting a review.
However, I have seen a couple of places where readers, authors and publicists alike want to see the review no more than a week or two before the release date, but preferably close to or after the release date. Hmm.
So what I do now is try to hold off reading the book (because I, too, have quite the stack of books to get through). If it's a book I'm really dying to read out of order, I'll post the review on Goodreads and then post on the blog closer to the release date.
With a lot of the books I'm getting, it's also packaged with an author interview or guest-blog by the author, so it's a little easier to hold off on the book review post since it's just one part of something we're doing about that book/author.
I review everything I read. I haven't put many on sights like LT or Amazon, but I might consider doing those more often too.
I have put reviews on Amazon when I am the first one to review it, or there is only a negative review, to balance things up a little. I haven't had a negative experience yet but I'm hearing of others who have. That is one relaxed cat, she likes to sleep in your arms like a human baby! Great photo. And thank you for commenting on my TT.
That is such a precious pic of Emmy. Buddy will lay on the table practically on my computer and sleep. Makes typing a bit awkward. lol.
why no picture book reviews? Those could be extremely fun :D
re: Amazon reviews-I've definitely encountered the negative side of writing those >.<
I wish I could be on top of it a review write after I read the book, but it usually takes me up to a week to get it up. Maybe my new years resolution will be to improve on that :-) Love ur kittie picture !
Awww!! I love that pic! :)
I usually post a review one to two weeks after I've read the book. I post on my blog and YABC.
Wow - that is trust - wonderful pic of Emmy!
I like to try to get my reviews up quickly, although I will schedule them on my blog if the author/publisher wants it for a certain date or week.
Here's my Thinger!
:) Wendi
Thanks Lenore, I just noticed that I talk too much in comments. LOL.
What a sweetie-pie:) How doyou get anything done with that spoiled baby around? She is adorable!
Do you know I've been worrying about your kitty, as you prepare to travel. Thank you for her photo!
And I agree about Amazon. As an author I've stopped looking at my own amazon pages a long time ago, after someone with a personal vendetta of some sort (I don't know who) made all kinds of derogatory comments about me personally and hardly mentioned the book. One wonders how that sort of thing is allowed to stand, but it does, and it taints the system, makes it unclear just what such reviews are for.
Love-love-love that photo. :)
I just LOVE that picture. too cute!
Sooooo cute! Reminds me of my dog when he rests his head on my book to get attention. He's the only dog I know that does that... seems like it's usually a cat thing!
This is one of my favorite pics ... I love how her fur stands out against all the black!
You must continue to run Emmy pics while you're in the states ...
Oh, and my Tuesday Thingers is here.
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