A sophisticated, layered, and heartachingly beautiful story about the power of family and friends, the choices we all make—and the ultimate choice Mia commands.
Read my review here. (Short version - I LOVED it.)
Visit the official site for the book at http://www.ifistay.com/.
Being an heiress in 1920s Austria with nothing but a broken-down castle to your name and nary a penny in your purse could be frustrating for anyone but the Princess Theresa-Maria of Pfaffenstein. “Tessa,” however, is thrilled with her situation, as it allows her to concentrate on her love of the arts—and no one in the Viennese opera company need know that their delightful and charming under-wardrobe mistress is really a princess.
But when the dashing self-made millionaire Guy Farne arrives at the opera in search of suitable entertainment for his high society guests, Tessa realizes that there may be more to life—and love—than just music. But while the attraction between them in undeniable, Guy’s insufferable snob of a fiancĂ©e only solidifies Tessa’s determination to keep her true identity a secret. Yet, after a chance meeting with the handsome Englishman, Tessa’s reserve begins to melt, and she starts to wonder if it’s not too late for a fairytale ending…

Growing up in a world of wealth and pastel-tinted entitlement, fifteen-year-old Carly has always relied on the constancy—and authenticity—of her sister, Anna. But when fourteen-year-old Anna turns plastic-perfect-pretty over the course of a single summer, everything starts to change. And there are boys involved, complicating things as boys always do. With warmth, insight, and an unparalleled gift for finding humor even in stormy situations, beloved author Lauren Myracle dives into the tumultuous waters of sisterhood and shows that even very different sisters can learn to help each other stay afloat.
Read a review by The Compulsive Reader here.

For almost forty years, Robert Parker’s inimitable private investigator Spenser has been solving cases and selling millions of books worldwide. Now, for the first time, see how it all began as the Mystery Writers of America Grand Master sheds light on Spenser’s formative years spent with his father and two uncles out West.
This is an event book for every fan of Spenser, and a revelation for teens about to discover an American icon.
To impress the popular girls on a high school trip to London, klutzy Callie buys real Prada heels. But trying them on, she trips…conks her head…and wakes up in the year 1815!
There Callie meets Emily, who takes her in, mistaking her for a long-lost friend. As she spends time with Emily’s family, Callie warms to them—particularly to Emily’s cousin Alex, a hottie and a duke, if a tad arrogant. But can Callie save Emily from a dire engagement, and win Alex’s heart, before her time in the past is up?
Prada and Prejudice is a high-concept romantic comedy about finding friendship and love in the past in order to have happiness in the present.
Read a review by Green Bean Teen Queen here.
Wednesday, September 5, 1973: The first day of Karl Shoemaker’s senior year in stifling Lightsburg, Ohio. For years, Karl’s been part of what he calls “the Madman Underground”—a group of kids forced (for no apparent reason) to attend group therapy during school hours. Karl has decided that senior year is going to be different. He is going to get out of the Madman Underground for good. He is going to act—and be—Normal.
But Normal, of course, is relative. Karl has five after-school jobs, one dead father, one seriously unhinged drunk mother . . . and a huge attitude. Welcome to a gritty, uncensored rollercoaster ride, narrated by the singular Karl Shoemaker.
Beatrice Wilson's life changes overnight when she’s discovered by a scout for the oldest, most prestigious modeling agency in America—for their plus-sized division.
Now she must find the confidence to vanquish skinny rivals, fend off sleazy photographers, and banish scheming frenemies in her rise to superstardom, all while trying to get her ex-boyfriend back. But Bea learns that to win prince charming, you first have to find a way to love yourself.
In 1993, while climbing one of the world's most difficult peaks, Mortenson became lost and ill, and eventually found aid in the tiny Pakistani village of Korphe. He vowed to repay his generous hosts by building a school; his efforts have grown into the Central Asia Institute, which has since provided education for 25,000 children.
Retold for middle readers, the story remains inspirational and compelling.
Read a review by The Happy Nappy Bookseller here.

Eon has been studying the ancient art of Dragon Magic for four years, hoping he’ll be able to apprentice to one of the twelve energy dragons of good fortune. But he also has a dark secret. He is actually Eona, a sixteen-year-old girl who has been living a dangerous lie for the chance to become a Dragoneye, the human link to an energy dragon’s power. It is forbidden for females to practice the Dragon Magic and, if discovered, Eon faces a terrible death.
After a dazzling sword ceremony, Eon’s affinity with the twelve dragons catapults him into the treacherous world of the Imperial court where he makes a powerful enemy, Lord Ido. As tension builds and Eon’s desperate lie comes to light, readers won’t be able to stop turning the pages …
Read a review by Alyce of At Home With Books here.
So what do you have to do to enter?
For 1 entry, tell me in the comments the approximate number of novels you read per month and how many of those are books you bought as opposed to sources like friends, the library, review books, etc. I just thought this might be interesting since a prize pack with 11+ books in it would be nearly a whole month's reading for me.
For 1 extra entry, post a link to this contest on your blog or social networking page (sidebar is fine) and leave a separate comment to tell me you've done so. No separate comment, no extra entry.
For 1 extra entry, read one of my author interviews and leave a comment at the interview post.
Deadline for entry is Sunday, April 5th at 11:59 pm CST. Open to US and Canadian residents only (sorry international readers, but those are the publisher's rules.)
1 – 200 of 277 Newer› Newest»Please include me in your giveaway. I read about 8 to 10 books a month and buy 2 to 3 books.
Please include me in this giveaway! I probably read about 12 to 15 books a month and I probably buy about 10 or so.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
There is also a link in my sidebar now!
I also left a comment on your interview with Courtney from Penguin.
Wooooohoooooo, include me in this generous giveaway.
I read 1 book a week, 4-5 books a month depending on how many pages a book has. I enjoy getting into a book, so I take my time.
I buy most of my books say 3 and read 1 review book I am send for free in return for my opinion.
I read anywhere from 6-12 books a month, usually about half of those are store bought. I have linked this contest to my sidebar at www.mssjossreadinglist.blogspot.com
Thanks! :)
Nifty! My average reading per month is kind of all over the place right now. It's usually anywhere between five and eight books a month if I'm on a roll and don't get snagged on anything. And currently they're all books I bought. Although I just finished reading The Chronicles of Narnia and those were a Christmas gift. But for the most part they're books I bought.
I've also posted a link to your contest in the sidebar of my blog.
Good question Lenore! Let's see I probably read between 8-10 books a month. It depends on how much I have during the week with school and everything. But if I really want to read a book I can usually finish it in one night.
This is such an awesome giveaway!!
Anywho, let's see I usually read 7 to 8 books a month but I'm really working on increasing that number.
I buy most of my books from Barnes & Nobles. I became a member of BookMooch recently so that has helped me gain a lot of books on the bottom of my TBR list. But for the most part I buy the books I read (=
Thanks so much Lenore,
mishtakes AT gmail DOT com
&& I have a link for this on my sidebar (=
Hiya!! Another great contest. Yeay!! I must say that I read about 8 to 10 books per month and Listen to 5-6 books per month due to my long commute. I probably purchase around 6 to 7 books per month, some for me and some for my friends :)
Thanks for this opportunity
curlyshoe(at)gmail(dot) com
It is me again..I just posted this on my side bar :)
I read 15-19 a month. I but most all of the books. I blogged about the contest! Please include me your giveaway! Link to my blog: http://amazeofbooks.blogspot.com/
-Senfaye :)
Let me scan back at my blog for an estimation... Over twenty, most of them are likely manga because they are quick reads.
I buy around one (usually mangas) every month. Top it off to ten which occur once or twice a year.
Wow, I would LOVE that. I read about 15-18 books a month and I don't buy any of them. My husband and I are both in grad school right now, so we have zero extra money.
I have linked this to the sidebar of my blog: www.orientaldesires.blogspot.com
It usually takes me 2 or 3 days to finish a book depending on it's size, so I'd say I finish 10 to 12 a month. Lately I've been reading mostly galleys, but I do mix in books I've bought from time to time (like right now!) This is a fabulous giveaway. milou2ster(at)gmail.com
ohh ohh! These books look amazing!
I read about 10 books a month and buy around 6 of them.
I linked the contest in my sidebar!
Heavens, I probably read about 9-11 books a month, buying approx. 3 and the rest I get from my library!
I just linked your contest on my sidebar!!
My Mom died last month. Since Thanksgiving when she became really ill I've read only about 2 books a month -I just can't focus. Before then, I was reading 10 a month! I hope I can find my back.
I read about 6 books a month and lately have been getting them from Hachette.
Hey Lenore
According to LibraryThing, I read about 40 books a month, not including picture books. Of these, I buy about two or three--the rest I get from the library or from Paperbackswap.com. (Oh, PBS, how I love thee.) Please include me in your giveaway!
Goodness, is Penguin good to you or WHAT? Hehe. From keeping track of my 50-book challenge on LT, It comes to a little over 10 books a month for me. (My reaction: that's it? But there are so many more books I have to read!). I tend to visit a lot of used bookstores and buy books that I know I'll eventually read, but my reading material is usually stuff from the library and swap sites. Hence why my TBR pile never diminishes.
I linked to this contest in my sidebar. Thanks for the amazing giveaway, Lenore!
stephxsu at gmail dot com
somewhere around 20 a month at least although hard to say because i some times have two or three going at once not sure about the second question as i scoff them up wherever i can minsthins(at)optonline(dot)net
Wow, 11+ books. I've got my fingers crossed.
I probably read about 6-8 books a month. I purchase maybe 2-3 that I read, but I buy books constantly for my classroom. Several students stayed after school recently to count the books (crazy girls) and the current total is 2,387.
I headed over to my blog right now to post info about this contest.
I read anywhere from 10-14 books a month and lately I'd have to say I've bought ALL of them! Some from used book stores, some from my book club and some from Target, Walmart, Barnes & Noble, etc.
I am posting a link to this contest on my blog too!
It depends... I'm starting to average 8-10 books a month and I only buy 2 or 3, but I've read 7 books in the last week (my senioritis is getting terrible!). And I'd love to be included in this giveaway!
Beth (& Nathan too)
I read approximately 6-8 books per month - probably 1/2 from the library and my favorite authors I buy.
msboatgal at aol dot com
Just want to say thanks for the link - I love If I Stay.
Someone is going to be very lucky with this haul!
Well, this month felt like a slow month for me - I read about 5 or 6 books. Last month, I actually read 11 or so books. I think it depends on my free time and the selection of books.
I try to not buy so many books and focus more on borrowing them. That way I know if they're good enough to own. I would say I'd probably walk out of B&N with 3 to 5 books every month.
cecilia { cecpham(at)gmail.com
I can easy read a book a day. I only buy one new book a week but buy about 10 used ones and have friends sharing with me too. I'm a book addict.
techyone at gmail dot com
Plus I just posted this on my sidebar at my blog
I've posted about your contest on my blog. Here is the direct link.
I read approximately 10 - 13 books a month. I purchase most of my books, but some I do get as ARCs.
Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful contest.
I read about 7-8 books per month.
I posted on my sidebar.
Ok...I don't really have an average..lets see, in January I read 18 books, in February I read 10 books and so far in March I've only read 6 books (yikes!) And again, it varies on the number of books I buy...I get a lot of books from trading sites, but there are several authors that I HAVE to buy as soon as their newest books come out.
I blogged about the contest here
Please include me in this giveaway.
Until recently, I used to read 6-10 books per month. I get most of my books on trade. I probably buy 1-2 books per month.
I read about 10-13 books per month. I only buy about one of them (I don't like spending money).
I blogged about this on my sidebar.
I read about 5-8 books a month (depending on my homework load) and I buy 2-5 books. I might check 1 or 2 books from my school library though.
Love your blog, BTW
i read 2 - 4 books on average a month. and i buy nearly all of them!
I commented on your first interview with Shannon Greenland!
I read anywhere from 5-9 books a month - depending on how much free time I have to devote to reading.
I probably buy one or two, get one from the library, borrow one, and the rest are for review.
I added it to my sidebar!
I put a link in my sidebar.
I also commented on your interview with Julie Kraut.
I usually read about 6-8 books a month. Not very much comparatively I am sure. :)
My average is anywhere from four to eight per month - it really depends on what else is going on in my life. Right now, buying books is not in my budget, but in the past I bought all the books I read. asthenight at gmail dot com
I commented on the interview with Julie Kraut and Shallon Lester. Thanks for the awesome contest!!!
-Senfaye :)
I read from 10-14 books per month and I buy about 1 out of that.
i average about 10 books a month so this would be a whole month for me too. although I think I am down this month because I have been swamped at work. And I get most of mine from the library because I am broke!
sports dot erikalynn at gmail dot com
i blogged about it
This isn't an entry just wanted to comment. Looking forward to reading If I Stay this week, co-worker read the arc, she loved it and couldn't stop crying. The Tales of the Madman Underground, sound like something I would love, thanks for putting it on my radar.
Love to enter!
Lately my reading has been slow and I've only read about five books a month, yet I've bought about ten so far this month. My reading pile just keeps getting bigger. Out of the ones that I've read this month all of them excpet for one I picked up because I saw them on book blogs and an author interview and they looked interesting.
yay! giveaway!
I read about 10 books a month, usually 1 or 2 are bought, 5 or so are from publishers, and the rest are from the library :)
oh, and every so often my friend lends me one.
linked in sidebar!
I read about 5 to 8 books a month and purchase 1 to 2 books. Thanks.
Nice giveaway! Please enter me!
Books read per month:
About 10-15 books per month and I buy about half. The rest I get from the library, contests, and books for review.
For 1 extra entry, post a link to this contest on your sidebar:
Please include me in this giveaway. I am reading about 10 books a month right now - mainly arcs - but I am not sure that I am going to be able to keep up with that pace! Especially when the kids get out of school for the summer.
Thanks for hosting.
kherbrand at comcast dot net
I read about 10 books per month, but I never buy any of them. I get them from giveaways, friends, and the library (mostly my friends). And this is a GREAT giveaway! I want to read some of these books SO badly!
I'd love to win! I don't really know how many books I read in a month. In January I read 32. In February, 13. So far in March, I've read 13 (but only posted reviews for 11 of 'em). Right now I'm not buying books - I'm hosting the 2009 Ban on Spending challenge, & haven't finished my TBR pile yet - so all of these are from the library, and for review, give or take a few from giveaway wins...
wouuld love to win
i read the whole twight series in 4 days
I also put this contest in my blog:
I left a comment on the Jennifer Banash post :) very interesting!
I read between 8-10 books a month-more if I can get through more audiobooks. That's what I finish too, there are months that I start books and then don't finish them (reading and on audio) I really wish I read faster and could read more-and had more time to read! I get most of mine from the library, since I work there, but I do buy at least 1-2 books a month. I've been buying more recently.
(Oh, thanks for linking to my P&P review!:)
Umm...this year I've been averaging over 30 books per month. Wow, writing it out like that makes it seem even crazier! I usually buy about 1/4 of the books I read.
I read about 5 books a month (I'm a slow reader, and haven't had much time lately) and all the books i've been reading are ones that I already own which I've bought at used book sales, online or won. Thanks for entering me for a great bunch of books!
Please enter me. I read probably about 15-20 books a month. And buy about 5-10.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I generally read 6 to 8 books a month, during the school year. On my off times, I read 10 to 15. Out of these 2 to 3 are usually ones that I have purchased, and the rest usually come from the library.
I'm not very good with adding creative graphics, but I've added this giveaway in the sidebar of my book blog.
Thanks again!
I don't keep track of how many books I read, but I've reviewed 10 in the last month. 8 were from publishers and 2 were from the library. I've probably read 2 additional ones that I didn't review.
I generally read about 15 to 25 books a month. And I only buy like 2 a month; but if I earned more money as a crossing guard, I would totally buy more!
rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com
I read about 4 or 5 books a month. Most are from the library or a friend but 1 or 2 are usually bought or won.
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
Another great contest thanks to Penguin and Lenore : D
Good luck to everyone who enters!
Link is here
My sidebar, too.
I tend to read about twenty a month, I'd say, and I don't buy any of them. I get them from the library mostly and sometimes a review book or two, or something I won in a contest.
I put a link to this contest here: http://bookcontestlinks.blogspot.com/2009/03/march-23rd-2009-contests.html
And I left a comment on the AS King interview.
I read 15-18 books a month depending on time constraints! Out of those, I probably purchase 2-3. It depends on my review load for that particular month. This is a fantastic giveaway!
What a fun giveaway!! I've read 20 books so far by the end of March so I guess that's 6-7 books a month. I would say it is pretty evenly spread out whether the books I read are ARCS/free, library or books I bought. I actually try really hard to spread it around when I'm choosing my next book to read.
I also took a gander at your P.J. Bracegirdle author interview and left a comment.
Thanks for hosting!
I read about 8-10 a month and most have been bought.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Novel reading varies hugely for me -- 3 to 15 a month! I get into and out of routines with it.
I also read about four non-fiction books a month for school and another non-fiction or so a month for myself. Those go a lot slower for me (maybe because I read novels for teens and non-fiction for adults).
Most of my reading, though, as a sociology grad student, is journal articles. Not nearly as fun as Laurie Halse Anderson... or MT Anderson... but I persevere.
I read about 8 books per month during school. 6 books are for book clubs and then I usually have a book to read for a staff member and I try to read a book of my own choosing too! I've been buying at least 6 of these per month and then borrowing the rest but I'm going to try and borrow more and buy less!
teach46530 AT gmail Dot com
I read about 6-8 books a month and I can't remember buying any of them except for one (on sale at Barnes and Noble). I think it's pretty cool that book bloggers and book reviewers get so many opportunities to receive free books!
When I saw this contest in my Google Reader and found out that 5 of them are on my Wish List, I had to sign up even though there are 88!!! entries already. It's impossible that I would win but ... I want my conscience to be clear. :)
I read 10 to 15 in a month. Some month's are heavy on purchased books, but I do a lot of library and free online books as well.
This giveaway looks awesome! Thanks.
I posted this on my blog at wwww.theimperfectblog.com
Okayy. This is going to make me sound crazy, right?
I read AT LEAST 20 books a month, though some are rereads. (I love to revisit old favorites.)
Also, before I used to buy at least 3 books a month but now I'm hovering around .5 a monthish. So the majority are loans from friends, library loaners and review copies. :)
oh. and I linked your contest to my sidebar at www.readerrabbit.blogspot.com
probably read 8 books a month and buy 8. Funnily enough, those aren't the books I end up reading :P
I probably read 8-10 books a month and of those I have bought at least half. Thanks for the contest!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
Yay! I want to enter! I read 4 - 5 books a month, and almost always I buy them. (My library is an agonizing 30 minutes away, by car.)
So totally want to be included in this giveaway! I read about 10 - 12 books per month and I buy maybe 2 out of that handful, lower than I would like but at least my local library is getting more attention!
Thanks! This is awesome. halleyjane@mac.com
Awesome giveaway!!
I read about 10-12 books a month, and would love to win a whole months reading. I usually purchase 1 to 2 a month, but am mostly reading review copies right now.
And just to help the odds - I posted a comment on your interview with AS King "The Dust of 100 Dogs". Loved the in character aspect of it!
Wow! Awesome giveaway. I read about 20-25 books a month and buy probably 1/2 of them. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
I also blogged about your contest here: http://debbiesworld.wordpress.com/other-book-giveaways/
dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
I also posted on your Shannon Greenland-Model Spy interview.
dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
I think I average around 6-8 books a month. Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on what's going on. Since I no longer review, I buy all my books (a lot come from paperbackswap.com so it's like $2.50 per book which is the cost to ship one book with media mail). I don't borrow many books. Maybe 2-3 a year tops.
I just commented on the Jennifer Banash interview for an extra entry. :)
Hi... Great give away!... I read about 8-10 books a month. I purchase about 3 a month, the others I get from friends or the library!
I read about 10 books a month, give or take. Most I've gotten from the library or in the mail. I may buy one or two, a month, tops.
carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com
I read 10-20 novels per month, depending on how long they are and on what else is going on. I only buy about 1 book in an average month - I'm heavily dependent on the library.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
Please enter me.
I read 10-15 books a month on average. I probably buy 3-4 a month. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
crystalfulcher at ec dot rr dot com
These past couple of months, I've been reading more than usual at about 11. Wow, that's a lot for me. Mostly, the books come from the library or rarely, if i beg enough, I'll be allowed to buy one!
Thank you for the contest!
I read about 8 month i buy 3 new books a month and borrow the rest
silverhartgirl at gmail.com
oh wow, fantastic contest! I read about 15 books a month...
I read about 10 books a month, unless I'm reading chunksters - I'm working on a 1,500-pager right now (A Suitable Boy). About 8 of those are bought, some new and some used.
I usually read about 1 book a week, in the cold winter months it can end up being 2 per week. I love taking my time with my books, savoring them, not rushing to finish them. I usually buy upwards of 10-15 books per month. I will never have a small TBR pile. I always fear never having enough books.
Thanks for this opportunity! Indigo
Love to have this. I have to admit, I am a book-aholic. I buy everything and read about 20 books a month. My book shelves are going to explode one of these days.
That's a good-looking bundle of books! I usually read between 15 and 20 books a month. Most of those are review copies, gifts, or library books. I'd say I buy two or three books a month for myself. And lots more as gifts! There's nothing better than a book for a gift.
twonickelsoradime at gmail
On average, I read between 10-12 books in a month. In the summer I read more, because I am off from school. I buy most of the books I read, so I probably buy around 9-10 books a month. Although I do buy a lot at half price, so they are not at list price.
Thanks for having this awesome contest!
Wow! So many entrants. This is super exciting! I'll put a link to your contest on my blog too because this is some party!
I read depending on if I'm fast drafting or between 8-10 books a month.
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
Please include me in this giveaway too! I read about 10-15 books a month. I buy maybe 2 or three of them but get most from the library and a few from friends and family.
What a fabulous prize pack!! I read about 8-10 books a month. Half of them I buy. My husband is at this moment building a bookshelf for the bedroom because we are overflowing. But I'd be happy to win more :^)
Great giveaway! I usually read about 13 books a month, of which 1 or 2 are bought.
I also commented on your interview with A.S. King.
Entry 1 ^_^ Ive been really conscious about this the last few months read 13 books each month in the past few months, thats just new books though ^_^ I try to read about half a book a day but I usually get more in on weekends. At least half are lends and a couple are from the library. My sister and I share all the time. So do a couple of my friends. It is really good to get a taste of what other people are reading. The library hear isnt really well stocked though T_T.
For 1 extra entry, Ive put you in my sidebar <3 Look under contest links. ^_^
I'd absolutely love to win these books.
I average about 10 books a month and I (try) to buy 1 or 2 a month. Occasionally it's 3 or 4.
Val [truexillusions@aol.com]
I read MANY children's books (as you'll see on my blog), but reading for myself has been sorely lacking since I became a mom 16 months ago. I recently started trying to rectify that by joining a monthly book club, so I am at least reading 1 book/month, but I also have a to be read list and plan to try to get back to my own bookworm ways. I never really counted, but I'd say I probably used to read a couple of books a week while commuting to work, and almost all were library loans. I don't like to reread books, so I tend not to buy them (children's books notwithstanding).
I commented on your Everything Beautiful in the World author interview. Thanks for the great give away!
For an extra : Ive flipped though and commented on a couple of your 2009 interviews since I subscribed.
I really liked the Jennifer Banash one ^_^
I've added my link. Yippee!
I'd love to enter! I'd say I read about 10-20 books per month, depending on mood and schedule.
I linked here: http://noraatnow.blogspot.com/2009/03/book-contests_23.html
According to my goodreads account, last year, on average, I read 12 to 13 books a month. That's not including rereads which I do a lot, often more than I read new books. And because last year was a tight budget-kinda year, on average, I only purchased about 2 books a month, some of which were used.
Oh and I read and commented on your interview with Julia Hoban.
I read about 10 books a month and almost all of them come from the library, with a few coming from friends! I used to buy 3-5 a month but with the economy what it is right now, that just isn't an option for me anymore.
i read around 7 to 10 books a month and i'd say on average i buy 1 to 1.5 books a month, though it's done in spurts, that is i buy 5 or 6 and then don't buys for a while and then again go and buy a couple.
commented on your interview with banash and king!
Read about 5 to ten books a month. Buy tons and tons and take just as many out of the library. k
Read about 10-15 a month but only buy maybe one a month.
dibblyfresh1@gmail.com Thanks!!
Also just put you in my side bar.
Wow, what a cool selection of books! I read 8-15 books a month, just depends. I probably buy 5-10 books each month and the rest come from the library... but it would be exciting to have an infusion of books come from a giveaway :)
Thanks for entering me in the giveaway.
Wow reading the other comments I realize I don't read that much each month, but I savor what I do read! I read about 1-2 books a week so 4-8 books a month, usually closer to 5 or 6.
I'd say most of them are either purchase books or borrowed books. Occasionally I get a library book for my book club.
Thanks for the giveaway! All of these books sound great!
I don't as much time as I wish, so I have only read 1 to 2 books a month. But sometimes I can read up to maybe 20!
i read three to four books a month when i'm in school and i read about 8-12 when i don't have shcool !! I love reading! i buy about 2 books a month! =)
Posted here:
I read as much as I can with 2 young kids and raising them on my own I can only read late at night. Still I get to about 10 books a month and usually have about 2-3 audiobooks that I keep going. Thanks for the book giveaway!
Hello there, please include me in this giveaway! I'd say I read roughly 2 to 3 books a week, so 10 to 12 books per month. I'd average 11 of those books were ones that I purchased through bookstores, quality paperback book club, used book stores and online and just one would be a giveaway or one I didn't otherwise pay for. (That number is greater after Christmas and my birthday :)
Please include in your giveaway. I read about 16 books each month and winning this would really help support my habit. I buy 2-3 books per month.
forgot to leave my email address
Thanks! Vanessa
Posted your contest on my facebook.
Thanks! Vanessa
Hello there, second entry: I have posted a notice about this contest on my blog, snarkvalley.blogspot.com.
Thank you!
m.v.lynch AT gmail DOT com
or snark.valley AT gmail DOT com
I read way too fast, and generally read at least 1 book per day, sometimes 2. Weekends go up. So between 30 and 60 books a month. I read children's, YA, romances, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, scholarly books... I'm trying to cut way back on buying books so I'm doing a lot of rereading and library books but I think I'm still buying about 5 books a month. Used to be much higher...
JennysWonderlandofBooks at gmail.com
I read about 10 J chapter books, 20 picture books, 6 YA novels, and 1 Nonfic a month. So about 37 books a month. I get the majority from the library and buy rarely (I really have to love it). I also get a lot of free galley copies. I posted a link on my blog, DogEar.
(I accidentally sent an email earlier. My bad!)
Wow! What a great giveaway, please enter me.
I read anywhere from 10 to 15 books a month. Most of them are bought a few are borrowed from friends. I rarely go to the library - which I should since that would be easier on my pocket. :) About 2-3 are review books.
According to Goodreads, so far this year I'm averaging 14 books a month. I've stopped buying books on a regular basis, but probably read a purchased book every month or so. I do love the library.
I read about 12-16 books a month. I buy 2 or three of them. Please enter me.
Blogged here
Left a comment on Jennifer Banash interview.
I read about 6 books a month and buy about 1 of these. I work in a library, so I borrow more than I buy.
No need to enter me...but those look like a great bunch of books.
The amount of books I read per month tends to vary - in Jan. it was 41, in Feb., it was 32. So far this month, I've read 26 I think. I almost never buy books. I get the majority from the library, some as gifts, some off Paperback Swap, some off Book Mooch, and win some in contests. Thanks for the chance to win a great prize pack!
I included your contest on a post where I was giving away prizes! Here's the link...
Please enter me in your contest.
I read about 10 or 11 books a month and I mostly get these from the library or buy them secondhand at Goodwill and thrift stores and such.
And I linked you in my sidebar. At http://apathy-aj.blogspot.com/.
And I commented on one your interviews.
Phew! I didn't know Parker had a new book out!
I read about 4 books a month only now. Most of them are used from the half priced bookstores lately though. I do sometimes purchase new books from amazon.com but those are usually cooking or other fiction
I read between 7 and 10 books a month. Usually 2 or 3 of them come from outside sources like the library and the rest I buy myself. Thanks for running the contest!
i read about 2-4 books a week. depending how busy i am at work. (ssh dont tell)
But I would give these books to my two daughters, and they both read about 3 books a month (novels not short stories)
Please enter me in the contest!
I average about two dozen books a month .. about a dozen of those are actual novels (romance/mystery/ya) and the other dozen are middle grade readers.
Unfortunately, I don't have time to read more than maybe 2 a month. Quite often these are books I have either bought for my high school sons (required English reading) or ones that I bought at our local library book cellar. My younger son is currently reading Isaac Asimov's Foundation series for fun and would probably grab the Eon book. (He is impatiently waiting for the final book in the Wheel of Time series.)
I read about 20 a month and hardly buy any anymore
tbbycatt@ gmail.com
I would love to be included in this giveaway!
It depends on the month. If I have school that month it averages about five books a month. If it's summer than its more like seven or eight a month. I used to buy all my books (but now i'm broke) so lately i've been using the library. Before though, half of my books were books I bought, and the other half ca,e from other sources (friends, etc.)
Contact: jennapomme@yahoo.com
What a fabulous give away :)
I read between 6-10 books a month depending on what I'm doing. I usually buy about half of them.
I read between 7 and 10 books per month. I buy 1-2 books per month Recently I've been getting a bunch of them in the mail and I haven't been buying many.
This month I believe I've read about 5, but each month varies greatly! I focus on YA books, I tend to take them out of the library, and then if I think they'd be a good addition to my future classroom library (I'm a licensed English Teacher w/out a job) I buy them.
I've been reviewing YA books for a few months now on my blog: http://yalitgoodbadugly.wordpress.com
I put a link in my blog: http://yalitgoodbadugly.wordpress.com/2009/03/26/opportunity-for-free-books
I'd also like to say I haven't read any of the books listed there, so it'd be a great to get to read some new stuff!
There is one book in particular that has me bouncing in my seat - the Robert B. Parker! I own every single Spenser mystery, so you know this is going to make it onto my shelves, one way or the other.
For the record, 1 read about 6 books a month. Where they come from depends on the month - I buy books, I take audiobooks out of the library, and publishers and authors have been very generous with me.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
well I think that I usually read around 6 to 10 depending how busy I am and how long the books are. And what a great giveaway!! there all amazing books that id loved to win!!So please enter me!
I read about 5 - 10 books a month, I usually buy about the same number of them through book clubs, local book sales or receive them as gifts. I really should start going to the library... I usually share with friends and then resell some on amazon... great prize package... I would love to win and try some new authors...
I read about 5 books a month, and I usually buy 1 or 2 of those.
I posted this on my sidebar.
I left a comment over a your Willow interview (which was really interesting, I want to read it so bad :P)
It depends on the month really, but generally I read about 5 books a week so about 20ish a month, and I actually probably buy like 2. The rest i get from online, friends, the library, or paper back swap (I get a LOT off there every month)
Hmm, per week, I usually read an average of 3-5 books :D Which totals me per month around 12-17? Almost all of my books are checked out from the library, due to my job-less teenage status :P
Please enter me in your giveaway. I read at least 5 books a month.
Please enter me in your giveaway. I read at least 5 books a month.
I'm at around 4-5 books per month, maybe more if I have more time on my hands. Considering I KNOW I can read a 300 page book in under 3 hours, you'd think I'd read more per month. Hmm...maybe I should up the ante...this giveaway would sure help!
ParkingGoddessFTW at gmail dot com
I blogged about it here:
ParkingGoddessFTW at gmail dot com
I read about 8+ books a month, since I'm in school most of the time it kinda limits for reading-enjoying time, you know?
I have posted a link in my blog about this contest, check it out!
those sound like great books! please count me in!
in the past 2-3 months I haven't been able to read as much as I'd like to cause of how hectic my schedule got (varsity seasons, concerts, productions + coaching!) so I've only been able to read about 2-4 books a month, excluding the books I read for AP. I've been spending more time reading my textbooks, if anything! lol
the last book I bought was Hamlet a few months ago :( I have borrowed several books from the library and gotten some for review though :)
Ok, 11 is my lucky number, so I'm feeling pretty confident!
I'm not a really fast reader. So I would say I read about 4 books during the 9 months we are in school. I read at least double that amount in the summer.
I buy probably an average of 4 books a month; however the books I read typically come for review or are checked out of the library.
I also linked the contest to my sidebar!
I read about 15-20 books a month. I work at a library, so I buy books maybe once or twice a year - as gifts.
I've posted a comment on one of your Greenland interviews!
I read one or two novels a month...as time allows and I usually buy them myself...my taste in literature is different then my friends!!
Thanks for this great contest!!
The number of novels I read per month varies hugely. Last year I read in total around 110 books, which would suggest I read around 9 books per month, but in reality it fluctuates from 5-15 per month. I don't usually buy books unless used or if they're by an author I especially like, so I probably buy 1-2 books per month. Thanks for this generous offer!
About 15 right now, but in the summer it'll probably move up to 22ish. Most are bought or review copies. Thanks for such a wonderful contest! I really hope I win...
~bella aire~
I've posted about this here: http://not-so-cg.blogspot.com/2009/03/i-love-penguin-books.html
Please include me. I normally read about 6 books a month but that's gone down a lot because of school.
I probably don't buy any of those; it's very rare that I do.
Hmmm... I probably read about 5-6 books a month, right now, on average. I usually read more, but schoolwork is keeping me really busy. I rarely buy the books I read. Maybe 1 book a month. I usually just get them from a library or a friend.
Wow! In a typical month, I probably work my way through five or six books. If I'm reading YA, that'll probably go up a bit -- I tend to devour those really fast! :) I buy quite a few books but also get them through BookMooch and borrow from friends and coworkers. And make sure to always return them! :)
Thanks for the chance! How exciting.
Megan -- writing.meg [at] gmail.com
I read between 5-10 novels per month, I think, on top of the books I read for college. Most of them are library books or books won through contests. Since I'm still in the category of poor college student, I have to be selective about books I actually buy, though I'm always tempted to buy more whenever I get money.
I blogged about this contest here: http://ravelda.livejournal.com/331381.html.
karenkincy [at] hotmail [dot] com
I probably read about 10 or 11 too. I buy about half. I'm mostly a library girl...
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