Monday, June 15, 2009

Book Review and Giveaway: Geektastic by various authors

According to the definition given on the back cover of my ARC of GEEKTASTIC, a geek is 1. A person of an intellectual bent who is disapproved of [in my circles we call such a person a nerd] 2. A person who is so passionate about a given subject or subjects as to occasionally cause annoyance among others [usually something comic book, sci-fi or fantasy related in my experience].

There are a lot of gamers, Buffy fanatics and Trekkies represented in these stories, but it was nice to see the definition expanded to include lit enthusiasts and aspiring paleontologists. I don’t have much geek cred beyond my love of bowling and the new Battlestar Galactica series, my perfect GPA, and my one year on the high school Quiz Bowl team. I don’t play any games other than Tetris and Bejeweled, I’ve never seen a single episode of Buffy, and the only Star Trek I could stand to watch was the one with Scott Bakula and that was only because I love Scott Bakula and will watch him in anything.

My favorite story of all was David Levithan’s QUIZ BOWL ANTICHRIST. Like the main character, I was the alternate responsible for lit questions and one of my main motivations for being on the team was my crush on a fellow quiz bowler (an arrogant Swedish exchange student). I was good, but I couldn’t name 4 Pearl Buck novels. The narrative arc is sweetly satisfying while the voice is uproariously funny. After reading this and chatting with David, I definitely understand why Khy is stalking him, and I now have the urge to read everything he ever wrote.

I also really enjoyed Tracy Lynn’s ONE OF US, about a cheerleader who pays her high school’s resident geeks to teach her to speak geek so she can improve her conversations with her sci-fi dabbling boyfriend. It’s a fun look at different aspects of “geekdom” (I even learned a thing or two) where the popular girl is humanized for a change.

I NEVER by Cassandra Clare, about a non-gaming girl who goes to a gamer meet-up looking for a possible romance with a guy she’s been chatting with online, completely immersed me in an unfamiliar world. I like the idea of I NEVER too – it’s a game I like to play at baby showers (strangely enough). I always win points by saying I’ve never driven a stick-shift (successfully at least), read Harry Potter, or had a cavity. The best I NEVER I ever heard came from a 12 year old girl in a room full of adult females – she said “I’ve never had a period.”

M.T. Anderson’s THE KING OF PELINESSE and Wendy Mass’s THE STARS AT THE FINISH LINE were also standouts in the collection.

THE WRATH OF DAWN by Cynthia and Greg Leitich Smith (about a Buffy sing-along) and DEFINITIONAL CHAOS by Scott Westerfeld (about attending a convention) were a bit TOO geeky for my taste. Barry Lyga’s THE TRUTH ABOUT DINO GIRL was a clever revenge fantasy but was perhaps a bit TOO mean. And surprisingly, FREAK THE GEEK by John Green and IT’S JUST A JUMP TO THE LEFT by Libba Bray couldn’t hook me into actually reading them.

In addition to the stories, there are also one page comics on various geek topics. The few that are in the ARC version are interesting 30 second diversions but nothing really remarkable.

I was lucky enough to get to attend Little, Brown’s Geektastic bowling party during BEA and hang out with a few of these fab authors including David, Scott, Cassandra, Barry, Libba, Holly Black, and Sarah Zarr (who’s story didn’t make it into the ARC version either). In fact, I have pictorial proof that David was stalking me during the entire BEA weekend (seriously - he was EVERYWHERE I was - TAC, BEA, Books of Wonder, bowling, my hotel room - j/k on that last one, ha!).

Want to read GEEKTASTIC before its release on August 1st? Just come up with a fun and geeky headline or caption for the stalking picture (yes – a merit based contest!) and write it in the comments. You have until July 7th at 11:59 PM CST. I will ship my extra ARC copy internationally. May the force be with you.


Khy said...

Yay David stalking!

"I definitely understand why Khy is stalking him, and I now have the urge to read everything he ever wrote."

WELCOME TO THE UNOFFICIAL DAVID FANCLUB! *gives you a hat a t-shirt*

Lenore Appelhans said...

Ooh! Can't wait to get the t-shirt ;)

Kate said...

"Do you think she knows that the time spent curling the back of her could have been used to update her modem?"

Marie said...

Quiz Bowl Team!! hahah!

Natalie Hatch said...

I don't really have a good stalking motto, sorry, but it does look like he's being cheeky behind your back. I'd definitely watch where he's going.

valentina said...

sounds awesome! are there actually some stories about Buffy geeks? Cause I can relate:)

Alea said...

lol! It's the picture!!!!!!!!!

Lenore Appelhans said...

Valentina - Buffy comes up A LOT. Seems to be adored in geek circles.

Alea - yep! I'll send you the ones with us - if you promise not to post them. I look like a serious freak of nature.

Anonymous said...

Yay, I'm glad you read it/liked it! There really is something for everyone (while I could relate to the Star Trek/Star Wars stuff, most of the Buffy references went over my head).

You've really never read Harry Potter? That's insane. If you want I can send you the audiobooks. Jim Dale, who does the narration, is fantastic.

valentina said...

I need to get this book!!!!

Alea said...

Hahah, I hear you there, there were a bunch of pictures i just couldn't post because i looked absolutely horrible!

valentina said...

"Hmm I wonder where did I put my glasses...oh god is that woman again?? I bet she's stalking me...let's act normal..."

Ok I suck at this game, but I had to try!!:P

Nicole (Linus's Blanket) said...

I have no cute caption to contribute, but then again, I also have the book! :-P

Keri Mikulski said...

Sounds like a good one. :)

Kristen said...

"Is it just me or is that gorgeous creepy guy stalking me? I wonder if he is a vampire.. or maybe.. a werewolf. Nah, probably just a vampire wannabee. Let me check the mirror, is he Edward material?"

I'm pulling out geeky Twilight material here.

Kristen M. said...

::drawing in some thin red laser beams from David's eyes::

"Only a few more moments and she will have to turn around to see why she is feeling so hot ... now if only I had the courage to not turn around at the same time and pretend I know nothing about it. I wish I could just talk to girls."

Rhiannon Hart said...

"The ooooold stalk-me-round-BEA-to-get-in-my-photos-and-thus-on-my-blog trick David. Nice, but you have to get up pretty early in the morning to--ooh, exclusive interview? Done, you're in."

Staci said...

Very cool photo...stalker most definitely!!!
Loved your thoughts on this book can't wait to get my hand on it!!

Unknown said...

(Don't enter me in the contest--I've won enough with the Penguin prize pack and don't want to be greedy)

But I just had to pipe up and say: LOL at the 12 year old with the I Never win!!

Lexie said...

"My name is David Levithan--you stole my heart, prepare to be stalked!"

had to pull out a variation of Inigo Montoya's quote!

Unknown said...

I would love to try Geektastic!

David stalking and thinking:

Wishes, wishes, I need wishes!

Dottie :)

♔ jessica.marie said...

Oh my caption would be ....

"David Levithan practicing his Angel brooding skills for the upcoming Buffy movie ..."

I was kind of excited about the book since it has some of my favorite authors, but then you mentioned Buffy and I freaked. I looooove Buffy, i even have the board game, but I never figured myself as a geek lol ^_^

lovejessicamarie [@] gmail [.] com

Jenna said...

Ah! This book is like all the awesome in the world confined into book form.

My Caption:

"Lenore's hair, (long dramatic pause) I... am.. your... father."

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

This book looks fan-fricken-tastic! I'm a self-proclaimed geek of many things (horror movies, books, comics, those Spawn actions figures that are totally not meant to be opened and played with) lol!

But honestly I could not think of a thing to caption that photo - it's too awesome - is it truly a random shot? cause the looks on both your faces is priceless! That line from VanWilder keeps popping into my head "Are you stalking me? Because that would be super." :D

Reader Rabbit said...

Haha David stalking? =O

"David Levithan: Stalker of Gorgeous Book Reviewers :)"

Lame, yes. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Don't enter me, but it sounds really cute. G8 review!

Thao said...

I suck at this thing but I'll try

"Can she just move a little bit? I'm trying to do a pose with my Geekastic huge book cover here. By the way, do I look geek enough?"

Llehn said...

"Is it considered stalking if the stalkee wants to stalk the stalker back?"

Lenore Appelhans said...

Joanne - I still have Aladdin action figures in the original packaging. Which is VERY, VERY sad.

RR - Flattery will get you everywhere ;)

Amee said...

Oy vey, I suck at being creative under pressure! lol


"Why won't she pay attention to me! I will telepathically make her love me forever!"

Brittany said...

"She doesn't even know that I am creeping up right be--- D'oh"

teensatthelibrary @ yahoo . com

Anonymous said...

Her: "When he asks me out should I say yes or play hard to get"

Him: "I need to quit following her or man up and tell her she has gum on her butt"

Liyana said...

"I'm trying to look as menacing as possible, but what is this?! A smile?"

Emma and Mommy said...

For my next move how to I get him to sign my bowling CD-ROM?

This book sounds like fun!

Anonymous said...

LMAO in my hotel room...tis was great

Lilixtreme said...

"There's a cockroach on her hair! Should I tell her?" Debating David.

Anonymous said...

"I like this girl's shirt, i should stalk her."
--hope that works. :)

chocowafer said...

"Hmmm. Wonder why she keeps blocking my way?"

LOL. issa(dot)mojica(at)gmail(dot)com

Laina said...

"Get the T-shirt from my fanclub, and I'll freak your geek."

'Cause of what his story was called, you know...? Lol, I'm not creative.

Danielle said...

"I hope she doesn't see me... though I can't see her very well so that shouldn't be a problem... Wait a minute... how close is she?"

Heather said...

I am absolutely too excited to read Geektastic. I can't wait to get my hands on it, early or not!! Your review got me so ready to read it!!!

Debbie's World of Books said...

Very cool sounding book! Sounds like I would make it into the book a couple times being a Trekkie and a comic book fan as well as a reading junkie. Honestly when I saw that picture I thought he was thinking "I can see your lusting thoughts about that book using my psychic powers.

Debbie's World of Books said...

Oops, forgot to add #extra entry to my last posting. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com

Bookworm said...

Geeks rock! Love the cover of this one. It kind of reminds me of Legos, you know?

#extra entry

Kristi said...

Ok - here is a corny one.

"I vant to bite her neck" (said with the appropriate Transylvania accent.)

Ella Preuss said...

Here's my caption:

David: "Should I go and introduce myself? Ah, probably she'll think I'm excesively geeky!" *sigh*

Lenore: "I'm gonna put my hand over my neck, it'll make me look sexier! I wonder if David's still around?"


That's what I've got!

ella_press at

xo, Ella

SarahChristine said...

"i think she needs to go use some head&shoulders or something..."


CeeCee said...

I'm a big fan of Buffy so would love to read The wrath of dawn (even if overdosed with geeky-ness)but they all look different and fun. Your review shows that there is probably something for everyone.Very good.

#extra entry

Llehn said...

I think this book was written for me! HAHAHHAHA! I am a card carrying geek and I'm proud of it!

#5 extra entry

WordVore Prod said...

Ooo...I shall now use my newly acquired geektastic powers to burn a hole through the woman's head by radiation.

Anonymous said...

"Hrmm..I wonder if I can make her disintegrate if I stare long enough."


Ana S. said...

He's thinking: "Hey look, it's the girl with three fingers growing out of her neck again! Cthulicious."

Yeah, I suck at these things, but I had to try :P

Anonymous said...

"Good Lord... is that... does that chick have all of my books hidden in HER HAIR!??!"


mya DOT rooney AT gmail DOT com

@llie said...

Hmm.. She doesn't have my book yet. Oh I know I will follow her and give her my stare until she gets it. Uh.. Is it working?
Fun Contest. My fingers are crossed.

Paradox said...

"Geeks: The stalkers who don't want to kill you."

Geektastic sounds great!

paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

tashiana said...

"I'd tap that." /// "I'm so gonna blog about this."

Lenore Appelhans said...