I tag my books on LibraryThing. First, I tag by genre. Then I add other applicable tags such as ARC, signed, favorite, or TBR. I also tagged all the 1001 Books to Read before you Die that I have read. I do think that the tagging has helped me snag my 11 Early Reviewer books, but who knows?
I've also started to add labels to my blog posts. I am labelling book reviews by publisher. I also note whether the book fulfills any challenge requirements (i.e. ARC Challenge, LT Author Challenge, etc). I've recently added a Debut category and am thinking of adding a year published label.
Lest you think Emmy and Finn get along all the time, I've been trying to capture one of Emmy's twice daily Finn smackdowns on film. It's difficult, so forgive the lackluster results. In the morning, the smackdown usually occurs on this rug:

And in the evening, Emmy likes to hang out in this Longaberger magazine basket (a gift from my Aunt Linda) and Finn likes to attack her. She'll take it for a few minutes, and launch out of the basket and pin him down. Hilar!

I wonder if a vlog of this will be possible xD It's somewhat horrifying how adorable I think it will be.
You're right Yan. I should do a video.
Heheheh. Yes vlog vlog vlog!
Vlog or not those little felines are typical siblings except they give me cavities from being so sweet. Also like the Longaberger - I used to collect them when I was a /teenager/ if you can believe it. Now they live in boxes in my basement.
i luuuuv your kitties
Cute! You should definately capture this on film!
OMG-those pics are adorable! It must be so much fun watching the two of them play together. I remember when Buddy was young and I lived with my cousin, her dog and mine would just go nuts together. It was hilarious.
So cute! Ahhh!
I always TRY to tag my posts with the publisher but always forget!
I will have to start tagging my books. I'd like to tag those cute cats, too!
I tag...I review ER books...and still I have not received an ER book on LT for months and months and months. And months.
But I still like to tag. ;-)
Your cats are so photogenic I bet they'll love being filmed!
I sure hope you can get their smackdown on film. hehe smackdown :)
adorable kitties, as always!
VIDEOS, yes!
My kitties run laps around the house chasing each other at 4am. It sounds like the thundering herd!
Sometimes one kitty will hide behind a door and then jump out for sneak attack. I love the jump outs!
Thanks for the pics. I needed my fix!
P.S. Yes, I use tags, categories and SEO helpers!
I went crazy with tags and wish I would've done it better the first time!!
your kitties are so fun to look at!! Mine are growing like weeds and practicing their stalking techniques out on each other and their mommy!!
I'm glad the Longaberger basket is coming in handy! LOL! And I agree, a video would we awesome.
I don't tag my posts at all. I can't get in the habit...
p.s. Kaitlin wanted me to tell you that Muffin does the same thing to Abby - two smackdowns a day. And yes, Abby deserves it because she's a PEST!
I don't tag, but I do label. Labels are fun!
Damn I love how they cuddle with each other. I agree with YAN, a vblog would be great.
Linda - The basket was full of magazines until we let our neighbors borrow it for their wedding party. When they brought it back, Emmy claimed it, and we didn't have the heart to take it away from her.
Your cats are so cute. You have 2 white cats, and I have 2 black cats.
Charley - oooh I sense an epic battle between good and evil ;)
So sweet, even when they are wrestling!
My cat play-fights with our dogs all the time - I've come to see that cats are all about sneak attacks, strategy and patient planning.
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