Whenever I click on the local events tab, I get Boston events, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me since I've never even been to Boston (except for the airport on a layover). It always makes me want to visit though, since Boston seems to get a lot of great bookish events.
Just now, I finally changed my location to Frankfurt and I see there are two events coming up where German authors read German books. Not events I'm likely to attend. Just for fun, I checked Wichita, KS as well, but no events are listed. I'd definitely use the feature more often if it were kept up-to-date and informative.
And now....time for naughty kittehs! Finn is in the habit of annoying Emmy about 90% of his waking hours. Emmy is in the habit of trying out new spots to hang out in an attempt to avoid him. Here, Emmy decided to make herself comfortable on Daniel's computer keyboard. Notice her annoyed expression. It's because Finn is behind the monitor swiping at her swishing tail. They were removed from this spot shortly after this picture was taken and transferred back to their kitty palace where they are allowed to act out their destructive tendencies!

Aw. Your 2 cats are too cute!
The local tab didn't list anything for me until I added something today! Emmy and Finn are so cute!
I love Finn's pay coming forward underneath the monitor!
I mean "paw"
Lol. Emmy is such a cutie! It kind of looks like one long cat with extra paws :)
I love that!! My kitties have destroyed 2 flower beds so far but they're so funny to watch that I've forgiven them!!
see, I told you your cats would have lots of fun. Now you and Daniel, not so much! HA!
That is such a cute picture of Emmy, and I adore hearing about Finn and his devilish ways! I can just picture him now, hiding behind the monitor waiting for just the right moment to give that enticing tail a swipe!
Yeah, Finn can be a handful. He's always trying to eat our food too!
She looks so mad. This cracks me up. We got our second boy when he was older and missed the hate-filled kitten days. :-)
she looks ticked off...lol too cute...
Hey there, I just stumbled upon your blog and read that you are in Germany! That's great. I'm from Germany, Wiesbaden (near Frankfurt) but I now live in NYC.
I like your blog:) I just started my own, so feel free to check it out.
Have a nice day, Andreea
lol-How cute! I can see Finn's tale back there. I can just imagine the fighting going on in your house.
First - the kittehs! Too cute!
Second - wait, why are we here?! Yes, LT local! I think it's user-extended, so a bookstore, marketer, or plain ol' lover of books enters the info. I get most of my local event info by subscribing to the e-newsletters of the many bookstores in our area.
Aren't kittens fun to watch - they can be SO playful!
Yes - Local is no good unless people are actually adding things. Right now, we have a bunch of educational type events being added to ours, so I'm guessing it is a library or school person who is adding them. :)
Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week. ~ Wendi
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