And then, somehow, Jillian is transported back in time 7 years to her life with Jack. Can she make the relationship work this time? Or are some things fated?
The time travel hook of TIME OF MY LIFE reeled me in, and the incredibly light and yet deep story kept my rapt attention. The beginning chapters are a lot of fun as Jillian relives moments from her past, sidestepping arguments with Jack, presenting perfect campaigns for her advertising job, and really cherishing time spent with her friend Meg who is supposed to die in an accident a few years in the future (one of the most touching subplots). I kept waiting for Jillian to bet on the Superbowl or buy stock to make herself rich, but the farthest she goes is impressing people with her knack for knowing who gets kicked off Survivor next.
I don't know if you have to be married a couple of years for this one to really speak to you, but I've been married for three, and it really spoke to me. It made me think about the importance of communication, expectations, and compromise. A stunning read.
TIME OF MY LIFE is out in paperback now. Find out more about it at the author's website or the author's blog.
This has been part of a TLC tour. Since I bought the book myself, the publisher is offering a copy to one of my readers. If you want it, just tell me in the comments what you would try to change about your life if you could go back 7 years. Contest is open to anyone with a US or Canadian mailing address and will stay open for one week.
I do not not believing in changing anything. I live by Edith Piaf's song Non Je ne regratte Rien.
I do not not believing in changing anything. I live by Edith Piaf's song Non Je ne regratte Rien.
oops sorry about double post
I have been with my Big Kahuna since just after high school, and I would not change that for anything.
But, I do wonder when new people come into my life that remind me of past people. The same challenges arise and the the same reflections begin again.
I am also a late bloomer. Would I go back in time and tell my younger Self to "Make Fast"..? "Focus more"?.."Follow through"..? I would still me at the same place in time; Or would I?
If I could go back in time, I wouldn't make the move to Florida. That was the event that set off a chain of really tough events in my life and it's taken me all this time to get back on relatively stable ground. If I could do it over, I'd stay where I was and tough out the situation I was in at the time.
Margay1122 (at) aol (dot) com
This book sounds wonderful - I would love to win a copy!
If I went back 7 years, that would bring me to my second year of college. Interestingly enough, that was probably my most eventful years personally, and even though I made some mistakes, I wouldn't have changed anything. If I could go back, however, I would try to hold on to and deepen some of the friendships I made that year.
Wow, 7 years, well, let's see, it was my birthday and I was living in Florida, my son was a sophomore in college and my husband was about to take early retirement from BellSouth. I would have done everything in my power to stop my husband from leaving BellSouth because he has not been able to find a job since and I have been supporting the family.
rebecca dot cox at charter dot net
This sounds like exactly my kind of book! What a wonderful premise!
Seven years, eh? I must be pretty old because that doesn't seem that much anymore! I'd still be married and I'd have two kids, and be stinkin' sick pregnant with the third. I wouldn't change any of that.
Would I know what I know now? Because 7 years ago was about three weeks before my husband lost his job and we were unemployed for nearly a year. I would have enjoyed that time more and not worried so much where our next meal was coming from or how we'd pay the medical bills. I would have enjoyed having my two toddlers and my husband all to myself every day.
And I'd like to go back and be a better friend - be more generous and appreciative to the great people in my life. It's taken me a while to learn to do that well.
If I could go back I would have taken some secondary education.
I DO NOT REGRET, but if I could go back 7 years, I would have had my first child then. Sometimes 2 years can make a difference.
If I could go back in time, I think I'd not get finished with college so quickly. That was seriously one of the best times of my life and I should not have been in such a rush to finish. I loved every minute of it!
mmillet at gmail dot com
If I could go back seven years, I would cherish the time with my kids who were just 3 and 4 years old at that time. It went by so fast. I wish I'd been more present and less tired :-)
Thanks for a really great review, Lenore!
I would love to be entered in your giveaway!
I can honestly say the only thing I'd do differently would be to try to worry less & give myself a break from time to time.
Thanks bunches=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
I think that I would change the way that I was too shy in junior high. I would also try to workout more.
But really, I don't think that I would change anything in reality. Because what happened to me then is what makes me who I am now. And I really like who I am.
rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com
If I could go back 7 years I'd move to some place with a moderate climate!
chey127 at hotmail dot com
I would love to have starting changing some of my bad habits back then. I might not still be dealing with them now!
I wouldn't change a thing...
thanks for the opportunity to read this book...a great review.
karen k
I've been married for 30 years, so hopefully the book would speak to me. Hm, If I could go back 7 years, I would be living in Auburn and Vance would still be in high school. I can't think of anything I'd change.
I don't know if I'd change anything. I think experience makes us who we are. There are a couple of financial decisions I'd love to do-over, but ...
Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
If I could go back seven years (though more than seven years now), I would not go into the workforce following my BA. I would go to graduate school for a masters degree in literature.
I'd love to be entered.
savvyverseandwit AT gmail DOT com
If I could go back seven years, I would probably change my bad habits. I know it's kind of kiddish but come on! I'm only 14! I would stop and nip my bad habits in the bud (like nail-biting) so that it wouldn't continue up until now...
Seven years ago was my second year of college. I'd tell myself to worry less about what the cool girls were doing and concetrate more on making myself happy!
acvollers at gmail dot com
I would've gotten my masters in reading instead of just a general masters of ed.
foltzsfantasticsbooks at gmail.com
I think I would have pushed harder for further education than I did, but other than that I wouldn't change anything. Great review, I am glad you really enjoyed this book!
What would I change if I could go back 7 years. I would learn sign language before my deafness. I've been deaf now for 4 years and still haven't gotten around to it.
Surprised I didn't say I would change the events that made me deaf? I like me as I am, deafness and all. It's a part of me. You can change the small things in life, the bigger things make us who we are.
Thanks for the opportunity! Indigo
I would try to get along better with my family and enjoy life.
If I could go back seven years I would've tried to change my job situation so that I'm not stuck in the dead end situation now :(
I hadn't ever heard of this book before, I'm so happy you reviewed it! Adding it to my Friday Finds this week too :)
It's tempting to say I would change some things. Like staying with a certain boyfriend way too long. But, I like where I am now, and I wouldn't be where and who I am now if I hadn't experienced my past. So, I guess I wouldn't change anything.
I'm a follower
My dad passed away almost a year now so I would take that time to be with him to try and makes things good for my family together. I would also take more chances live a lot more then I did only now is it that I'm trying things I should have sooner.
I already have my copy, too, but I just wanted to say how much I liked that book, too. It had so much more depth than I thought it would have. I think it's an excellent women's fiction. Glad you enjoyed it too!
This book looks great! I want it!
If I could go back and change anything, I would have decided to go into my career as a teacher sooner. I spent several years being miserable in my advertising job before I went to school for my teaching credential. I wish I would have just gone right into teaching.
Oh, my e-mail
jessrlove at hotmail
that's a tough one as I'm not sure I'd do anything differently. However, since all of our kids are in college now, I would say that if I went back 7 years I'd probably cherish every minute with them even more than I did (if that's possible!)
and, this sounds like a really good book!
I would change where I moved when I first got married, I think if we would of moved south like we wanted to things would of been alot better. Thanks for the chance to read this book.
I would have made changes in my finances, knowing the economy being in recession, I would have planned for that.
deidre_durance at hotmail dot com
If I could change anything, it would be to have had more fun
copperllama at yahoo dot com
I loved this book. I think anyone who has been in a relationship for a number of years can relate.
Would have learned to play a musical instrument!
Seven years ago, I was only eight years old, and I don't know if there was much that I could have changed. I would try to make sure that I went to a different riding stable. I know that sounds odd, but it set off a chain of events that I would have rather not experienced.
Please include me in this giveaway, I'd love to read this book!
If I could go back 7 years, I would gollow my gut instinct and find a different doctor to do my husband's back surgery. The doctor was certainly more than capable and did a fine job with the surgery but his after care was awful and his attitude was terribly condescending and arrogant. He was recommended by another doctor, a nice one I trusted and my husband was being a little bit difficult about the surgery because he didn't want to take much time off work. So I ignored my gut. Thenext time I feel strongly about something, I'm going to act on it.
My husband was fine and everything turned out okay, but it wasn't a fun time in our lives!
This premise always fascinates me and I have been with my husband for 21 years and there are times when you wonder what if?
I would love to be entered.
Going back seven years would put me in my senior year of high school. I would try not to be as shy around friends and guys.
Awesome book giveaway!
emily DOT wittenberg @ gmail DOT com
I seriously want to read this book. Loved your thoughts!
If I could go back in time, I would keep in touch with the people I met while living in Illinois. I have lost track of most of them and I find myself wondering how their lives turned out. krburr82@gmail.com
I really try to live my life the way I want to so that I don't have any regrets. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and so I try to learn from all the things I do. Also, 7 years ago, I was living in Singapore which was a truly fabulous experience and decision for me. I wouldn't change it because if I did, I wouldn't be where I am today.
melacan at hotmail dot com
I wouldn't want to change anything about my life! Everything that I've been through has made me who I am today.
Wow, 7 years... I was 19 then. I think the only thing I'd change is I wish I'd eaten better back then. I made worse mistakes, but I probably had to to learn from them...
Please enter me. Thanks for the chance. I would have gone back to school earlier.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
How I long to go back and smack my naive university self and tell her to stop worrying so much! I would have enjoyed my 20s a lot more before being hit with Responsibility! But overall, I am content.
I would go to college instead of waiting.
If I could go back seven years, I'd be thirteen years old. One thing I would try to change would be my eating habits; I was overweight at the time and got teased a lot. Thankfully that isn't the case now, but I still remember.
Seven years ago, my youngest was almost two-years-old. If I could go back, I would celebrate his zeal for life, his quest for action, and not feel as if I had to apologize for his later-to-be diagnosis of ADHD. I cherish him.
If I could go back 7 years I would be 24 years old. I don't think I would have changed anything since my experience has made me the person I am today.
I think if I wanted to change anything I'd have to go back further than 7 years! And then I would have applied for a scholarship to a master's degree (I had an opportunity but didn't find out about it until it was too late to apply). I'm sure there are other things I would change every earlier in my life.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
If I could change anything it would be to have taken a job that I was offered and was scared to take - I should have spread my wings and tried a new venture!
Oh, I would love to read this. Sounds amazing. But let's see...If I could go back in time, what would I want to change? Hmm...not much has happened on the bad scale yet or nothing that I could do much about than I already did, but I think I'd just want to maybe try and do more and live life more and just enjoy and not worry so much...know that it'll all be okay.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I would have concentrated more on myself instead of others always being first so that I would be in better shape now years later
kdhaney ((AT)) gmail ((DOT)) com
If I could go back 7 years, I would be in highschool. I would treat my parents better and work harder at my studies.
I would try to be more outgoing and consider consequences more before taking action.
If I could go back in time I would travel abroad while I was in college and I wish I paid attention more in my classes and choosing majors because I still don't know what I want to do for a career.
I would travel more!
If I could change anything, it would be to cherish the time with my kids more. It goes by so quickly.
If I could go back 7 years, well there are hole story in it's self but I guess there would be lot and lot of things i would change:)
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
I suffered a miscarriage 7 years ago so I would have done what I could to prevent it.
If I could go back 7 years, I'd be 21. I'd rather go back to when I was 20 or 17...
Well, 7 years ago I should have brought a few different groups of friends together. Only right before graduation did I realize how much they would have enjoyed each other!
neohippy10 hotmail
I love books where people get to go back in time!
If I could go back in time 7 years, I don't think I would change too much. That was around the time I left my husband(who decided he didn't want children after we had married). After about 8 years of trying to change his mind, I left and fell in love with a childhood friend and started my family. I now am the proud mommy of two boys - one is 4 years and the other 5 months :)) Ex hubby and I are still fantastic friends! So no, I wouldn't change much :)
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
Iwouldn't change a thing! I married 2 years ago after losing my first husband 9 years ago. We have a new home and My grown chidren are all doing well. I have a new granddaughter too!
No,, I have earned all my grey hairs...thx for the contest...
I would have saved more money while more of it was coming in and my expenses were less. Otherwise, I'm good! I don't really have regrets...
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I would probably get myself to exercise more!!! and just be more healthier!!
Enter me plz!!Looks like a great book!!
allisonsattic at gmail dot com
I would have exercised more and dieted more faithfully as no one told me how weight is to lose post menopause.
espressogurl at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway chance!
If I could go back seven years I would only change one thing.. Telling my fresh out of school Dr that was delivering his first baby (mine) to listen to the nurses because they know more than him.. IF ONLY it was possible.. otherwise I wouldn't change a thing because honestly I wouldn't be were I am now... weeshenanigans (at) gmail (dot) com
I would not want to go back 7 years. My three sons were teens then and it was not a time I'd care to live through again. Now they are all in their 20s and are a joy to be around. However there isn't anything I would change. Thanks for the giveaway.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
This sounds like a fascinating premise for a book and I'd love to win a copy.
That's a tough question, if I could go back 7 years I may have changed my attitude about certain things going on in my life and not taken some things so personal.
If I could change something from 7 years ago, I never would have had a spinal fusion surgery so young. Take it from me: with degenerative disk disease, 25 is too soon to fuse any of your disks.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi If I were to change anything 7 years ago?; yes, I would move to Nova Scotia instead of where I had moved then. Why? With the hope that I would have been more at peace than I have been here. Many unfortuneate things happened when I moved here, much to my dismay. Cheers. polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail *dot* com
I would try harder to find a job at a bookstore. I would be that much closer to my dream of owning a bookstore.
I don't think I'd change a thing(mostly because I can't remember much from 7 years ago)
If I'd change anything, it would be my attitude--I would have not let my fears take over.
Sounds like a fantastic book!
pippirose at gmail dot com
If I could go back 7 years, I would keep more of my old writings and drawings...
paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
i am not sure i would change anything..thanks
There's alot I would change but looking back and wishing I would have done things different doesn't help so... Everything that is - is. Please enter me! Thansk!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
Going back 7 years, i would not change a thing, going back 21 years i might change a few things.
reneetaylor at sympatico dot ca
Going back 7 years, I would have spoken out more when working at Weil Gotshal. I hadn't fully realized how much being both shy and self effacing left me vulnerable to things.
Aside from that, perhaps hitting the gym and dieting more, and making more of an effort to keep in touch with friends while living and working overseas. Hadn't expected to list so many things!
Thanks for the entry.
gaby317nyc at gmail dot com
If I could go back 7 years I would have changed hubbies cardiologist. Had I known then what I know now, the outcome would have been alot different. Too late now..you live and learn.
Please enter me. Thank you.
I don't think I would change anything that happened 7 years ago, but if I could go back to March 20, 2007, I sure would. I would have never gone downstairs, broke my foot, got RSD, and became disabled as result.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Tweet! Tweet!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I wouldn't change anything. Everything happens for a reason. I would love to read this book.
THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. Thanks for entering. The winner will be announced shortly.
I would try to be more outgoing and consider consequences more before taking action.
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