Three (3) lucky winners will receive:
*very* limited edition promotional T-shirt
collectible mocking jay pin
copy of Catching Fire
Read my review of Catching Fire.
Visit the official Hunger Games site.
Watch the trailer:
And check out the t-shirt:

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment telling me who you think should play Katniss, Peeta, and/or Haymitch in the upcoming Hunger Games movie. (You can cast all three, but one will suffice). If you haven't read Hunger Games yet, no worries. Just tell me why you want to read it and Catching Fire and you're in. Followers of my blog get an extra entry, so indicate if you are in a separate comment for it to count. New followers are welcome!
Finally, read the fine print:
The Catching Fire book promotion is open to participants with a United States mailing address only (international readers can enter if you have a friend in the States who can accept your prizes by mail!). Entrants under age 13 must have parent or guardian permission to enter. The Catching Fire book promotion runs from September 1 to September 15, 2009. Winners will be announced on or around September 16, 2009.
1 – 200 of 249 Newer› Newest»Hmm what about Dev Patel [from Slumdog Millionaire] as Peeta? And I think Bill Murray could pull off Haymitch.
Love the shirts! I think that Dev Patel would be perfect for Peeta, and Brad Leland would be spectacular as Haymitch. As for Katniss, I'm still deciding.
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The shirts are awesome! I haven't read The Hunger Games or Catching Fire yet but I want to because I've heard nothing but amazing things about them :)
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:) Erica
I love the shirt! I think Max Thieriot or Alex Pettyfer would be a good choice for Peeta. They both are fair haired and can pull off the puppy dog face that I think Peeta would have.
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I think Haymitch should be some crazy dude like Robert Downey Jr.!! As for Katniss, I think they should get a fresh face, someone new, tough and pretty.
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Haymitch should be a bit off, crazy hair optional, maybe the likes of Robert Downey Jr. or Jack Black could pull it off.
JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com
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JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com
Awesome contest :)
I'm a follower. bacarleton(at)gmail(dot)com
For Katniss - Physically I think Maiara Walsh could do it. Although, unsure of her acting skills.
Emma Watson or Anna Popplewell would be able to pull off both acting/looks. Anna is probably too voluptuous though. I'm thinking they (casting people) would probably be better off with someone unknown in the role though. :)
I haven't read them yet, but I have heard so many good things about the books so I'm really excited!
I vote Robert Downey Jr. or Bill Murray for Haymitch.
I think Nick Nolte would be a fabulous Haymitch. The Hunger Games was my favorite book of the last year and I can't wait for the sequel.
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PS: I subscribe via RSS. Does that count as following you?
Oh I think Emma Watson sounds great! But not whom I was thinking...
Anna Popplewell or Emma Roberts
Gale: Ben Barnes!!
Haymitch: Johnny Depp
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Have you seen the BBC show MERLIN? The boy who plays Merlin would make a great Peeta, imo!
Can't wait to read this book!
Is there seriously going to be a movie!? Wow. I think I would pick Dakota Fanning to play Katniss.
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I haven't read it yet, but I want to see what all the fuss is about.
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Wait?! Upcoming Hunger Games movies?!!! Why am I the last person to know about things like this?
For Katniss, I would be fine with anyone except Miley! Peeta...hmmm that cute guy from the Transformers movies. I forgot his name! lol I could totally picture Christopher Walken as Haymitch.
I'm a follower and I should get extra points for entering this contest properly!
I think Robert Downey Jr. for Haymitch.
I'm a follower already and my email is chicareview@gmail.com
*crossing my fingers*
whoops I guess I didn't follow the directions! Bad Sharon!
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I haven't read Hunger Games but I've heard such amazing things about it.
The shirts look great!
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I haven't read The Hunger Games yet so I don't know who the characters are but every person I've spoken to who has read the book just raves about it. I really need to try it!
Thank you :)
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That shirt is awesome. And I'm so for Nathan Fillion 4 Haymitch!
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I have yet to read The Hunger Games, but I just found out my library has it, and I've got it on hold! It sounds so amazing, and I've heard tons of good things.
I have not read either of these books yet. But I have heard great things about Catching Fire, several great reviews in fact. This is the first I have ever heard of Hunger Games. I did a bit of research and it sounds good! I'd love to read it!
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I think this is a really hard question but for I agree that Alex Pettyfer would be a good choice.
I defintitely think an unknown actress would be the best choice for Katniss. And I like the idea of Robert Downey Jr as Haymitch.
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Hmmm... I have no idea for Katniss. Maybe Michael Welch for Peeta.
gypsyrover21@yahoo DOT ca
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Gary Oldman for Haymitch. He can pull off crazy characters and straight-up characters (he's Sirius in Harry Potter, villain Ivan Korshunov in Air Force One, and Commissioner Gordon from The Dark Knight). So he'd be a good choice for the different sides Haymitch, I think.
+1 I follow on Blogger!
Hmm....Dakota Fanning as Katniss, perhaps? She's old enough.
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Mmm. Always hard for me to choose these guys. I think William Moseley would be great as Peeta (he was the eldest boy in the Narnia movies).
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Cool! Okay so I would love to have unknowns. Does that count? If not, I can picture as Haymitch that washed up bobsledder from Cool Runnings.
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I want to read the Hunger Games, because I can't tell you how many times I've seen people talking about it! I feel like I'm missing out and I really just want to read these books!!
infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com
I would like to see Zac Efron as Haymitch. With a little makeup and a bottle of alcohol, I think it could work. It'd be both pathetic and hilarious. (Two thumbs up for that combo!)
& I want someone relatively unknown for Katniss (unless they're good and not stupid)
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& I'm a follower!
I have recently seen Stormbreaker with Alex Pettyfer and I think he could play Peeta. :)
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I think Jason Dohring would make a good Peeta. Maybe I just love Jason Dohring and love Peeta - so them being one would be AWESOME!
Hmm... Katniss is a bit harder... Okay, I'm lame, but I think Kristin Bell (also from V.Mars) could pull off Katniss... can you tell I love V.Mars? :) I could watch both of them in anything! I totally would buy Jason Dohring as Peeta though!
Thanks for the contest!
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This is an amazing giveaway!!!!
Haymitch I think should be... John Goodman. He's such a good actor and he can play anyone, but I think his looks and some of the roles he's played previously would make him perrrrrfect.
+1 for the follow!
I just reread Hunger Games with my husband and was SHOCKED to hear Peeta described as stocky! I always imagined him slender. Kind of Zac Efrony with blond hair. :)
I think that the idea of Robert Downey Jr as Haymitch is a good one -- I could see him as that character.
bcanyon at hotmail dot com
I follow you through Google Reader, if that counts.
bcanyon at hotmail dot com
I haven't read The Hunger Games yet! *fail*
But I obviously am missing out on something great because everybody is talking about it. I want to find out what all the greatness is about :D
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I love the idea of Dakota Fanning playing Katniss. But I could also see an unknown actress being given the role.
There is going to be a movie? Did you mean hypothetically? Say there will be a real movie!
Honestly, I'd rather that Katniss and Peeta be played by unknowns so that the book is what stands out, not the actors.
For Haymitch, I would love to see Gerard Butler. But I think I'd love him in the movie just because, well, he's pretty. I know. I'm a horrible person.
neohippy10 hotmail
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neohippy10 hotmail
I have not read The Hunger Games yet but it is in my TBR stack. I have heard so many amazing things about it that I knew I had to read it. But with Catching Fire so close to release I am waiting until I have both so I can read them back to back.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
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bacchus76 at myself dot com
Yay! I absolutely cannot wait to read this book, so I'm really excited about your giveaway. I don't even want to look at my position in the library queue.
I think a good choice for Katniss would be someone very understated but with the potential to be beautiful. I'm thinking a young Reese Witherspoon or even Kristen what's-her-face from Twilight (but pre-Twilight). Someone nearly boyish and gruff. I'm having a hard time coming up with a young equivalent now, though. I feel so old. lol
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I want to read The Hunger Games because it sounds like a thrilling new YA read and everyone says it's wonderful so it sounds worth a shot.
i see people are saying one of the characters should be played by Dev Patel. i haven't seen slumdog millionaire, but he was great in Skins so I'd just agree based on he's a good actor.
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lauren51990 at aol dot com
I haven't read The Hunger Games yet but I so want to! I've had it on my wishlist since it came out. I love dystopian future novels and not to mention it has a premise that sounds similar to Battle Royale which was totally awesome, so I have to read it! I can't start a series without reading the next book. So if I had the sequel it'll give that extra push to go out to the bookstore and buy it. Hehe.
Please count me in. I love to read this book because it sounds so cool and a lot of YA readers are crazy about it. I'm kinda curious you know ^^
I am so on board with Nathan Fillion as Haymitch. Katniss and Peeta are giving me fits.
I NEED that shirt!
Lenore, thanks for hosting this lovely giveaway. Those shirts are unbelievably awesome. I have always seen Hugh Laurie playing Haymitch in my head so that is who I'd definitely cast for the movie.
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I haven't read either book but would love to because I have heard so many great things about them.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
For Haymitch I imagine someone like Brendan Gleeson, he's the guy who played Mad-Eye moody.
Oh and I've been a follower of the blog. =)
I haven't read The Hunger Games yet but I do own a copy, I've been hearing lots of wonderful things about it and can't wait to read it (I promised myself to read it next:D) and from what I've heard, everyone's been dying to read Catching Fire next, so I really hope I'll be able to read it sans the wait
:D I really really hope I win:)
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Katniss: I think Dakota Fanning can pull it off. But I would prepare a tougher, darker girl.
Haymitch: Keith Richards (He can easily pull off the drunk look!)
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I haven't read Hunger Games yet, but I want to. I want to read it because I've heard sooooo much good things about it.
foltzsfantasticbooks at gmail.com
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foltzsfantasticbooks at gmail.com
I think Geoffrey Rush would be brilliant as Haymitch - I can't decide if he's too old, but I feel like he isn't. Geoffrey Rush, hooray!
What a great giveaway! I'm not sure I can hold off on buying Catching Fire now that it's available for purchase, but I might wait just a bit to see if I can win one and save a few bucks.
Dakota Fanning was the first to come to mind for playing Katniss. Maybe Kirsten Stewart from the Twilight movies....but people might be tired of her by then.
I think Bill Murray would be an awesome Haymitch!
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And I follow you! Because your blog's name is pretty & I like your reviews. :)
Love the shirts! I'm not sure who would be good, still thinking.
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I am dying to read these books, I'm on the wait list at the library!
I'm not terribly great at actors/actresses (don't see that many movies) but I thought Bill Murray or Jack Black as Haymitch would be perfect.
I also agree that someone new for Katniss would probably be better than someone already established.
Too bad my copy of Catching Fire won't be here for another three days! AH!!!
Also waiting for a copy from the library, but having fun posting for the contests! Plus the shirt is cool. I am thinking Nathan Filion is a great choice for Haymitch, but then saw the Bill Murray suggestion and that might be even better...
Oooh...fun question. I'd like to see someone like Hugh Laurie as Haymitch. He could pull it off, I think.
Plus, I'm a follower
Johnny Depp as Haymitch.
Thanks for the contest!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I think that Johnny Depp could be a good Haymich, but for Katniss and Peeta, I think they should be someone new. :)
I think Brendan Gleeson would be good for Haymitch (he played Mad-Eye Moody in HP, for those of you who don't know). You'd have to see him without the fake eye. Here's a pic. :)
eclecticdahlia at aol dot com
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What a neat contest! No need to enter me; just posted on Win A Book.
I dunno, I think Jack Nicholson plays the best drunk alive. I'd call him for Haymitch. And Amanda Crew for Katniss. Not sure who for Peeta.
Great contest! I love reading all the suggestions.
Oh, and I already follow you!
How exciting! I'll cast my vote for Michael Welch as Peeta -- I think that's a great choice! He has the sweet-but-strong thing going for him. I dig it.
I have no clue for Katniss... all of the strong actresses I love would be too old for the part!
I'd love to be entered :) Thanks!
writing.meg [at] gmail.com
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Emma and Finn say that I'm going to win!
A Novel Menagerie
I linked to your great promotion from my review today!
Tough question, but a lot of good suggestions. I have such vivid images in my head of who these characters are, that, unfortunately, there are no actors in the world that would be MY Katniss, Haymitch, Gale, or Peeta.
Haven't read them yet, but I want to with all the great thigs I've heard about these books.
Please enter me!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
I haven't yet read The Hunger Games, but I am looking forward to reading it very soon, and I would also love to read Catching Fire. Please enter me in this great giveaway!
I haven't yet read The Hunger Games, but I am looking forward to reading it very soon, and I would also love to read Catching Fire. Please enter me in this great giveaway!
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Okay, I am horrible at trying to pair actors with characters so I looked around and think that Shia LeBouf from Transformers would be fantastic as Peeta like another commenter. Katniss? I could see the chick from Juno being able to do some of the athletic moves she does.
mmillet at gmail dot com
Robert Downey, Jr. would make an excellent Haymitch!
I think Kat Dennings would be an excellent actress for Katniss. She looks 17, I think she could handle the role. Plus, she's some what of a fresh face. :-)
I agree with everyone about Dev Patel! Heymitch should be played by Jack Nicholson, LOL I could see him playing an alcoholic.
I am following your fantastic blog.
not sure who i would want to play katniss, but i agree with the others who said that dev patel would make a great peeta. thanks so much for the contest!
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We think Josh Hutcherson should play Peeta.
Nathan Fillian should play Haymitch.
Keke Palmer should be Katniss. She has the right kind of spunk and verve we need for a good Katniss.
I'm ashamed to say I haven't read Hunger Games yet. However, lol, do you really need to ask why I want to read it? The book's premise seems awesome (I love urban fantasy), and I've seen tons of rave reviews on it. A sequel means it can only get better! (:
Thank you,
would love to win!
Truthfully, I'm going for unknowns. But I think a great Haymitch would be Hugh Laurie.
I've been waiting since November for Catching Fire. To pass that time, I (and many others at hungergamestrilogy.com) have put a lot of thought into casting.
I have absolutely no idea on Katniss. Nobody seems to embody her to me. As far as Peeta, I'd love someone who looks like Alex Pettyfer did a few years ago (now he's starting to look a bit too old.)
Thanks for the oppertunity,
Amy M.
To be honest, I have no clue who I'd cast as each of those three. I think Ted Dekker would make an interesting Gale.
I feel like I'm cheating, but I saw Tiff's answer of Dev Patel and it grabbed me!!
I've seen this contest in a few places. Fantastic!!!
Please enter me! dasuzuki at yahoo dot com. I'm horrible at casting but I wouldn't mind seeing Ashley Green as Katniss
I also am a follower. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
I think Logan Lerman would make an awesome Peeta.
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I think Alex Pettyfer would be a good Peeta.
zombiegirrrl21 at aol dot com
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hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com
I think jack nicholson would be the perfect Haymitch and maybe Camille Belle as Katniss, but I think an unknown actress would be the best to play her
Katniss should be played by that girl from Nim's Island, Abigail Breslin :)
I haven't read Hunger Games yet but my grandsons have and loved it. I would like to win Catching Fire for them. I plan on reading both books, too!
Carol M
mittens0831 at aol dot com
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Carol M
mittens0831 at aol dot com
I haven't read Hunger Games yet but I would love to read that book and Catching Fire because everyone raves about how great they are and when I read the summary, they seem right up my alley!
Tough! I think William Fitchner, the FBI agent in Prisonbreak would be a good Haymitch.
I'd prefer an unknown for Katniss.
And still thinking who would be a good Peeta.
Thanks for the entry!
gaby317nyc at gmail dot com
I think Alex Pettyfer for Peeta.
The shirts are amazing.
I think that the person who plays Katniss should be a new actress.
For Haymitch, I'd cast James Marsters (you know: Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer). He'd fit the approximate age range and I think he'd be perfect. Second choice: Benjamin Bratt?
Personally, I'm tired of Robert Downey Jr. playing drunk/crazy guys; it makes me wonder if he's high and I lose track of the story.
I follow your RSS feed.
I've read hunger games but I'm so terrible at casting.
I don't know about the kids, but I could see Haymitch as being played by Drew Carey. :)
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
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akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
***I've been following your blog for awhile now***
I haven't read Catching Fire yet, but I have seen this book popping up on a lot of blogs. Suzanne Collins must be a pretty good writer. So far, this summer (a little whine-fest here) the only books I've been able to get were books that I've won in contests. I've actually been a little lucky.
I'm interested in this book, and I think this is from a series, (am I right?, or thinking of another book)
The shirts look pretty cool, too.
YAY THE HUNGER GAMES!!! One of my favorite book series' of all time!
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Katniss - Unknown! I love this girl I found on Deviantart! Her name's Evelyn. http://ZoeyRedbird08.deviantart.com/art/Katniss-Everdeen-3-135671346
Peeta - Unknown. I haven't been able to find anyone I like yet.
Haymitch - Johnny Depp definitely!
Evan Rachel Wood should play Katniss! I can't wait to see who will really play her...
The only one I can think of is Summer Glau for Katniss. She could definitely pull off all the physical stuff required for it, and she is a fantastic actress.
I could totally see Nathan Fillion as Haymitch.
And Paul Bettany would be good in some role. He's too skinny for Haymitch in my opinion, and not right for Cinna, but someone...
Unknowns would really help this movie, if they were amazing. Great twist Lenore.
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Thanks for the great giveaway!
I think Katniss should be a new actress, a fresh face. She would be famous in no time!
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I would cast Anthony Hopkins as Haymitch. I love reading and this is a book I have not read yet.
Eeek this is not easy at all I would have to say Tayler lautner as Gale
and as Peeta The Guy from the Hannah Montana movie um what his name Lucas Till
And that All I can Think Of
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I'm entering because Carl is dying for one of those t-shirts. I haven't read the books yet but I want to because everyone loves them! milou2ster(at)gmail.com
I subscribe in Google Reader if that counts as following.
Never mind, just looked at Paul Bettany again and he could totally pull off Cinna (I know that wasn't one of the choices, but still). They would probably need to make him look a little bit younger though.
i think Abigale Breslin could be rue very well and Cody Linley would be a great peeta. he is from hoot and from many other things including television
ps. i have read both of these books twice and i love love love the shirts and i want them an the pin so badly
I'm in on the Nathan Fillion for Haymitch crowd on Twitter.
I'm hoping for unknowns for Katniss and Peeta.
i-comment at deLeons dot com
I subscribed to your blog in Google Reader. I've read enough of your posts from your twitter posts that I thought I was already subscribed (I'm way behind on my GR reading).
i-comment at deLeons dot com
Hi! So LOVE these books. Anyway, down to business. Emily Browning for Katniss. Cameron Bright for Gale. And Alex Pettyfer for Peeta.
Also, I now follow your blog and I think the best pick for Haymitch would be Hugh Laurie from House. Perfect! And Shane West would make a great Cinna!
I think William Mosely from the Narnia movies would be a good Peeta.
jillkt13 at yahoo dot com
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jillkt13 at yahoo dot com
I think Amanda Gallo would be perfect for Katniss with a bit of makeup to have olive skin, or Jodelle Ferland. For Peeta, maybe Sterling Knight or Alex Pettyfer.
I think that all of the teenage roles in the movie should be unknowns. Especially Katniss...
As for Haymitch, i have no idea! Robert Downey Jr actually isn't a half bad idea....
Scratch that. Not Robert Downey Jr. Brendan Gleeson or Hugh Laurie would both make a fantastic Haymitch.
And i'm totally hoping for unknowns for Katniss, Peeta, and Gale.
and i follow (google reader)
I chose Hunger Games for my school's book club selection this month. I'd love to have a t-shirt to offer them as a doorprize!
I haven't read this series yet, but it sounds really suspenseful and full of action. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!
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I haven't started this series yet, but have been dying to. I really want to read this series because I have heard nothing but rave reviews regarding it.
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I literally just finished catching fire like 5 min ago... I accidentally stumbled across this site and read some of the choices for actors and actresses for some of the characters... Most I thought were completely ridiculous no offense and hopefully none taken... But I did agree with some like that Alex Pettyfer as Peeta... I honestly have no idea who this guy is but I looked up his pic and agreed he'd definitely make a good looking Peeta I don't no if he'd be any good but apparently he is an actor so he must be.... As for haymitch i'd probably consider that one dude from house like that one chick posted before me.... I've only seen the show a couple of times but I can tell he'd be a decent haymitch.... And lastly for katniss I'd take the advice of previous commentators and get a fresh new face like someone said before pretty but tough... Personally I would rather have some unknown faces mixed with a couple familiar during this movie because I've felt the disappointment of a book being made into a movie and not that the actors didn't do a good job just that it kinda kills it when I know all the actors so fresh faces might make this movie less of a disappointment then others I've seen...
I think that Katniss should be played by Daniel Day Lewis. Peeta should be played by Kal Penn, and haymitch should be played by zac efron.
I have a really hard time casting Katniss or Peeta, but I can definitely see either Brendan Gleesan or Paul Giamatti as Haymitch.
nnjmom at yahoo dot com
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nnjmom at yahoo dot com
Think I might go for Dakota Fanning as Katniss
When I read the books I always pictured William Moseley as Peeta. And Robert Downey Jr. would be great as Haymitch. As for Katniss, I have no idea...
I believe that Alex Pettyfer is the perfect Peeta. When you look at some of his pictures, there are ones that just jump out and say "I am the essence of Peeta!!!"
Hmm.. Jack Black would be a hilarious Haymitch (saw that in someone else's comment) but I'm not sure that he could be serious when the occasion called for it. I'd love to see Dominic Scott Kay as Peeta, but he might be a little young. For Katniss... A fresh face! Whoever gets cast, I CANNOT WAIT for this movie!
I haven't read this yet but after many great reviews I went out and bought it. I can't wait to jump in to it.
I think Alex Pettyfer would be perfect for Peeta.
I think Amber Tamblyn should play Katniss in the movie. And what about Gale? Why does no one care about Gale? Steven Strait should play Gale. I know you didn't ask, but I love him <3
Thanks for the contest.
barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com
+1 I'm also following you.
barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Hi! I'm a new follower, but I love love love HGT and was immediately drawn to your blog!
-William Moseley
-Alex Pettyfer
- But someone new would also be awesome!
- Definitely someone new, and maybe someone who could be "transformed" into Katniss, because I think her personality is more important than casting her for her looks, because those can always be changed!
-Hugh Laurie (!!)
for Katniss, I think Willa Holland could do it if she bulked up and gained some muscule, but I really can't picture any actresses out there as Katniss. and I think Gerard butler would be a good drunk Haymitch :)
I've been loving Alec Baldwin as Haymitch for forever!
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I reckon Alex Pettyfer would make a great Peeta. Dev Patel wouldn't work, because Peeta is blonde and pale.
I would have Alex Pettyfer play ♥Peeta♥ and the fat guy from borat play Haymitch and me play Katniss but if that doesn't happen I want Anna Popplewell
I think the girl who played Moze in Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide and Kat in 10 Things I Hate About You show would be good for Katniss.
antiblurb at aol dot com
Katniss could be played by Abigail Breslin. Haymitch by Adam Baldwin or Billy Burke. Peeta should be played by new and upcoming actor, because honestly no one in young hollywood could fill the part. In my opinion.
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