In case you don't know the premise, it's a doozy: Popular high school senior Sam dies but then keeps coming back to relive the day of her death until she realizes she may hold more power than she ever imagined. Small changes in her routine shuffle the cards and produce different outcomes while bigger changes give her fresh insight on her family, her friends, her classmates, and which boy she should have been kissing all along.
At the beginning, Sam was so unlikeable, I was terrified I wouldn't like the book, but I need not have worried. Sam probably experiences the most growth of any character I've ever encountered, and I love how chaos theory was so seamlessly integrated, giving the story an impressive depth and enough unpredictability to make it edge-of-your-seat, stay-up-all-night perfect.
This is one of those novels that you hold close to your chest after you're done and are just thankful that you had the chance to read it. Not only is it amazingly creative, but it also makes you want to be a better person.
I'm in love.
This book looks amazing. The cover is truly stunning, I mean, look at those eyes.
I am so excited for this book to be released. Congrats on getting an early copy, you are very lucky and I look forward to reading your full review.
I love it when a book captures your heart like this.
all time fav....wow, that is quite the recommendation!
I'm so excited about this book!!!!!
This isn't the type of book I normally read, but after your review, I definitely want to get my hands on a copy.
Diary of an Eccentric
The cover for some reason reminds me of the British cover of "Before I Die" by Jenny Downham, which I really didn't like! And then it's called "Before I Fall." I was immediately turned off by it.
And then I read what you had to say.
And now I am DYING to read it!
I agree with Anna and Brizmus. I would have passed this one up, but for your gushing words of praise. The power of book bloggers. I'm adding it to my "to read" list.
Wow this sounds amazing, I'll definitely be adding it to my TBR list.
Looking forward to your longer review.
This has been on my wishlist, and your review makes me wanna read it even more!! :)
Awesome review, I'm so eager to read this one. Can't wait until it comes out. :D
Sharon loves it a lot too. I have to grab a copy of this soon, I swear. Thanks for the lovely review Lenore.
Thanks for the perma-link, Lenore! I fixed on my blog. I have already read your review about 87 times because I keep being terrified that the next time I read it, it will say something different! Thanks so much for your generous words.
Now I really want to read it . . . and apparently have to wait a long time.
I've heard really good things about this book. I'll have to pick up a copy.
I usually am not one for realistic fiction, but this book looks fantastic! Thanks for the awesome recommendation.
Oh, now I'm hooked! How will I stand having to wait?!? Glad you liked it, and great...'tease.' :)
Sounds like a fantastic read! I had this book hosted on my waiting on wednesday post...or was it...a friday find? lol..I can't even remember anymore! oh dear, maybe I need a nap :(
Can't wait to read this book, and that cover is beautiful!
Sounds wonderful! And sounds like a really great boost for you.
Wow, I am officially excited about this book now! That's for the mini teaser review.
I literally could not *be* more excited about this one. Thanks for this post!
All I can say is Wow!
Wow, it sounds so, so great! I will have to read this one when it comes out!
Sounds an amazing read!
This book sounds amazing! I will be on the lookout for it. I am glad you were so taken with it. Thanks!
I'm not reading your review because I fear that if I do I will want the book even more than I already do. xD It looks AMAZING though!
That's such a beautiful way to put it--being thankful for the chance to read it. It's such a lovely feeling.
I want to read this book SO bad. Great review!
This sounds amazing. Definitely one for the wishlist.
Wow! Sounds amazing! Cant wait to read it!! Nice review! :)
I'm excited for this, too. It looks amazing!!!
Awww :-)
You've convinced me! I must read this one...
Wow, and this was a mini review? I'm now in love with the book!
I'm absolutely captivated by what you wrote!! Can't wait until next year for this one!
Good enough for me, Lenore. It's going on my list.
I'm ready to be enchanted. Awesome review!
Whoa! I better write down the name of this one... I'll absolutely want to grab it in the spring! Hooray!
And that's how I felt after finishing Justina Chen Headley's North Of Beautiful -- in awe, just wanting to hug the book! And I actually did!
Sounds great! March seems a long way off, guess I'll start my spring to read list now :)
I got an advanced copy in August, and I read the book in only 3 days. It was so amazing, and I never wanted to stop reading it.
I definitely agree with this review, and all of you other commenters will absolutely love this book. It's definitely my new favorite. :]
I cannot wait to read this! :)
I just started this book tonight and I am on page 44 and I just had to stop and google reviews for this book. I can not believe how much sex, drugs, and rudeness is in this book already at the beginning of the book. I was really shocked about the reference to the special ed kids with -"but it's still better than getting a straight view of the retards dribbling their applesauce. No offense." My mouth literally hit the floor. I have read many YA books that have sex and drugs in it, but the way this book is making it out to be is just, WOW!..
I am going to keep reading after reading your review and I hope that it gets better. Did you find yourself shocked with this book at the beginning?? If you would like to discuss is my e-mail address is lovestoread0708(at)yahoo.com
Just wanted to say that I just finished reading this book and I loved this too! I echo your sentiments about Sam not being likeable at the start of the book but by the end, you'll be rooting for her.
Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.
Thanks again for the lovely prize copy you sent me. Seriously it's very hard to put down and really just had me thinking about it all the time. What a terrific read!
My review is posted here:http://www.thediaryofabookworm.com/2010/06/before-i-fall.html
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