Whew - just visited and commented on 20 blogs since the official start of the read-a-thon...
It's great to see how fired up everyone is and see everyone's beautiful stacks of books.
Here's my hour one meme:
Where are you reading from today? Though I signed up officially to cheerlead, I will also be reading unofficially. I'm at home. It is a foggy, yucky day here in Frankfurt, so I love being inside reading, leaving comments, and cuddling with the cats. Finn is doing much better today after his surgery - thanks for your concern!
3 facts about me … That no one knows already? Hmmm... How about my shoe size is 9 1/2 (that's 40 in European sizes). I just bought a new coat which I LOVE. My grandmother once bought me 20 Precious Moments figurines for Christmas (I could write a whole post on her crazy gift-giving!)
3 facts about me … That no one knows already? Hmmm... How about my shoe size is 9 1/2 (that's 40 in European sizes). I just bought a new coat which I LOVE. My grandmother once bought me 20 Precious Moments figurines for Christmas (I could write a whole post on her crazy gift-giving!)
How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours? Right now, I am reading AMBERVILLE by Tim Davys. I decided to concentrate on thrillers today, so I have about 6 lined up, though I doubt I will get to them all.
Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)? I'd like to finish a couple of books at least, but my main focus is on cheerleading. I signed up for 4 hours, but I plan to do more! I'd say my goal is at least 500 comments. Is that crazy?!
If you’re a veteran read-a-thoner, Any advice for people doing this for the first time? I've done one read-a-thon before (motherreader's 48 hr one), and my best advice is to pick short books so you'll feel like you are accomplishing something!
Have fun everyone!
#readathon is a trending topic on Twitter! I took a short break to empty out the dishwasher and observe the kittehs doing their kitteh sauna, but I have left 55 comments so far. A good pace I think.

20 blogs already? wow, you are quick! have fun with the reading and cheering! :)
500 comments! wow what am impressive goal. I wish you luck!
Wow 500! That's amazing. And the image of you cuddling inside with your kitties and reading on a foggy day is heavenly!
It is raining over here (Michigan) as well. Cheer away!
Seems like you're off to a good start!
Good luck with this Lenore ^^
Great cheerleading-I am doing the same.
I totally missed this challenge!! I've been lax on blogs since my kids have had the flu...regretting it now!
This sounds like so much more fun than NaNoWriMo! :)
You sound awfully ambitious in trying to cheer and read.. 500 comments is more than I've probably made in an entire year! Do your twitter comments count?
Have fun!
20 Precious Moments figurines all at once? Wow.
It seems like you're off to a good start with your commenting goal. You're a cheerleading machine!
I'm so glad to see Finn is doing better.
I'm so glad to see Finn is doing better.
Good luck making those 500 comments! You're well on the way though and thanks for stopping by to cheer me on already. It's rainy here, a perfect day to stay home, read and cuddle with my cats. :) Glad to hear yours is on the mend.
Hope you have a great read-a-thon!
500 comments! That's a great goal, and although it IS crazy, I have no doubt you can achieve it! Go Lenore Go!
Very happy readathon! Enjoy your books :D
6 thrillers and 500 comments! Wow! Wish you all the best on the read-a-thon for the rest of the day!
thanks for giving me a bit of cheer. foggy here in san francisco for me too. perfect reading weather, eh. happy reading to you today.
Silly me, I thought I had picked relatively short books. Mmmm, maybe not. I really should have decided to read all of the YA books my daughter has on her nightstand instead!
I read your post about the spinelessness of the stuffed animals, lol Amberville sounds great!
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