I don’t often get fangirly in my reviews, but OMG does this book make me giddy! I’ve been thinking about it non-stop since I finished it last night, and I am excited to share what made me enjoy it so (spoiler-free of course).
This dystopia has a very sci-fi feel, especially when you realize that everyone Uppers and scrubs alike are essentially trapped within a very large, self-sustaining cube. It gets you spinning theories as to how they got there, why they’re there, and who controls “gateway” (the way out all scrubs are hoping really does exist).
This cube setting was difficult for me to imagine initially. Trella does A LOT of crawling through the pipes from one sector to the next, so it made things much simpler once I drew a diagram (there’s a detailed description in the first 10 pages that starts you out) to help me imagine the distances and locations of everything.
Speaking of Trella... She’s hard to like at first. She’s a stubborn, skeptical loner with a prickly, sarcastic personality. But as the story progresses, and she starts to let her guard down, your heart goes out to her as you realize it’s the divide and conquer techniques of the rulers that have molded and manipulated her (and everyone else).
And boy are the rulers messed up. Seems they seized control from a more democratic initial leadership, and make sure nobody is in the know except for them. Anyone who doesn’t conform to their 10 hour on, ten hour off shifts, who asks questions, or forms noticeable friendships is fed to the Chomper. They have a strict one child policy for the Uppers and encourage pregnancy in scrubs (but take the children away). There’s a lot of food for thought here on eugenics, class warfare, and such but it’s worked so well into the plot and action, you never feel like you are getting an info dump.
The plot kept me engaged throughout with its clever twists and turns. Along the way we get to know a great cast of characters, all of whom felt real to me (even the rat guy who was only given one page of face time).
My absolute favorite character was Riley, the Upper boy who becomes Trella’s ally and romantic interest. He is so YUM, I want to create a button that says “Team Riley” (though there’s no other team to be on really in this book) and post in my sidebar right under my “Team Peeta” button. I loved his and Trella’s scenes together, and how his silly sweetness really draws her out.
Ok, now that this is officially my longest review ever, I’ll wrap it up by saying the ending packed a punch. I thought it concludes this chapter of life Inside very nicely (the story arc feels complete, no cliffhanger), but still makes you eager to read further adventures when they come out. I just hope the next installment, OUTSIDE IN, due in 2011, has lots and lots of Riley!
INSIDE OUT is due in paperback original on April 1st. Find out more about it on the author’s website.
My Rating: 5 Zombie Chickens – The Ultimate Dystopian Experience

Thanks to the publisher, I have two finished copies of INSIDE OUT to give away to residents of the US and Canada. Just tell me in your comment what most appeals to you about INSIDE OUT and you're entered! I'd appreciate it too if you'd tweet a link or post a link in your sidebar, thanks! This contest will remain open for 2 weeks, until March 8th at 11:59 PM CST.
See index of all dystopian reviews on Presenting Lenore
What appeals to me most about this book is the science fiction part. I love entering fantasy worlds when reading books, and I love to see what the author has come up with. In sci-fi/fantasy, there are no rules, and that's my favorite part.
Another thing that appeals to me is the main character starting a rebellion again the rulers. Sometimes I feel like doing that myself! I think a lot of teens can relate to that aspect.
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/Door2Wonderland/status/9539913578.
Thanks for the entry!
*Not a comp entry*
YAY. I'm so thrilled to hear you loved this one. Can't wait til it makes me giddy too!
I think the whole livin' in a cube idea is interesting... and creepy. Definitely an unusual place to set everything. Plus, your review makes the main character sound like someone I'd like to read about.
I put an entry about this on my blog: http://fluidityoftime.blogspot.com/2010/02/interesting-sounding-book-inside-out-by.html
This sounds like my type of book! I love dystopian novels, and tough, feisty main characters always intrigue me (probably because I tend to be on the shy, wimpy side). Thanks for the review and for doing the giveaway!
I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/annastanisz/status/9540350415
Okay, this sounds awesome. I definitely want to try for a copy!
I think what appeals to me most about Inside Out is the whole "living in a cube" thing. It reminds me a bit of the Movie Cube? Except less Canadian.
What appeals to me about this book is the science fiction/fantasy...two genre that i love reading from. Also the cover is very eye catching :)
thanks for the contest.
Van P.
You sound so excited about this one, Lenore, of course I want to read it! Plus, I love a good dystopian novel, especially when there's a cool new world to explore. [I'm not sure I have the patience to draw my own diagram, though. Maybe you should post yours for the rest of us to use! =) ]
Maybe I should Lorin! I wish they'd have one in the book already, but they don't - at least not in the ARC. I've already seen two reviewers complain that they were disoriented, so it seems it might be something for the pub to think about.
This sounds amazing! I've read so many positive reviews of this and her other series.
kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com
I love dystopians! This one sounds great, and I've been wanting to read a Maria V Snyder book for a while now.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Pinkhair/status/9541520222
On my sidebar: shutupimreading.blogspot.com
shutupjessicasreading @ gmaildotcom
This book has been on my list for awhile. I especially like how, based on your review, the world seems to have an almost UGLIES series feel to it.
Please enter me
"I don’t often get fangirly in my reviews, but OMG does this book make me giddy! I’ve been thinking about it non-stop since I finished it last night, and I am excited to share what made me enjoy it so"
That! That makes me want to read it even more. The plot seems so unique and intriguing. It's always refreshing when an author does this.
Great review, BTW!
I love dystopian novels (for the most part), but I haven't read very many yet and this one sounds really good! Please enter me.
I second Lorin's suggestion: you should post your diagram!
What appeals to me most is that it's sci-fi dystopia. I've been on a dystopian kick lately, and I love a little science-y stuff thrown in.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/whatinabox/status/9542798540
whatinabox at gmail dot com
I like YA dystopians that are able to integrate serious modern philosophical issues with a great story--and Inside Out seems to do just that. I'd love to have it!
tiasbook AT gmail DOT com
You said the magic words dystopia and sci-fi, two of my favorite genres when done right. So this most certainly something that has caught my attention.
Jennifer M.
OMIGOSH! I'm just so excited about INSIDE OUT because it's written by one of my favorite authors! (seriously go ask Khy xD). Sharon didn't really like the book much, but thankfully you did so my expectations was what I hoped it to be!
My ears perked up with the 5 zombies alert!! I've tried to read this author before and gave up....maybe I should just read this one????
Dystopia and sci-fi? This sounds like a book my whole family would enjoy! I'd love to be entered. milou2ster(at)gmail.com
Oh how I have been craving this one. Not only do I LOVE Maria Snyder's previous books (Valek - need I say more?), but I adore well-written and exciting dystopia. I've been loving your dystopia month celebration! Count me in!
I really want to read this book for a few reasons. #1 DYSTOPIAN #2 new publisher doing this kind of book. This book reminds me a bit of The Declaration and parts of Cherry Heaven. Also sharonlovescats gave this a bad review and that has gotten me really curious.
Do bad reviews ever get you more curious than good ones?
FIVE zombies??? Wow. Now I'm gong to have to look into this even tho I'm not a big sci-fi person (I tend toward fantasy).
Since I've read her Study trilogy, I know that Snyder has some talent. I will definitely be looking into this one -- if I don't win. ;-)
BFish dot Reads at gmail dot com
You had me with dystopia...sci-fi...stubborn, skeptical loner with a prickly, sarcastic personality. :)
srfbluemama at gmail dot com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/afewmorepages/status/9544724067
Sounds good. I see no reason that you can' be Team Riley just because. Who wins out of Riley and Peeta?
Megan - I saw Sharon's review and I have to wonder if we read the same book! Just shows you how different readers experiences can be!
Nicole - Hmm...good question. I'm thinking Peeta still slightly edges out Riley, but that's just because I know him better.
I am really looking forward to reading this book after devouring Synder's Study series. I'm a fan of her writing style and am looking forward to seeing how she does the sci-fi part.
This sounds so great! I have such a long list of "must reads", adding this one to it now!
Thanks Lenore!
xoxo -- Hilary
I love books that stick with you afterwards :D This one sounds good!
Wow! This book sounds mega-interesting, and I am most interested in hearing all about this self-sustaining cube. Please enter me in your giveaway, it looks to be a really impressive book!
A "self-sustaining cube"? That's got my curiosity spinning!
This sounds fantastic! I love science fiction dystopias anyway, but the claustrophobic nature of this cube settings sounds especially interesting. I'd love to try for a copy, and I'll be linking to this in my blog shortly. Thanks!
I wasn't going to read this at first, but I definitely will now! :-D Your review makes the book appealing to me...
This books sounds very original and I'm intrigued. I'd love to read it.
I am so excited to read Inside Out! I first heard about it about a year ago when I was at a book signing with Maria. She is so nice and I love all her books!
The descriptions in her books are amazing and I can't wait to see what world she has created this time!
~Meredith F.
rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com
I really like dystopian fiction and like the spin this seems to have! Would love to win and read it!
The fact that you love it.
Team Riley
I want it NOW.
I wasn't wild about this premise when I first heard of this book, but I don't think I can resist a recommendation of "The Ultimate Dystopian Experience". :P
please count me in for the giveaway. i love sci-fi/fantasy books since i read the hunger games and the fact that this one is, it became a must read for me. i also like heroines that are tough and strong and just a bit unlikable and trella sounds like one.
i tweeted: http://twitter.com/chelleyreads/status/9553702097
I am so incredibly anxious for this book. Back in November, my book club got Maria to come to town for a few events, and she was telling us about this over dinner; she said dystopia and I was immediately hooked. I'm a huge fan of hers, anyway (I have everything by her, signed.) I need this in my life!
And I'm super glad to hear that it will likely live up to my expectations. Great review!
You sound incredibly excited about this book and that's enough for me. I trust your judgement and besides, I love dystopian stories.
O M G.
I would love to be entered to win this! Here are two reasons this story appeals to me:
1.) Maria V. Snyder + dystopian/scifi-y = heaven in my life
2.) Let's be a little 13 year old girl here. The guys sound fabulous.
I will go and tweet about it now!
I LOVE dystopian books, so that's what appeals to me. :)
I'm intrigued that you drew a diagram of the pipes to keep things straight! and I always like some good dystopian fiction, although I haven't read a lot in a while. Is it YA fic?
OMG enter me please!
I LOVE Maria V. Snyder's other books, I have read all of the study series and the spy series and am DYING to read this book!
I am most interested to see how Snyder will handle a sci-fi book, and I am sure it will be FABULOUS! I am really looking forward to this one and the concept is so cool!
Thanks bunches for the contest!
emily DOT wittenberg @gmail.com
I think it appeals to me because it is a dystopian. They are so interesting and unique.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
You had me sold with this enthusiastic review... until you said "next installment." Gah. What happened to stand-alone novels people!? I have a love/hate relationship with series - mostly love love love with a little hate for the waiting in between books. Buuuuut I get really excited at the mere mention of a science fiction dystopia, and this world sounds so unique. A cube? It makes me think of The House of Stairs (one of my all-time faves), where a group of kids are kidnapped and taken to, you guessed it, a house of stairs. The setting is ultimately creepy, as the cube sounds to me. And I'm a big fan of anything to do with class issues - the Uppers, you say? I think they've got something ugly coming their way...
I'm a huge Maria V Snyder fan (she went to my high school!), and I can't wait to read Inside Out -- so glad you loved it! What most appeals to me is to meet Maria's newest MC, especially since Yelena and Opal were such different characters!
Linked in First Novels Club sidebar because it's such a wonderful contest!
firstnovelsclub [at] gmail [dot] com
The author appeals most to me! I loved the "Study" books!
inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com
I'm completely into dystopia right now and this one sounds like it would give a different take on that whole genre.
I also like seeing what it has to say about our world now and maybe how that affects the world of the book.
foltzsfantasticbooks at gmail.com
I have begun reading it and I must say I was surprised thinking I must be the only one super excited about the book. There were so many so so reviews for Inside Out.
Now I know there are people like me who enjoyed it.Lot's that too :)
Please don't enter me I already ave the book for review.
I'm new to dystopian books and so far, none I've read have disappointed me! I love every different experience you find in these books, and I'm really sure Inside Out will not disappoint too, thanks to your amazing review! It makes me want to read it so much!:) Thanks for this giveaway and I really really hope I win!
Everything about this book looks awesome-I've loved everything Maria Snyder has written, the color is gorgeous, and I've seen several enthusiastic reviews on various book blogs! I cannot wait to read this; please enter me in the giveaway!
stephaniefleischer889 @ gmail.com
Can the simple fact that it's written by Maria Snyder be enough? Didn't even know she had a non-Sitia book coming out!
I'd love to be entered.
Well first of all, I love anything Maria V. Snyder writes, so obviously that makes this book very appealing! Second, the world sounds so fascinating - I love the premise!
alannakurt at gmail dot com
Thanks so much!
I'm sorry, you have a Team Peeta button? *Sigh*
On a more related note, I'm really looking forward to this book, though hesitant. I wasn't sure how well it would work, but you've reassured most of my doubts!
H- Is that a good sigh? Or a bad sigh because you are team Gale?
In the minds of many, science fiction is about the future. In reality, scifi is always about what's going on right now. I think many of us today feel trapped in a very limited environment, represented by the cube, and we feel entangled by rules. There is a growing disparity between the wealthiest Americans and middle-low income Americans - and despite the fact that poor people have tv and all that jazz, we feel like scrubs. This is why I want to read Inside Out whether I get a free copy or have to buy mine like most everyone else...
Ooooh! A 5/5?! I must read this one!!!
Btw...I am glad you have a Team Peeta button! It was actually one of the reasons I friended you! :P
This sounds fabulous! What most appeals to me is that it's dystopian. I love dystopian books. The cube! The pipes! These things make me want to read the book.
nicolama at cogeco dot ca
Wow that's a lot of entries! :)
Tweeted & sidebar'ed.
SuperReaderGirl (twitter)
Thank you!!
I love Sci-Fi, strong characters and the knowledge of a sequel. Yeah!
estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com
Ohhh this is the first 5-star review of this book I've seen! Thanks, Lenore! I'm super excited about this because it's a dystopian novel written by Maria Snyder, and that's really all I need to be convinced I want to read this. It's kind of like my feelings about when Megan McCafferty's dystopian novel comes out... :)
And I linked this to my sidebar for you!
stephxsu at gmail dot com
Oooh, you've officially made me super excited about this book with your review. Anyway, the aspect that appeals to me most about Inside Out is the scrubs because I'm curious to see the rebellion along with how they got to the pipes.
It appeals to me because I LOVED Maria's Poison and Glass Series. Also I'm really into the Dystopian Novels right now.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Emma015/statuses/9697935892
findjessyhere at gmail dot com
I like the premise it sounds good and its dystopian fiction. Also its written by Maria V. Synder. Even though I havent read any of her books before, I heard wonderful things about them so am interested in possibly reading her new book.
The fact that it's dystopian made me want it - then add in your fangirly review and I'm sold! I tweeted it. :)
nnjmom at yahoo dot com
I've been wanting to read this book, and your review makes it sound fabulous!
What appeals me the most about it is first the fact that it's dystopian, and then the part in your review where you mention the cube and how you had to make a plan of it; I'm really curious about that part and would love to read how it's used in the book!
infiniteshelf @ gmail dot com
It's a dystopia by an author I've previously heard lots of good things about, and you gave it a rave review--what's not to like? It doesn't take much more than the word "dystopia" to get me hooked.
I would LOVE to win this!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D
I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE,LOVE READING dystopian books and it's hard to find good ones to read and this sounds like a good one. :D
Awesome review! What appeals to me most is the high praise from you! I value your opinion and enjoy your reviews. I've been reading more dystopian style books so this sounds really good. Thanks for your offer!
This reminds me of my favorite YA sci-fi novel from childhood, H. M. Hoover's This Time of Darkness. She's the best author you've never heard of.
I'm excited to read this one!
Please count me in. I am loving dystopian novels as of late.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
What appeals to me most about this book is Trella's character. I have never read a character that sounds as if she would immediately rub me the wrong away. Plus, I love Maria Snyder! Poison Study was awesome! I tweeted: http://twitter.com/kghobbs/statuses/9809150656
Thanks for the contest!
-Kelly H.
What most appeals to me about the book is the unusual premise. I have read dystopians before but the story in this one sounds pretty unique. Plus you gave it a really good review.
Linked to this contest on my twitter too
rebecca191 AT aol.com
I've read Poison Study and loved it and am now reading Storm Glass. Snyder's books are dense but you feel like you are inside them! I love anything Dystopia and am always looking for new ones to add to my list!
brainlair AT gmail DOT com
I love the whole underground/pipes element. You always hear, "We should just move underground."
And I need to read a Maria V. Synder.
ameliarainier AT hotmail dot com
I already read it from a tour book I'd love to own a copy! You already know I was not very pleased by the romance, Riley seemed just the perfect boring guy to me. Broken Man on the other hand, made me think at first that they had something and then well.. riley appeared :( Anyhow, I really di enjoy the book, it's hard to put down. Loved Trella!
yabliss AT gmail.com
I think I'm most excited about the 'sci-fi' feel you talk about in this book. When I read the words dystopian and pipes, I definitely thought of steampunk and space - two things I love. I'll be looking forward to reading this one!
I'm also adding this to my blog sidebar.
I feel that I could use a nice "yum" love interest to cheer me up....
I've spent the past two weekends engrossed in Poison Study and then Magic Study, and after I get and read a copy of Fire Study, I'm sure I'm going to be wanting more of Snyder's writing.
I've absolutely adored the love story in the study series, so I'm very intrigued to see what this book will hold for romance. :)
What appeals to me most is that I'm on a dystopian kick, PLUS I've just finished reading Poison Study and need more Maria V. Snyder!
I'm a fan of Maria Snyder's ideas - and of course dystopian fiction. :)
on my sidebar for ya,
What appeals to me most is the story--it sounds amazing, and I really like the cover.
This book sounds amazing.
Sci-fi leaning with a sarcastic narrator, what more can a girl ask for? (that's what's most appealing to me)
Plus it's by Maria V. Snyder, whose work I have really enjoyed in the past.
I'm officially excited for this to come out (or to win).
This must be good if it got 5 zombie chickens. This sounds a bit like a star trek episode where some people lived underground and the "better people" lived above ground. I would love to read this because it sounds like a sci-fi with character development.
Please enter me in the giveaway.
I've read both Maria Snyder's Poison and Glass series..so it'll be pretty interesting to read a different style from her. Plus, love love dystopian novels! Plus, Plus...It got 5 zombie chickens!
I love Maria and want to read her new ideas
Definitely the dystopian genre of this book appeals to me. I love dystopian novels. My favorite is The Hunger Games then the Uglies series. =P
I love dystopian science fiction! I also love strong female protagonists who go against the grain of what is expected to fight for what they believe to be right.
SuperReaderGirlEm at gmail dot com
This book sounds soooo good! I'd love to win a copy :)
What most appeals to me about this book, other than the whole 'living in a cube' thing (how does that work?), is the class differences and struggles it deals with.
I love the author, and I love dystopian novels, so what could be better? Simple as that :)
I always like when the underdog rebels against the oppressor. Sounds like a good book to me, I am looking forward to reading it.
patronus89013 at yahoo dot com
Just the fact that it's a dystopian novel is enough for me to want to read it.
I love Maria Snyder! When I first discovered her I raced through the Study series in literally 2 days and now I'm just itching for the last book in the Glass series - this book sounds amazing, I love the sci fi of it all, and I've been dying to read it since I read the blurb she has on her website! Can't wait =)
Thanks for the giveaway!
I am intrigued by the dystopia. It is a genre that I am not familiar with. Thank you for hosting this giveaway. sharonaquilino at hotmail dot com
The cover!!
Just want to read another great dystopian read!
faked_sugartone at hotmail
What do I find most appealing about this book? First off, I'm a huge fan of the dystopian genre. Also, I've read Maria V. Snyder's Study series and the first two books in the Glass series, and I quite like her writing style.
So basically, a dystopian society created by Maria V. Snyder is pretty much a dream come true for me. Though, getting an ARC of Inside Out would be even better.
I'm a huge fan of dystopian novels in general, but also:
"She’s a stubborn, skeptical loner with a prickly, sarcastic personality."
While these character traits may have made it hard for you to like Trella, I will probably love her for them.
Thanks for hosting a giveaway!
I've read Maria V. Snyder's POISON STUDY and would love a chance to read INSIDE OUT! I've mentioned the giveaway in my sidebar: http://sandyshin.com.
Thank you!
sandyshin7 [at] gmail [dot] com
(I apologize for duplicate comments. My previous comment had the wrong email.)
I haven't read much sci fi or Dystopian books! Would love to get the chance to read this!
infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com
The fact that Maria V. Snyder wrote this book is what appeals most to me about it.
I really love sci-fi and there just isn't much out there these days, especially YA sci-fi with female MCs so that's what appeals to me most. Really looking forward to reading this one!
valeriekwrites at gmail dot com
What appeals to me most about INSIDE OUT is that I love the author's YA fantasy and the idea of seeing what she can do with a different genre appeals to me.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/eldestmuse/status/10129621935
What appeals to me most about this novel is probably a mix of it being about a dystopia which almost always makes for an interesting novel but also the idea of her accidentally starting a rebellion. Come on, who wouldn't be curious? Add into it that there is a hierarchy of classes and you have all the ingredients needed for it to be just the kind of book I want to have a chance to get to read. Wonderful contest! I am so happy that I found it in time to enter!!!
Emma Michaels
I'm currently looking for well-written compelling dystopia books. This one sounds amazing! Plus, sarcastic narrators I tend to enjoy & I'd love to see if Trella is funny sarcastic or too-doom-and-gloom sarcastic for my tastes.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I like she starts a rebellion without trying. I also like that it has a dystopian theme.
What most appeals to me about Inside Out is that it is dystopian; I love dystopian literature. Plus I hear Maria V. Snyder is a really good author. :D
Please enter me. I would really love to win this book.
I love books that create a new world to ponder & this book seems to do this. I've been attracted to these kinds of books since I was very young & read "The Hobbit" for the first time.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Oh, I need to read more stories like this! The characters seem awesome! And with 5 zombie chickens (love that!) I guess I cant go wrong!
MARIE V SNYDER is the appeal to this book! Her other novels are all amazing, I'll read anything she writes. A master of words :) Love her, plus I love dystopian. What could be better?
Thanks for the contest!
barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com
What appeals to me most is the character: Trella. She sounds a lot like me because "she’s a stubborn, skeptical loner with a prickly, sarcastic personality." Yep, that sounds a bit like me! We'd probably get along nicely.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
CONTEST CLOSED. I will notify the winners shortly.
Wow, I read this on the strength of your zombie chickens, but I couldn't get into it at all. How dare we disagree so much on dystopia?? :) (My review, if you want to read me be grumpy.)
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