Oh wait, that's what they do anyway!
Don't forget to vote for Emmy and Finn in A Novel Menagerie's Beautiful Baby Contest in all three categories if you haven't already:
Most beautiful bab(ies)
Most adorable cat(s)
Cutest couple
Right now they are losing and we can't have that can we?! Because if they lose, they might be too sad to appear on the blog anymore. And that would be a real dystopian situation.
ETA: In case anyone is really worried, I was just kidding about removing the cat pictures. Please do not overthrow me ;)
Love it! :D
Noooooooooooo! Can't let that happen!
They are so cute! I voted for them for 2 out of 3 categories - does that count for anything?
awww! LOVE them!
Ohmygosh, I love how her leg is all stretched out like that! How cute!
Do not blackmail us for votes by veiled threats about 'removing' the cats!:)
Beth - Actually the leg stretcher is Finn.
Jodie - Very sorry :)
What a great pose! I'm off to check out the Beautiful Baby Contest.
Aww they are adorable! They look so comfy.
I love how cats can sleep in the most contorted positions! That one almost looks like a lemur, with her limbs stretched out like that! I know I did vote for them in one of the categories. They are precious. You just want to bury your face in their fur.
That is a great picture! That's too cute the way Finn has the one leg up and tucked under and then the other so stretched out.
I am sending my 2 black cats to your dystopian world. Lately, these 2 never seem to be sleeping, and always seem to be getting into whatever I am trying to do!
They look so comfortable and warm. Cats can find the strangest places to lay. Sunday, Allie was messing with Grandma and rolled off the arm of the couch twice. It was pretty funny.
I like that you mention they sleep so much. Sometimes I think mine are dying of boredom and I feel very guilty.
Looks like they're pulling ahead in the polls :P
Well, if you stopped posting kitty pics, people can always come over and see Bandit, in all his glory...lol
Emmy looks like she is at the height of comfort! I love these pictures!
Love seeing pics of your kitties! :)
So you are the mother of Emmy and Finn-they are very cute-from M and P's mum.
Love the kitty pics. They are my daily dose of squee.
sleeping 18 hours?!? Maybe I should join Dystopian Kitty World!
I don't read much dystopian fiction, Lenore, but I've enjoyed catching up on your reviews with the Zombie Chicken ratings :)
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