Summary from FSG/Macmillan
Fear doesn’t come naturally to Mathilda Savitch. She prefers to look right at the things nobody else can bring themselves to mention: for example, the fact that her beloved older sister is dead, pushed in front of a train by a man still on the loose. Her grief-stricken parents have basically been sleepwalking ever since, and it is Mathilda’s sworn mission to shock them back to life. Her strategy? Being bad.
Mathilda decides she’s going to figure out what lies behind the catastrophe. She starts sleuthing through her sister’s most secret possessions—e-mails, clothes, notebooks, whatever her determination and craftiness can ferret out. More troubling, she begins to apply some of her older sister’s magical charisma and powers of seduction to the unraveling situations around her. In a storyline that thrums with hints of ancient myth, Mathilda has to risk a great deal—in fact, has to leave behind everything she loves—in order to discover the truth.
Mathilda Savitch bursts with unforgettably imagined details: impossible crushes, devastating humiliations, the way you can hate and love your family at the same moment, the times when you and your best friend are so weak with laughter that you can’t breathe. Startling, funny, touching, odd, truthful, page-turning, and, in the end, heartbreaking, Mathilda Savitch is an extraordinary debut. Once you make the acquaintance of Mathilda Savitch, you will never forget her.
This one comes out on September 15th from FSG.
And I leave you with a question: what are your favorite character driven novels?
WoW is hosted by Jill - head over there to see what other bloggers are looking forward to this week.
This really sounds pretty awesome. I don't have any really character driven novels that I can think of off the top of my head.
Of books I've read lately, I would put Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before in the category of character driven. Because it lives more from the dorky charm of the MC than the plot.
That sounds really interesting, it's too early for me to answer that question, too early!
Mathilda does sound like a great character. I love the cover, too.
I love E. Lockhart for character -- Frankie from The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks and Ruby Oliver from The Boyfriend List and The Boy Book are two of my favorites!
Mathilda sounds like quite the girl. I can't wait to see what you think of the story. Enjoy.
Sounds charming and very intense as well *rushes to find more info on the book*
This book sounds so good and the cover is great.
whoa, a mystery tale with hints of ancient myths sounds so intrigueing. looks like a must read. hands down, harry potter is my favorite character driven novel(s).
Rosaline - Frankie is a great choice. I haven't read the Ruby Oliver novels, but even if Ruby is only half as cool as Frankie, then they'd be worth it.
vvb - I haven't read Harry Potter, but I've always assumed the books were more plot driven.
wow this does sound really awesome!
the only character i can think of now to answer your question is georgia nicolson since i'm doing the challenge but i KNOW there are many, many others!
Haven't heard of this one until now but it sounds good. I'll keep an eye out for it. I'd have to think about which character-driven books I've read and enjoyed... hmm...
This sounds really good..I'm adding it to my WL!
Looks interesting.
I didn't realize this was YA. It sounds really cool. I love the name Mathilda by the way.
This book sounds fantastic and what a great cover. Best Intentions was a great character driven novel, I also read The Divorce Party recently and that was very character driven.
This sounds like a great book. I like heroines that are spunky and difficult, so I am sure I will really enjoy getting my hands on this one. Thanks!
This book sounds fantastic -- and I love the cover art! Of course, I'm kind of obsessed with snowglobes, so I guess that would make sense. :)
My favorite character-driven novels would have to be Megan McCafferty's Jessica Darling books -- I guess me and 1,674,899 other people! But Jessica is the series' anchor, and I absolutely adore her voice, attitudes and adventures. I've been saving the fifth book, burying it like a Christmas present to myself... but I think I'm going to have to break down and read it soon!
I think it looks great. Definitely adding it to the books I need to read list. Can't wait for it to come out!
Can't think of any character driven novels right now. Well, I really liked the protagonist of Speak and identified with her a lot but I'm not sure if that counts as character driven...
Another one to add to my list!!! Sounds like an intriguing book!
Love your pick. It's now on my wishlist ;0
And the Jessica Darling series def. are some of my favorite character-driven novels.
I love the sound of this one. It's sounds right up my alley. The minute that you ask about character driven books they all fly right out of my head. I'll come back if I think of one.
This sounds great. I really want to read it now.
As for character-driven novels...The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.
I like the sound of this. Sounds intense. :)
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