Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (69) + Pic of Emmy

Today's question from Wendi: Have you explored the Places feature of your Statistics? Do you have any places that have multiple books listed? If you have multiples, are they from different authors, or from the same series?

I just checked this out for the first time today and found out I have 617 places. I didn't get through the whole list (hey...I'm on vacation!), but I have a ton of books set in Boston, Chicago and England (yeah, I stopped at E). It looks like I am going to have to start adding place facts to common knowledge for my books though, because I do see a lot of gaps!


Aww! Emmy's got herself packed up in a box. Is it because she wants to visit me, or is it because she wants to escape Finn? Hmmm....


Yan said...

Send Emmy here! LOL

bermudaonion said...

I have 365 places. I think Emmy wants to come see you without Finn!

MySharonAnne said...

awh! Hi kittehs! I just took some pictures of lilly and sabrina box sleeping.

April (BooksandWine) said...

Awww, that is one precious picture

Liviania said...

I think it's too escape Finn.

Alea said...

Finn is all like "Hey! I see what you are doing! Not so fast!"

Quilt Works said...

Emmy is soooo cute! Perfect this is to curl up with a cat and a book!

Thao said...

Seems like Finn wants to go too!

Rhiannon Hart said...

Every week my resolve to not have a cat yet gets a little weaker looking at your darlings!

Heidi Willis said...

Emmy is so totally gorgeous! I wish I could reach through the screen and feel that fur!

Melanie said...

Emmy's adorable. What kind of cat is she?

Hazra said...

Awwww!!!That's so adorably cute!

Ana S. said...

lol...now there's a question :P

Serena said...

maybe it's both--she wants to visit you and get away from Finn.

Linda said...

I bet she wants to visit you. She misses her momma!

Zibilee said...

Adorable picture of Emmy. I would say she both wants to visit, and wants to escape. My cats love boxes also, it doesn't matter the size.

Erica said...

Emmy is too cute! :)

caite said...

ha ha ha...another person sucked over to the dark side of entering Common Knowledge....ha ha ha

Staci said...

She's really trying to mail herself to my house!!!

Marie Cloutier said...

What adorable little darlings :-)

Kelly said...

Dang, that's a lot of places. Only 408 here.

Single digits for every city except 17 in London, and 20 in NYC. Very cool!

Yes, I think this might have sucked me into Common Knowledge-dom...

Unknown said...

oh my, Emmy is beautiful! I wonder where she wants to go? Such beautiful fur! It looks like Emmy has a freiend there who wants to come along!