Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (17)

The kitties are glad to finally have us back! 


Sandy Nawrot said...

It's a kitty meeting! I know when we leave and come back, ours about crawls up our legs. My kitty, the white one, hovers over me at night and touches my face and meows. Strange kitty.

christina said...

Please tell me your secret when dealing with shedding? I'm pulling my hair out (and only stop because it will add to the hair EVERY WHERE) trying to keep up with my cats fluff! LOL.

kay - Infinite Shelf said...

Looks like they missed you, and are not letting you go any time soon! hihi!

bermudaonion said...

I had to search to find the person in the picture! How sweet!

Zibilee said...

Oh Lenore! I am always so envious when I see your fur babies getting along and sharing space like that! My little ones are SO mean to each other, and they hardly ever rally round each other unless food is involved. We lost a cat a couple of years back that was just the meanest boy to all the others. he was the biggest instigator and always started fights with the other cats. The thing was that he just loved me, and was such a sweet and cuddly little guy when he wanted to be. He slept with me every night and let me play with his belly. I miss him so much...

Melissa Ward said...

I love how they are all touching Daniel (is that Daniel or you?) in some way. I'm assuming Emmy claimed the lap spot :)

My two kitty boys LOVE it when I come back and are extremely insistent on sleeping curled up under my arm at night - they even have disagreements over who is sleeping where.

Lenore Appelhans said...

Melissa - That's Daniel :)

Alessandra said...

I guess they won't let yDaniel and/or you go anywhere anytime soon. Lol. I'd love if my kitty jumped into my lap or let me hold him for longer than ten seconds (when he's half asleep).

Ladytink_534 said...

Aw! Looks like the definitely missed you!

Linda said...

OMG! How precious! I know they missed their momma and daddy!

Staci said...

Yes..now they can relax!!LOL!

avisannschild said...

What a contented pile of kitties! I love these posts!

Kailana said...

Cute. :) At times I miss having cats, but at other times I wish I still had one!

~The Book Pixie said...

So frikin adorable! I'm guessing you shouted, "Don't wait up!" over your shoulder as you left. :P
