Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Waiting On Wednesday (12) Turning Japanese by Cathy Yardley

I was flipping through the St. Martin's Griffin winter 2009 catalog and this one caught my eye not only because it deals with Japanese culture (I lived in Fukuoka, Japan for a year) but also because they described it as the Japanese DEVIL WEARS PRADA (guilty pleasure book) and because YA author Lauren Baratz-Logsted blurbed it as "Adventurous, moving and just plain fun."

Here's the description from the catalog:

Meet Lisa Falloya, an aspiring half-Japanese, half-Italian American manga artist who follows her bliss by moving to Tokyo to draw the Japanese-style comics she's been reading for years. Lisa has everything planned - but hasn't taken into account that being half-Asian and enthusiatic isn't going to cut it. Faced with an exacting boss and a conniving "big fish" manga author, Lisa risks her wedding, her friends, and her fears for a shot at making it big.

Sounds like it could be really fun! We'll find out April 2009.


Alea said...

Oooh this sounds really good! I think I definitely would like it!

Anonymous said...

That does sound like fun. Are you old enough to remember the song "I think I'm turning Japanese"? That's what I thought of when I saw the title.

Lenore Appelhans said...

I'm sure I've heard it on an oldies station - ha ;)

gautami tripathy said...

This sounds like something I would like to read.

Here is mine.

Anonymous said...

It does sound fun!

And yeah, reminded me of the "turning Japanese" song, too.

Darlene said...

This sounds interesting. I like the cover too. My goodness you've travelled a lot haven't you. Must be exciting to have lived there for a year.

Amber said...

Oh - I am half-Asian too! Instant connection to main charcter = intrigued to read this book.

Though I have never cared for Manga, this sounds interesting!

Amy said...

I also lived in Japan for a year...this looks great. :)

Kathy..I remember "I think I'm turning Japanese" from my workmates singing it in Japan all the time...sigh.

Ladytink_534 said...

Ooh! Very pretty cover!

Anonymous said...

OMG, "Turning Japanese" on the oldies station! You're worse than my kids :) Now I feel ancient!

We continue to listen to "new" music, more alternative than pop, so my kids think our (J's and mine) musical taste is a bit "off"