Monday, June 22, 2009

Win two upcoming YA books from a pile of 21 - your choice for the YA book carnival!

It is YA book carnival time! I have an awesome contest for you and you can find many others by heading over to the official list at Shooting Stars Mag (you have to click on the Mr. Linky to see them).

So what is my contest you ask? Well, basically, I let you pick any 2 ARCs from the following (unsigned) TBRs. I will move them to the top of my pile, read them, and then pass them on to the winner. How does that sound? Not only are you getting two really cool books before they are released, you are also dictating which of my books will be reviewed first!

Here’s my list:

AFTER by Amy Efaw (August 09)
ANOTHER FAUST by Daniel and Dina Nayeri (Aug 09)
THE ETERNAL KISS by various authors (Aug 09)
MY SOUL TO TAKE by Rachel Vincent (Aug 09)
AN OFF YEAR by Claire Zulkey (Sept 09)
ASH by Malinda Lo (Sept 09)
THE DEVIL’S KISS by Sarwat Chadda (Sept 09)
DREAMDARK SILKSINGER by Laini Taylor (Sept 09)
HATE LIST by Jennifer Brown (Sept 09)
THE MIDNIGHT CHARTER by David Whitley (Sept 09)
THE MILES BETWEEN by Mary E. Pearson (Sept 09)
SCHOOL OF FEAR by Gitty Daneshvari (Sept 09)
VIOLA IN REEL LIFE by Adriana Trigiani (Sept 09)
HOLD STILL by Nina LaCour (Oct 09)
HUSH, HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick (Oct 09)
INTO THE WILD NERD YONDER by Julie Halpern (Oct 09)
THE MAZE RUNNER by James Dashner (Oct 09)
SECRET SOCIETY by Tom Dolby (Oct 09)
WANDERLUST by Lucy Silag (Dec 09)
BEAUTIFUL CREATURES by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (Jan 10)
THE SECRET YEAR by Jennifer Hubbard (Jan 10)

This is open internationally! I’m going to keep it open until July 7th at 11:59 pm CST. Please tell me which 2 upcoming books you are MOST excited for (do not have to be on this list) for one entry. One additional entry by linking to this post from your blog (sidebar is fine) or social media site and leaving a separate comment telling me you did so.

You can also leave intelligent comments (meaning I can tell you read them) on up to 5 of my book reviews (past, present or future) for up to 5 additional entries. Just write the following after your comment #extra entry for it to get proper credit.


Stephanie said...

I think the book I'm most excited for is Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. After that, probably Ash. Such a great contest!!! I would love to be entered!

Melody said...

I'd choose Ash by Malinda Lo and Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Like Stephanie, I can't wait to read Catching Fire too!

I'd love to be entered! Thanks! :)

CeeCee said...

Two books I'm most excited about are Treason's Shore by Sherwood Smith because it's the last and she is amazing. The next is Catching Fire Because IT is Catching fire who isn't excited. Would be thankful for the entry.


Vanessa said...

Now that I've seen your list, I'm not sure I can think of anything else. Hush Hush and Another Faust both sound good.


Margay Leah Justice said...

I think you should read My Soul to Take and Beautiful Creatures. They both look good.


KR said...

I'd pick Secret Society and Hold Still.Such a great list! It was hard to choose.


Test said...

The two books I'm most looking forward too are Hold Still by Nina Lacour and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. Since, they both look amazing!

Anyway, please enter me! :)

Jo said...

Ohh, please enter me for The Eternal Kiss and Another Faust! Thank you!

I'm looking forward to Carpe Corpus and Fade Out by Rachel Caine. I know Carpe Corpus has been released already, but I can't get hold of it anywhere, and the UK version is released in October, so yeah! :D I love the Morganville Vampires series, they're so exciting!

I've linked to this contest on my contest section, right sidebar:

Email: joannestapley[at]googlemail[dot]com

Anonymous said...

please include me in the giveaway

2 books I'm looking forward to are My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincebt and Blood Promise by richelle mead

The 2 books from your list I'd like to win most are
MY SOUL TO TAKE by Rachel Vincent
HUSH, HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick

thank you

Korianne said...

I am most excited about Beautiful Creatures, after getting to know Kami & Margaret on twitter. After that I am probably most looking forward to Hate List. Awesome books on your list! I am planning on reading Another Faust soon, but there are so many BEA books to read!

H said...

I'm looking forward to Catching Fire, Fire, and Hunger. (I love the weird coincidence that all these sequels seem to be so similarly named or are similar to the first book) If that makes sense?

Kristen said...

The two books I'm most excited about are Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins - because I'm dying to know where they'll take it after The Hunger Games did such an awesome job. The second book is Rapture of the Deep by L.A. Meyer - the 7th book in the Bloody Jack series comes out in September and I'm dying to see what adventures she embarks on this time! Please enter me!

Kristen said...

Put your comment on my sidebar!

Rylie said...

The two books that I'm most excited for are Fire by Kristin Cashore and The Faceless Ones by Derek Landy.

bcanyon at hotmail dot com

Amanda said...

I see a lot of people mentioning Catching Fire but i didn't see that in the list. If I'm just missing it in my early morning haze, I do want it on record that I'm most looking forward to that one. :)

But other than that, I'd be interested particularly in After, and secondly in The Secret Year.


Heather said...

Oh my goodness, there are so many I'm excited for! I guess the two I'm MOST excited for are, of course, Catching Fire, and probably Geektastic.

And I'd love to be entered, that is a great list of books!

Bunny B said...

I'm looking forward to Ruined by Paula Morris and Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink

bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...


bunnybx at gmail . com

RagDollVampGirl said...

I'd Love To Be Entered In This Contest...

I'm Absolutely Dying To Read The Eternal Kiss (I Love Vampires) And Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick... I Just Can't Wait For These!!



Sylvia said...

Definitely Crazy Beautiful and Once was Lost. I love that they're both realistic fiction and that their covers are both GORGEOUS, it's amazing:) Thanks for holding this great contest, I really really hope I win!

a flight of minds said...

There are so many amazing sounding books I want! But if I had to pick... Probably Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and The Eternal Kiss (I'm in it! Aaah).

Great contest! We'd love to be entered.

Alex (& Lauren) at aflightofminds(at)hotmail(dot)com

a flight of minds said...

And we linked in our sidebar over at our blog. :)

Alex & Lauren at aflightofminds(at)hotmail(dot)com

Debbie's World of Books said...

I am really excited about Hush, Hush and Blood Promise

Debbie's World of Books said...

I also posted about this on my blog:

dasuzuki at yahoo dot com

Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

I am really excited to read Hate List by Jennifer Brown which happens to be on your list. I've been in envy when I see it in everyone's IMM posts. Also Beautiful Creatures looks soooo good!


Anonymous said...

There are so many great books on that list! The ones I can't wait to read though are The Miles Between and The Secret Year. But really, you can't go wrong with any. :)

I'd love to be entered as well.

Busy Bookblogger said...

The two I am most looking forward to are Catching Fire and After! That was an awesome list though and all of them sound pretty good!


Anonymous said...

I'm super excited for Adriana Trigiani's Viola In Reel Life -- I love her! I had no idea she has a YA series starting. Super exciting! I'm really looking forward to reading Hush, Hush too.

Thanks for the chance! :)

writing.meg [at]

Tarie Sabido said...

Wheee! I would love Ash because it is written by Asian American Malinda Lo and I think it is so important to hear from different voices in the YA world. I would also love An Off Year because it sounds truly unique. I don't think there are many books out there about that gap year before college!

My email address:

Lexie said...

I think I'm looking forward to Alpha and Omega Book 2: Hunting Ground by Patricia Briggs and Vampire Academy Book 4: Blood Kiss by Richelle Mead the most right now (of books I don't have pre-ordered at least XD)

I'd love to be entered for your contest!

The Book Explorer said...

I am most excited about Blood Promise by Richelle Mead and Fairy Tale by Cyn Balog.

scottsgal said...

I'd have to pick Ash and Hold Still.
I am also looking forward to Swimsuit by James Patterson
Great giveaway - thanks!
msboatgal at

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Thanks for posting about the carnival and even holding your own contest. And wow, what a contest this is! I'm so jealous of all the cool ARC's you have. So yeah, I have to enter...what are two upcoming books I can't wait for?

Break by Hannah Moskowitz
Ash by Malinda Lo

So many more really, but those are my first thoughts. :)


Sarah said...

Oooh...this is hard. There's so many I'm looking forward to. It's hard to even choose two just on this list! On the list, I'd probably pick:

Silksinger! (Can't wait!)

Ann Diana Dinh, said...

Hm...kind of excited for "My Soul to Take" and "The Secret Year."


Blodeuedd said...

THE ETERNAL KISS by various authors
MY SOUL TO TAKE by Rachel Vincent
are the 2 that speaks to me.

And I am looking forward to a new book by JR ward

blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com

Marie said...

The two books I am most looking forward to are Catching Fire (now that I finally got to read Hunger Games) and Ash by Malinda Lo.

Faye( Ramblings of a Teenage Bookworm) said...

the 2 most exciting book that i can't wait to read has to be catching fire and beautiful creatures

posted in sidebar

Bookworm said...

I'm most excited for Viola in Reel Life and Secret Society. Both sound so amazing, that I'm not sure I can wait so long for them! Great contest, please enter me!

And so far I've commented on 3 reviews...more to come!


Cindy said...

Great books. The two I'm most excited for are Beautiful People and My Soul To Take!!!

I would love to be entered!

cnhand84 at yahoo dot com

Posted on my sidebar and am a follower! Thanks for entering me!

Book Butterfly (Kim) said...

Wow! This is such a great contest! I'd choose My Soul to Take and Beautiful Creatures.

I'm really looking forward to Jessica Verday's The Hollow and also Eyes like Stars.

Thank you!


Beth Kephart said...

Your generosity staggers. That's all I'm saying. I don't think, though, that that makes me intelligent.

Rabid Fox said...

Wow. Great, great contest. Count me in! The two books on that list I'm most excited to get my paws on are:
1) HUSH, HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick and 2)THE DEVIL’S KISS by Sarwat Chadda.

e-mail: rabidfox(at)

stargirlreads said...

I'm excited for After and Ash

Cecelia said...

I'm looking forward to Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins (feels like everyone is with me on that one) and Fire by Kristin Cashore.


Cecelia said...

And I've linked this contest on the sidebar of my blog (and I won't take it down this time until you've declared a winner...).


Hillary said...

I'm very excited to read After and Catching Fire. They're both going to be wonderful!

Anonymous said...

OMGosh this contest is crazy/awesome!

Book I cannot wait for... man if I could only pick one. But Hush, Hush and Catching Fire are right up there! =D

There's a link to this contest on my sidebar, too!

Thank you for opening this up internationally, Lenore!

mya DOT rooney AT gmail DOT com

Diana Dang said...

I can't wait to read Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow and Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon!

Linked to sidebar:

Jenna said...

The two books I am most excited for are Hate List by Jennifer Brown and Flash, Burnout by L.K. Madigan. Hate List has just an awesome and intense plot that I can't wait to sink my teeth in to. While, Flash, Burnout has a focus on Photography (which I love) and is told from the male perspective (which I love reading).

Thanks for the contest!


Sara said...

Off the list, I'm most interested in Beautiful Creatures and Hush, Hush. But I am anxiously awaiting Catching Fire and Fire by Kristin Cashore. I usually try to wait til books come out in softcover before buying them, but with these two I think I'll buy them the day they come out and read them that same day as well. I am so excited about them. I am smiling as I write this post, I'm so exicited!

holdenj said...

The next couple books I'm most looking forward to are Catching Fire and Scarlett Fever!

Great contest!

JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com

Chick Lit Teens said...

Of course, I'm looking forward to the release of CATCHING FIRE by Suzanne Collins. BETRAYING SEASON by Marissa Doyle and BLUE MOON by Alyson Noel are both duking out for second.


+1 I added a link on my sidebar

Rebecca Herman said...

I am most looking forward to Splendor (the final book in the Luxe series) and the final Hunger Games trilogy book (I know, it's over a year away, but I want to know how it ends!).

I linked this contest on my sidebar.

rebecca191 AT aol DOT com

Breanna said...

Wow, great contest! I'm really excited for The Hate List and Hush Hush. Oh and also The Secret Year. I love the cover of that one.

These are some great ARC's you're giving away! :)

Please enter me!


Amy said...

Hush Hush and Catching fire(duh!)
great contest!

~The Book Pixie said...

Wow! That is a very impressive list of books and a lot stand out as ones I can't wait to read. Since I can only pick two I'll pick.....Hate List and Another Faust, though there are others I want just as much. :D


~The Book Pixie said...

+1 Linked to this contest in my sidebar here:


Readingjunky said...

Two from your list that I'm anxious to read are AFTER and ASH. I've been hearing great things about both of them.

Melanie said...

I'm really excited about After and The Hate List. They've both got incredibly interesting subject matter.

Alyce said...

Fun! Of course I want to read Catching Fire! I browsed through your list and The Maze Runner caught my eye. It's one I haven't heard of yet, but I looked it up on amazon and it sounds cool.

akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Shelly B said...

Great contest! I am anxiously awaiting the release of Hush, Hush and Ash!

shelcows AT gmail DOT com

Shelly B said...

Added this to my sidebar.

Liviania said...

I'm excited for SHIVER and BALLAD, both by Maggie Stiefvater, since I loved LAMENT and she's pretty awesome. Great contest offering!

throuthehaze said...

Im interested in Ash and Another Faust
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...


Unknown said...

INTO THE WILD NERD YONDER by Julie Halpern and THE DEVIL’S KISS by Sarwat Chadda look like good reads, please enter me into this drawing for them.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Anna said...

FANTASTIC contest! I'm most excited for Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and Forest Born by Shannon Hale. Now I'm going to start commenting...


ReaderGirl said...

Hmm... so many! Beautiful Creatures, and Hush Hush? AND Re-dycler, Bloom Moon, Levatian, Shiver, The Hollow.... XD




donnas said...

I am most excited for Blue Moon and My Soul to Take.

From your list I would choose Another Faust and My Soul to Take to read first.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

chocowafer said...

I'm most excited about The Van Alen Legacy by Melissa de la Cruz and Blood Promise by Richelle Mead.

From your list, I'd be grateful to win any of them. :)

I linked this up at my sidebar:

Pissenlit said...

The two upcoming books I'm most excited for are Julie E. Czerneda's Rift in the Sky and Georgia Evans' Bloody Awful. From your list, I'd pick The Eternal Kiss and My Soul To Take. :)

Steph Su said...

Oh my gosh, how can I ever possibly decide from that gorgeous list of ARCs? I'd say read Ash by Malinda Lo and Hold Still by Nina LaCour. The first because I've been following it since I found out about it several months ago, and the second because I've been hearing more and more great things about it.

Steph Su said...

And I've now linked to your giveaway in my sidebar. Thanks!

stephxsu at gmail dot com

Dawn M. said...

I'm looking forward to Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and On The Edge by Ilona Andrews.

Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm excited for Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare.

Zoraida Cordova said...


+side bar add

Brittany said...

I'm excited about Beautiful Creatures. All the reviews have made me really want it. Also I'm excited to read Ash because well I love debut authors.


Brittany said...

+1 added contest in sidebar


Jessica B said...

Well, Catching Fire is the one I'm most excited about, but it's not on the list, so I'll go with these:

Hush,Hush(this looks great!)
A Devil's Kiss

Thanks so much!

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

I pick:
Hush, Hush
Beautiful Creatures


I'd pick Catching Fire too but it's not on your list! : )

The Book Girl said...

Another Faust and Hush, Hush would have to be the ones I'm most excited for :-) Although Beautiful Creatures and The Secret Year sound amazing as well! So many of them do, it's hard to choose :-p.

My email is

Awesome contest, thanks for hosting it!

5 Extra Entries :-D

Cate said...

I'm definitely looking forward to Forest Born by Shannon Hale; she's one of my favorites. I'm also intrigued by Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.


valentina said...

I love your idea, I think I should borrow it one day!:D
I'm looking forward to :
Ash by Melinda Lo
and The Miles between by Mary E. Pearson
so these are my picks:) I'd looooove to win them, especially Ash, I've wanted to read it ever since I heard it was coming out.

melissa @ 1lbr said...

I am looking forward to Catching Fire as well, I won't deny it. However, I also am excited for The Maze Runner and Forest Born.


Anonymous said...

I think the books I'm most excited for are ones I have but haven't had the time to read yet! other than Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce, I thin the other would be Give Up The Ghost by Megan Crewe because she's a friend of mine :)


Ella Preuss said...

Probably Ash, and then Secret Society. Cool Giveaway! Please enter me! I'm posting this on my sidebar ;)

xo, Ella

Cinnamon said...

I am definitely waiting for Hush, Hush and My Soul to Take! Oh yeah!


Cinnamon said...

Linked to from my blog sidebar -


-.- said...

From your list, it would be After and Hate List...and Beautiful Creatures :p

From my wish list, it would be
Blood Ninja and Shades of Grey.

I've also left a link of your giveaway on my sidebar.


~ Popin

SarahChristine said...

hmmm two books?

id have to say beautiful creatures and scarlett fever.

i also tweeted it on

chinesedolphin94 said...

Most excited for Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and Hush Hush.

Kate at Read This Book! said...

I'm very excited for AFTER by Amy Efaw as well as THE DARK DIVINE by Bree Despain! They sound like wonderfulllll books.

Kate at Read This Book! said...

Linked to the contest here:

Mellie said...

I'm so excited to read Fire by Kristen Cashore and Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen.

Please enter me and thank you for such a fantastic contest!

librarybird1 at yahoo dot com

Oryfan said...

Two books I can't wait to read are Ash and Intertwined. I love a chance to win My Soul to Take and The Eternal Kiss!


Anonymous said...

Catching Fire, for sure, and then it gets hard to narrow it down! But to only pick one more, I'll say The Secret Year. :)

Llehn said...

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater!


Jessica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica said...

(Oops! Not sure what happened.)

I think the two books that I am most looking forward to are Catching Fire (as I see many are as well) and The Maze Runner.

Please enter me in your contest. My two picks are THE MAZE RUNNER by James Dashner and THE DEVIL’S KISS by Sarwat Chadda

Thanks for such a great contest!

Megan said...

I am really excited for Suspicion by Kate Brian and Beauitful creatures.


Jessica Spotswood said...

I'm very most looking forward to Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev and Catching Fire. But from this list, I'd choose Ash and Beautiful Creatures. It's a hard choice, though--so many fab books here!

Cata said...

Hey! Great contest. 2 of the upcoming books that I'm most excited about are Catching Fire and The treasure map of boys (by e. lockhart).
Thanks a lot!

Andrea said...

I can't wait for Rampant by Diana Peterfreund and Tempted by P.C. & Kristin Cast!

I would love to be entered

Pam said...

The books I'd pick are The Secret Year and An Off Year. The books I'm most excited about are Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella and The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

melacan at hotmail dot com

Sara said...

I think you should read HATE LIST by Jennifer Brown and MY SOUL TO TAKE by Rachel Vincent, both of them look great!!

I'm also looking forward to the next book in the Vampire Academy series!

sosarora_11 @

Kate said...

I'm excited for Catching Fire and Eyes Like Stars! I'd love to be entered.

Charlotte said...

I'm looking forward to Ash and Fire, which makes me sound like an arsonist, especially if I add Catching Fire...

Rabid Fox said...

I can't believe I didn't include it already, but I just added a link to this contest on my own blog, in the upper-right corner (CONTESTS Section).


Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to Fire by Kristen Cashore and The Van Allen Legacy by Melissa de la Cruz.

I would love to be entered, thanks!

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

Great idea for a contest! I am most excited over Another Faust an Beautiful Creatures. Thanks for this giveaway :)

kaymf said...

From your list I'd go with Hush, Hush and Hate List. Not on your list I would have to go with The Van Allen Legacy.

Book Sp(l)ot said...

I think the two I'm most looking forward to are Intertwied by Gena Showalter and The Hollow by Jessica Verday...I think those are the top two (there are so many it's hard to choose!)


Anonymous said...

Wow that list is intense. A lot of amazing sounding books on there. Of those I'd have to say I'm the most excited to read My Soul To Take and Hush, Hush. I'm also stoked for Catching Fire.

I'd love to be entered to win! Thanks so much.

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

I think you should read Ash by Malinda Lo and Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick.

The books I'm most waiting about are Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and Dark Devine by Bree Despain.

I've blogged about this contest.

LadyVampire2u said...

I'd really like to read "My Soul to Take" by Rachel Vincent and "The Eternal Kiss" anthology. Thanks for entering me.


Mik said...

From the list, I would say read Hush, Hush and Beautiful Creatures. But I'm also super excited for Catching Fire.

- Mik @ I Am Nonfiction

Mik said...

+ 1 for linking to my sidebar (

- Mik @ I Am Nonfiction

Anonymous said...

I'm super excited to read The Eternal Kiss - it has such a great lineup of authors! Ash from Malinda Lo looks amazing as well!

- Jezzah

Anonymous said...

+ 1 for linkage. And good behavior. :)

- Jezzah

Kaylee said...

Ash(by Malindo Lo) and Killer( by sara shepard)


Sarah said...

I'm looking forward for Cassandra Clare's The Infernal Devices next year.

Anonymous said...

ASH and HUSH, HUSH look most exciting to me, right now.


karenkincy [at] hotmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Linked here:

And here:


karenkincy [at] hotmail [dot] com

Jenn said...

The books I'm most looking forward too is Cathching Fire and Hate list! They both looks amazing! I can't wait to star reading them!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to Catching Fire and Hush, Hush.


Anonymous said...

I linked this on my sidebar. (

Ana S. said...

I've been dying to read Ash ever since Renay brought it to my attention. A lesbian retelling of Cinderella! What's not to love? Another one I'm very excited about is Geektastic. Quite a few authors I'm a fan of contributed, and plus, geekiness!

Unknown said...

im most looking forward to HATE LIST by Jennifer Brown and
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.
please enter me.
my name emily.

Melissa said...

I cannot wait to read ASH. It looks wonderful! After is another one that is on my list. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Laina said...

Hush Hush!!!!!! I want that one soooooo badly I've made two of my friends promise that if they get it (which isn't a sure thing), they'll send it to me when they're done reading it. After that, I'm really loving the look of After.

Laina said...

I blogged about it here:

WordVore Prod said...

I think I'm more excited for Hush, Hush and Hate List...the storylines seem extremely appealing to me.
Thanks for hosting such a wonderful contest...I'd love to be entered:)

WordVore Prod said...

Posted about the contest here:

WordVore Prod said...

Posted about the contest here:

The Lovely Reader said...

I'm most excited about Hush, Hush, and after that I'm most exctied about Ash. Both sound amazing! I can't wait to read either of them.

barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Chioma said...

I am pretty sure all of those books are on my wish list. But the ones i am most looking forward to would definately be The Eternal Kiss because all of my favorite authors have a peice of the book and Ash. Awesome ARC contest!!!

L said...

I'm dying to read Blood Promise by Richelle Mead and Enternal Kiss.

I posted a link on my sidebar:


BN Book Blog said...

We're really excited about Eyes Like Stars and Prophecy of the Sisters, among others. Great contest!

Beth & Nathan

Erica said...

There's so many great upcoming books but my top 2 would be Hush, Hush and The Law Of Nines!

Amazing list of ARCS btw!

:) Erica

Teresa said...

I would choose THE ETERNAL KISS and MY SOUL TO TAKE. Thanks for the contest.

Unknown said...

I think it would have to be ASH and the Devils kiss. :) please add me into this competition. Cant wait :)

Liyana said...

Another Faust and Hush Hush. It wasn't really that hard to pick those two books, because even though that's a great list of ARCs (I WANT!) those two books are the ones I REALLY want to read.

Anonymous said...

I've been hearing some really great things about The Midnight Charter. I'm sorry I'm anonymous today, google password isn't working.

Lia said...

The book I'm most exited to read is Blue Moon by Alyson Noel which is a sequel to Evermore I really cant wait to read it, its an awesome series and the expert is just soo good! The other good book I will love to read is Ash by Malinda Lo its very interesting.

liaborges13 @ yahoo. com

deltay said...

I'm superduper excited about Catching Fire (I know, I know, a little cliche), considering how amazing The Hunger Games was. And feedback so far has been phenomenal. I'm also really looking forward to The Eternal Kiss, because it's a collaboration between so many amazing authors.

lucidconspiracy at gmail dot com

Lost in a Book said...

I am most excited to read Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater and Ash by Malinda Lo. Both sound really interesting (and who doesn't love unrequited love?)

I would love to be entered in this contest!

Katie said...

I'm most excited for Hold Still and Beautiful Creatures.

@llie said...

The 3 books I can't wait to read the most are Hush, Hush, Catching Fire, and Ash. They all sound terrifically good. I am a follower and will continue to be. Thanks for the contest. My fingers are crossed.

Anonymous said...

My choices are:

THE SECRET YEAR by Jennifer Hubbard
HOLD STILL by Nina LaCour

Samantha LeAnne said...

The two I am most looking foward to are Catching Fire and The Siren

Out of the list, the two I want the most are The Eternal Kiss and The Miles Between.

Samantha LeAnne said...

I linked on my sidebar:

Anonymous said...

My choices are THE ETERNAL KISS by various authors and MY SOUL TO TAKE by Rachel Vincent
Thanks for the giveaway

trish said...

I vote for The Miles Between and The Maze Runner. :)

alaska. said...

i totally vote for "wanderlust" (lucy is an old high school friend, and "beautiful americans" was so overlooked! i need more of alex and the crew!) and "ash".

on books that aren't on the list, i'm all about "fire", "catching fire" and "rampart". also "blood promise" and "blue moon", and the next in the blue bloods series, "leviathan" and . . . oh, the list goes on and on!! ;)

link on my twitter (furies) and tumblr (therealfuries).

Mary Kontrary said...

I only recognize one author on your list: VIOLA IN REEL LIFE by Adriana Trigiani. From the previous comments, I am really missing a LOT! :(

Paradox said...

I'm looking forward to Beautiful Creatures and Hush, Hush!

I commented on the reviews of:

- Milestones
- Nothing But Ghosts
- Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before
- Alive and Well in Prague, New York
- Fairy Tale

paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

Thao said...

Two upcoming books I'm most excited about? They're Positively and Jumping Off Swings. They both deal with serious matters and seem perfect for me.

I'll link this contest on my sidebar :)

jenine (jenson_aka_DL) said...

I'm very excited for "Sacred Scars" by Claire Dunkle (sequel to "Skin Hunger") and the new Vampire Academy book, "Blood Promise" by Richelle Meade.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm most interested in Another Faust and Ash!

I posted a link on my blog for you.

Anonymous said...

i would like to win DREAMDARK SILKSINGER by Laini Taylor (Sept 09)
i love that ur doin this! ur awesome!


Tina's Blog said...

I am anxiously awating the new Richard Peck book as well as the sequel to Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson. I love your contest!

Allison said...

I can't wait for The Hate List by Jennifer Brown and Tricks by Ellen Hopkins!

Please enter me :)


Allison said...

+1 posted on the sidebar on my blog


Anonymous said...

I am the only person /not/ excited to read Catching Fire - no, that's not true, it's just that I want to wait to read it until I can have the third one in my hands, too.

But I really really really really really want to read Ash and also looking forward to reading (already released) Suzanne Crowley's The Stolen One

Anonymous said...

I'm most excited for Hush Hush and Mazerunner. What a cool list of TBR!

I'd love to be entered!

Anonymous said...

I also linked to your post on my blog.

Dave said...

I cant wait to read The maze runner by dashner (his 13th reality series is awesome) and I cant wait to read Fire by Cashore, Graceling was just a great, great book!
Please enter me as I saw the Maze runner on here!

Kaylyn said...

This sounds like a great contest, enter me in[:

I think you should review Hush, Hush and Beautiful Creatures;


Kaylyn said...

I posted your contest in my contest sidebar thing.

mrsshukra said...

The Devil's Kiss and The Secret Year!

Amber said...

I am most excited for Hush, Hush and The Secret Year!

mare-bear said...

I vote for MY SOUL TO TAKE and THE MAZE RUNNER. Both look amazing!

Shauna said...

I am most excited for Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins and Viola in Reel Life by Adriana Trigiani.

Thanks for the entry!


Sandra Stiles said...

I think you should put the following at the top of your list:
My Soul To Take - Rachel Vincent and Ash by Malinda Lo. I would love to be entered.

Lizzy said...

Even though I'm getting in right under the cut, the two books that I'm most excited for are Another Faust, and of course, Catching Fire (but who isn't excited about that one)

Bee said...

ANOTHER FAUST by Daniel and Dina Nayeri (Aug 09)


BEAUTIFUL CREATURES by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (Jan 10)

look to be interesting. Well they all do but those titles stand out to me.

tashiana said...

I'm excited for My Soul to Take and Hush Hush. :D

Marcilio Garcia said...

The two books I'm most excited to read are: The maze runner and Another Faust. Hope I could get a chance to read one of them.

marciliogq dot

Tynga said...

Thank for the great contest!
These 2 would be my pick:
THE ETERNAL KISS by various authors (Aug 09)
MY SOUL TO TAKE by Rachel Vincent (Aug 09)

Hope you have a great time reading them =)

Oh and I am a follower =)
TYnga85 AT hotmail DOT com

Lenore Appelhans said...


Mona said...

The books that seem the most interesting are Another Faust by Daniel Nayeri and The Eternal Kiss. I would love to get a chance to read and own these books!

Mona said...

The books that seem the most interesting are Another Faust by Daniel Nayeri and The Eternal Kiss. I would love to get a chance to read and own these books!