THE MILES BETWEEN is difficult to summarize and review without giving too much away – and trust me, this is the type of novel you want to go into unspoiled. I can tell you that I loved it. Not only does it explore deep topics such as the nature of fate and the role of coincidence in our lives but it is also full of zany fun, gives us memorable characters (as well as a pet lamb), and has a plot twist that blew me away (seriously – my mouth was hanging open).
I read THE ADORATION OF JENNA FOX shortly after, and I have to say, Mary E. Pearson knows how to deliver an intelligent, satisfying YA novel with mega crossover appeal. THE MILES BETWEEN should be a big hit when it comes out in September. It will definitely be on my year end best list.
For a bit more of what you can expect (but still, no spoilers), here's an interview with Mary:
I have kind of an obsession with coincidences which is what initially drew me to THE MILES BETWEEN. Do you have any crazy coincidences in your own life that you’d like to share?
I think I have the usual variety that most people have, the kind that make you pause for a moment and say, “wow, what are the chances?” Most, I have forgotten, but a few still remain with me, like the time I was invited to a party to meet my daughter’s future in-laws, and I discovered I already knew the mom! We had worked together years before our children were born. And then when we started comparing notes we found a dozen ways our lives kept intersecting over the years in near misses, even to the point of finding that we had their daughter on videotape for a dance recital both of our girls had been in when they were toddlers. My daughter was shocked to say the least.
I think I have the usual variety that most people have, the kind that make you pause for a moment and say, “wow, what are the chances?” Most, I have forgotten, but a few still remain with me, like the time I was invited to a party to meet my daughter’s future in-laws, and I discovered I already knew the mom! We had worked together years before our children were born. And then when we started comparing notes we found a dozen ways our lives kept intersecting over the years in near misses, even to the point of finding that we had their daughter on videotape for a dance recital both of our girls had been in when they were toddlers. My daughter was shocked to say the least.
Or there was the time when we first moved into our house which was in the middle of nowhere and I found out that my next-door neighbor went to the same high school I did and which was eighty miles and two counties away. Or one of the strangest, when both of my daughters were diagnosed with same serious illnesses on the exact same date, six years apart. You do have to scratch your head, and say, huh? And of course, I remember back in high school whenever my friends and I said the same thing at the same time we would shout “you owe me a Coke!” like there was some weird cosmic magic in it all.
Many people say if an author concocts a plot with a lot of coincidences, it’s lazy writing. What would be your response to that?
I would have to agree with them completely! If a coincidence isn’t earned, that is, it is a “deus ex machina” plot device that a writer uses when they get stuck and don’t know what else to do, that is at least clumsy, if not lazy. But this story was about coincidence and I think from the very beginning the reader is on that journey with me, picking up on some of the clues that hint that there is more to this than meets the eye, so the coincidences don’t come completely out of left field. I also think that coincidence can very much be in the eye of the beholder–one person may pay attention to every unexpected detail in life and attribute great meaning to it, while another person shrugs it off as completely explainable. I tried to play with those two viewpoints in the story so we are never really sure where fantasy and reality meet. Ha! Much like real life, right?
I had a really hard time placing the story - it could have been in any English speaking country. Did you do that on purpose?
Yes! As much as possible I wanted to create a surreal setting so you’re not sure if you’re standing on terra firma or not, or at the very least you are not sure what world or time you have stepped into. I think the definition of slipstream literature, the “fiction of strangeness” certainly fits this story. Slipstream literature creates a certain cognitive dissonance, so I tried to make the setting echo that feeling.
Road trip time! A big pink Cadillac is left running in front of your house.
Who are you going to take with you, and where are you going to go?
Oh, you are too kind! Yay! Grab the hubby and kids and head for Palm Springs (this is a convertible, right?) First stop, strawberry ice cream–a drive-through if we can find one–because we don’t want to get out of this fabulous car. Next leg, a drive along the California coast. Big Sur! Malibu! Oh! Pismo Beach where we can drive the car on the sand! And last but not least, a cruise down Melrose Avenue in Hollywood, because a car like that must have a chance to strut!
I would have to agree with them completely! If a coincidence isn’t earned, that is, it is a “deus ex machina” plot device that a writer uses when they get stuck and don’t know what else to do, that is at least clumsy, if not lazy. But this story was about coincidence and I think from the very beginning the reader is on that journey with me, picking up on some of the clues that hint that there is more to this than meets the eye, so the coincidences don’t come completely out of left field. I also think that coincidence can very much be in the eye of the beholder–one person may pay attention to every unexpected detail in life and attribute great meaning to it, while another person shrugs it off as completely explainable. I tried to play with those two viewpoints in the story so we are never really sure where fantasy and reality meet. Ha! Much like real life, right?
I had a really hard time placing the story - it could have been in any English speaking country. Did you do that on purpose?
Yes! As much as possible I wanted to create a surreal setting so you’re not sure if you’re standing on terra firma or not, or at the very least you are not sure what world or time you have stepped into. I think the definition of slipstream literature, the “fiction of strangeness” certainly fits this story. Slipstream literature creates a certain cognitive dissonance, so I tried to make the setting echo that feeling.
Road trip time! A big pink Cadillac is left running in front of your house.

Oh, you are too kind! Yay! Grab the hubby and kids and head for Palm Springs (this is a convertible, right?) First stop, strawberry ice cream–a drive-through if we can find one–because we don’t want to get out of this fabulous car. Next leg, a drive along the California coast. Big Sur! Malibu! Oh! Pismo Beach where we can drive the car on the sand! And last but not least, a cruise down Melrose Avenue in Hollywood, because a car like that must have a chance to strut!
What is your take on the current state of YA novels? Do you agree that we experiencing a young adult renaissance? Would books that came out 15-20 years ago survive in the market if they were released now?
Yes! If you mean that the world is discovering by leaps and bounds the joy of YA literature. I think there is an ever-widening circle of YA readers. It seemed not that long ago, that the majority of YA was read by middle-schoolers, and perhaps by a few avid high school readers who sought it out on their own via their high school librarians. But I think more and more high school teachers are making time for YA literature in their classrooms, and of course there is now a proliferation of teen reading sites online which helps spread the word about teen books. And it is certainly not just for teens anymore. This past year I visited with several adult book clubs who were reading my book, so many adults outside of the industry are discovering YA literature too.
I think many of the books from 15-20 years ago ARE surviving and are still much beloved, The Outsiders, My Brother Sam is Dead, The Chocolate War, The Pigman, Weetzie Bat, just to name a few. Of course, many of the books from twenty years ago published in today's market might not make it, but that doesn't discount at all the contribution they made to literature or the foundation they laid. They broke ground that may now be well tread, but they did it first. Without them we would not have the books we are enjoying today.
Thank you Mary! Visit Mary online at http://marypearson.livejournal.com/
And now, because I am sure after reading my review and interview you simply cannot wait until September to get your hands on this novel, I am pleased to announce that Henry Holt is generously donating advanced reader copies to 5 lucky winners. All you have to do to enter is tell me about a coincidence that happened in your own life (or, if you'd rather, you can tell me about your dream road trip). The first person to respond is an INSTANT WINNER of one copy (previous instant winners may NOT claim a second instant win - let's spread the wealth).
As always, earn 1 extra entry by linking to this contest from your blog (sidebar is fine) or social media site (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.) and leaving an extra comment telling me you did so.
This contest is open to those with shipping addresses in the US and Canada and ends on July 21st at 11:59 CST. Good luck!
P.S. And yes, that is a new cover - different from the one on the ARCs.
My dream road trip would include me, hubby, a convertible and miles and miles of Ocean Boulevard. I'd love to travel the whole East Coast!!
I just finished the ARC and also loved it. I do like the new cover better. What do you think?
Also, thanks for asking that question about the location of the novel. I kept thinking England but then kept doubting it. Glad to hear Mary's explanation.
One of my favorite coincidences is, well, I'd lost contact with a high school friend, and five years after high school was in a vintage clothing store, and who walked in but this friend?! We quickly exchanged info and have been in touch every since. The reason it's such a strange coincidence is because she doesn't wear vintage clothes, she was wandering around, and I shopped there all the time. What are the odds we'd end up there at the exact same time?
Sounds like a great read, and I really enjoyed reading the interview! :)
One of the weirdest "coincidences" that happened to me -- I guess just a random example of fate? -- was how I met my first love at a wedding! I was supposed to work and wound up getting the day off at the last minute, and he caught an unexpected flight to our area in order to attend. Neither of us were supposed to be there, but we met and that was that!
Thanks for the chance!
writing.meg [at] gmail.com :)
My dream roadtrip would be traveling from Oregon (where I live) straight across the country to New York. I'd be with a couple of my closest friends, and we'd have a no cell phone rule. It would just be us, the radio, and the open road.
Thanks for the contest! I love Mary E. Pearson, and am so excited for her new book!
My dream road trip would be to Seattle! I've always wanted to go to Washingtion in General and it would be neat to stop at all the nature parks or zoo's along the way! Thanks for the chance to read this book.
There have been a lot of coincidences in my life - not all of them good. One of them, though, is that I lived in Singapore for 2 years. While I lived there, I made a good friend, Tanya. When I went to watch one of her field hockey games, I found out that one of her teammates dated the brother of a good friend and work colleague of mine.
melacan at hotmail odt com
The night (Jan. 14, 2006) my husband and I met I had been supposed to meet friends at a movie, we were too late to buy tickets so two of us went to a party that she knew about and it ended up being my husband's next door neighbor! We've been together ever since. So glad we missed the cutoff to buy movie tickets!
This sounds great! I loved The Adoration of Jenna Fox. I think my ideal road trip would be with my husband and a few of our best friends, traveling in a convertible through California wine country and along the coast to San Francisco! It sounds a lot like Mary's, actually!
Mine is quite simple, it doesn't matter wherever as long as I'm with people who can make me laugh and have a good time with! No use going somewhere wonderful when you don't even enjoy your company, right?:)
and also, this is such a wonderful contest and I really want to read The Miles Between and hearing that you loved it makes me want to read it a hundred times more!! So I hope I win:) Thanks!!
Several years ago, we were living in Alabama and Vance was in school in Virginia. We dropped him off at school and stopped to get gas so we could head home. (I need to add that you can tell what county someone lives in by the license plate in Alabama.) As my husband was pumping gas, a man came up and said, "I see you live in Lee County, do you know Tim D___?" We were floored because my husband worked with Tim! milou2ster(at)gmail.com
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/trishheylady/status/2498286299
My dream road trip would be exploring all the back roads, mountain passes from NY all the way to Arizona and over into Mexico. I've never liked traveling the beaten path. I swore if I ever found someone willing to make the trek with me, that would be my soulmate. Thanks for the opportunity! Indigo
Very cool giveaway. I just saw Trish tweet about it and figured I would give it a try! As for my roadtrip, I think I would drive across the country. That would be Canada, btw. I have never been to the west coast and would really like to!
Coincidence: My friend was telling about his internship at a local pub lib. I told him I wanted to go there too. Turns out the supv was already "friends" with me on Goodreads! I got to go there too! Best coincidence of this year for me!
I thought the name Mary E. Pearson was familiar. I loved The Adoration of Jenna Fox! The Miles Between sounds really great.
My ideal roadtrip would involve tons of friends all sharing the driving. Not too sure where we'd go, maybe across Canada or something. The important part would be to be with friends I love and to have fun. :)
Alex (& Lauren) at aflightofminds(at)hotmail(dot)com
We linked in our sidebar. :) (http://aflightofminds.blogspot.com/)
Alex & Lauren at aflightofminds(at)hotmail(dot)com
I'd like to enter. I'm looking forward to this one as I loved Jenna Fox.
An ideal road trip would involve me, my husband, and lots of good music. I don't even care where we go. Somewhere with lots of great scenery and fun historical sites to stop at along the way.
My dream trip is and has been a cruise through the Tahitian islands - msboatgal at aol.com
The other day I was pulling out of Taco Bell and this white Mustang ran out of gas directly in front of the exit. Coincidentally, a tow truck happened to be in front of it, saw what happened, and backed up to take it to the gas station that happened to be across the street. Also, a police officer was a couple cars back and stopped to direct traffic so the other car could get to the gas station and I could get out of the Taco Bell parking lot. I just thought it was a weird coincidence that a tow truck, police officer, and gas station were all that close. I'd never get that lucky!
Great review and interview! I'd love to win a copy of this book. It says a lot that you expect it to be on your year end best list- and it's only July!
Road Trips- I used to love them before kids. Now it's trickier- they are good to a point, and then they get sick of being in the car and it's a big whine fest!
I went to summer camp as a kid at ages 10-13, and then I quit going, as I had other activities which became more important. Imagine my surprise when on the first day of college and 2500 miles from home, I ran into one of my best camp friends! We were both freshmen at the same school. I still can't get over that one...
+1 I'm linking this contest to the sidebar of my blog at: http://ceceliabedelia.blogspot.com.
Wow, sounds excellent. I love plot twists ... and coincidences. I think the most fun one I've had this summer was when I found out an old friend had just come home from the war and was moving to my city. He started bragging about the great views his apartment building had of Washington from the roof ... so of course I had to brag about my own building's great rooftop view. Then I told him my building's name and he said, "What a coincidence. That's where I'm moving!"
This books sounds fantastic and the author is someone I would like to meet!! My dream road trip would be to take my hubby and sons in a big RV and eat our way across the United States!! Visiting restaurants that have been on the Food Channel...wouldn't that be fun!!?
My dream road trip would include traveling across the country and stopping wherever and whenever I wanted to. I live in Michigan and have never been outside the state (I KNOW! That's ridiculous... I'm freaking 20, its time I had a darn roadtrip!)... I would especially like to go places like Yellowstone and other parks and things.
I must be honest though - my dream road trip for right now includes going to ALA in Chicago... because it is so close and I didn't get to go to BEA either.
I linked this contest in my sidebar @
What a great interview, I would love to read this book!
This coincidence happened recently to us. My Stepdad passed away suddenly in January at the age of 64. He and my Mom lived in the town he grew up in but they had only moved back there a couple of years ago. There is this little hole in the wall barbecue place there that was my Stepdad's favorite place to eat since he was about fifteen. When they lived far away they had the brisket shipped in fedex on special occasions, that's how much he loved it.
On the day of the Funeral the ladies my Mom works with organized the food for after the service. When we got back to the house they had everything laid out, ready for us. Can you guess what it was? It was brisket from that little hole in the wall barbecue place that he loved so much. None of them had any idea that it was his favorite.
Coincidence? Maybe. Or maybe he wanted us to know that he was okay and still with us. It was a nice bright spot in a sad day. :)
thetometraveller *at* yahoo [dot] com
I LOVED the Adoration of Jenna Fox and can't wait to read this!
Something that just happened to me yesterday actually was I was at my job as a hostess at a restaurant in southern California, when a girl I went to high school with (in the Bay Area, and she still lives there) came in with her boyfriend and I was to seat them at their table! So strange.
And now that I'll be 21 in 15 days, I would love to take a road trip to Las Vegas =)
My dream road trip would be with my boyfriend and our group of friends travelling to amusement parks and water parks!
This is my extra comment about where I blogged about the contest, but I wanted to share a coincidence too...my best friend from high school and I were going to the same college but we decided to not room together so we could make more friends. The day before we were supposed to move in, we were talking on the phone and my mom handed me the letter that would give me the info about my new roommate..and it was my best friend! We had randomly got put together!
I blogged about the contest here
My dream road trip, would be to go to all the states that had American League baseball teams. I love watching baseball so much, that I would love to go to all the ballparks, especially AL teams. So, I guess those states would include: Ohio, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, etccccc. I wouldn't care who was going with me, as long as they wouldn't bash my teams! :D
This book seems incredibly awesome!! Thanks for the contest!
infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com
I also linked this contest to my sidebar http://wickedgoodbooks.blogspot.com/
infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com
My dream roadtrip would be to start here in arizona, drive the southern route to Florida, go up the coast to Maine, back down through Canada and Northern US, then down the Pacific Coast on PCH, and then back home to AZ. I've done most of the heartland of America, but I'd LOVE to do a huge roadtrip like that...
The other dream roadtrip would be to do a trip down the PANAM highway into South America... that could be awe. sum.
iheartmonster at iheartmonster dot com
I tweeted :o) (@iheartmonster)
One summer many years ago, I was driving to Florida with one of my first cousins. We decided we were hungry and exited the highway to find a restaurant. We walked in, and there sitting a booth was our second cousins! It was so bizarre that our cousins -- who were on an entirely different vacation and neither of us knew the other was traveling -- would have been in the exact same restaurant at the exact same time in South Carolina when, at the time, we all lived in Ohio. Crazy!!
BFish (dot) reads (at) gmail
Super review and interview and THANKS for no spoilers and letting me read the book "fresh."
Here's my tweet:
MJ - Send me your US or Canada mailing address and I'll confirm you as the instant winner!
Readingjunky - To be honest, I prefer the first cover. I think it has more crossover potential. The new one looks too teenagery.
Trish - That is a crazy coincidence! And thanks for tweeting :)
LisaMM - My parents took us on a ton of road trips and I remember getting pinched for bad behavior A LOT. They had a lot of patience to put up with us!
Sara - PLEASE go on a road trip soon! There is so much to explore outside Michigan.
Carey - Wow! Your story brought a little tear to my eye. Thanks for sharing.
Great interview--loved your pink cadillac question!
Here's a coincidence: my first college roommate and I started chatting before we moved in together. We were afraid we'd found a repeat of ourself, down to a grandparent recently dying and loving the mostly unknown in America French comedy Le Placard. It was odd.
You should read THE ROOM ON LORELEI STREET as well. I read it long ago, and never connected JENNA FOX with it until I read an interview with Pearson.
My dream road trip would involve lots of candy and potato chips (but no negative side effects like weight gain and tooth loss) and driving somewhere warm, probably Southern California (Disneyland!). Thanks for the contest - I loved Jenna Fox!
I loved the Adoration of Jenna Fox, and would love to win this! :)
The first coincidence that comes to mind is the presence of the number 23 in me and my mom's life - mostly, 23 as the date of a month. I was born on a 23 of August; on a 23 of June, we moved in the apartment we would live in the longest, which was... apartment 23.
When my mother put an offer on a house that would finally be ours, her offer was accepted on May 23; the only day we could have movers was June 23. I was accepted in my university program on April 23; my first boyfriend asked me out on another June 23! And let's not talk about that movie with Jim Carrey, named 23... heehee! But I could continue for a long time; I've come to expect a lot on each 23 of the month, good or bad!
infiniteshelf at gmail dot com
And I forgot to say : Great interview! I loved to hear Mary's opinion on the use of coincidence in novels. :)
I don't have any big coincidences in life. I wish, they sound cool! And any that have happened are so small I can no longer remember.
I don't really have a dream road trip either because road trips don't really appeal to me. lol
I suppose I'd just like to go somewhere fun and interesting with people who are a lot of fun. :)
It was a coincidence that when I graduated university I couldn't get a full time job in Canada, so I had to work (and travel) in the US and England.
chey127 at hotmail dot com
One major coincidence would be that I am completely fascinated by coincidences and fate, for many years I used Kismet (means fate/destiny) as my username on the forums I frequented. So this book looks like something I would adore :)
Another weird coincidence for me is that all 3 guys I've had serious relationships with were born on Friday the 13th (dif. months/years) but it still makes me wonder (o.O)
My dream road-trip would be in a open-top range rover driving all over the Mojave desert. I've always thought the desert terrain is beautiful.
Thanks for the review/giveaway :)
Great review and interview!
My dream road trip would be along the California and Oregon coast.
This book sounds great! I wanted to read the Adoration of Jenna Fox, but the day I went to get it from the library I had forgotten (or lost, I'm not sure yet) my library card.
My dream road trip would be to somewhere woodsy and beautiful that I've never been to before!
I linked on my sidebar!
Mmm, dream road trip. A good friend, a safe car, a week or two for me to OCD out over the details, lots of music, and BEA at the end of the trip. :D
I linked here: http://bookcontestlinks.blogspot.com/2009/07/july-9rd-2009.html
My dream road trip would be what I hopefully the summer after next, after my senior year. I want to hop in the car and drive - to college because that'll be across the country - either NY or CA so ya.
:) Erica
My dream road trip would probably be one that involved an RV, my husband, lots of books, and the lower half of the United States. Maybe one day I will actually get the chance to do it! I also really liked this review, and am glad that the book knocked your socks off!
I would love to go on a road trip with a few friends to pretty much anywhere. As long as it is entertaining and funny. I would like to travel all around the unitied states.
Dream Road Trip: Hmmm....maybe from here Minnesota) to Florida. It would be cool to just pack up and go.... stopping and seeing all the funky little towns that we would pass through
Great interview! Looking forward to reading/reviewing this book!
Coincidence? Just one? I have so many. I'll share two (I'm an overacheiver).
I'll pick an easy one: I was on a business trip halfway across the country. On my flight back home, I ended up sitting NEXT TO my godfather!
Here's another: My first invitation to a fraternity dance in college was with a boy who turned out to be the son of my mom's high school sweetheart.
My dream road trip-would be the Eastern seaboard-stopping off at lobster and shrimp shacks.
chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com
tweeted this
cococroissantsgiveaway for presenting Lenore at http://bit.ly/49wi6V
chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com
No need to enter me, Lenore. I'm dropping in to let you know I've got this posted at Win a Book for you. Thanks for the e-mail -- and the great interview. I needed the break that reading it gave me.
all my coincidences are depressing so ....my dream road trip would be last minute decision to do so, with no planned itinerary just to get from california to new york and pick up on the way a stray dog, thrift store books aplenty, and stories for a lifetime
My dream road trip would be one year to drive around the edge of the continental U.S., with multiple border crossings along the Canadian border, especially in the Northeast. What can I say -- I like edges. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book -- my teenage nieces thank you, too!
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
coolest roadtrip ever would be down through mexico and i believe you can even get to south america by car if i am not mistaken...
I follow you also :O)
I would love to spend a couple of weeks during the peak Fall time around the New England Area stopping at all the book stores I could find. Hawaii would be nice too : D
Wow - your vague review just makes me want to read this even more! My dream road trip is with myself and a carload of my childhood friends driving from Chicago all the way to San Francisco and then back again, stopping at all sorts of random Route 66 sites, pie diners, and sketchy motels along the way.
Thank you for the giveaway :)
My dream road trip would be to drive from New York, which I'm from all the way to California, that way I can say I drove across the country hehe ;P
+1 I twitted about it here: http://twitter.com/lafemmereaders
Thanks for the giveaway!
My dream roadtrip would be traveling with my dad to anywhere, talking about books and everything we like about each other without looking back. Sadly he dies two years ago so that’s why my dream roadtrip is :)
When my husband was at the Dr. I was in the waiting room with one other person. It turned out that he was a very good friend of an old neighbor of ours who we had lost touch with. Now we know where he lives!
My dream road trip would be to take a whole month off of work. I would take my son and drive all the way to disney world. We would have the time to be able to stop anywhere our hearts would desire along the way because we would have plenty of time
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
My dream road trip would be to the UK but I guess that would be a plane trip. I love the British! I loved the Adoration of Jenna Fox, it was amazing.
My coincidence would be that my husband and I took the same class in college and met that way. We've been together seven years now. Thank you!
I linked to you on Twitter:
Thank you so much!
My dream road trip would be me & my husband traveling across the United States to California & back by a different route. I'd like to see as much of the US as possible.
megalon22 at yahoo dot com
I can't think of any coincidences...but if I could road trip anywhere, I'd like to roadtrip all over Great Britain. I've done plenty of US road trips, but I think it's be loads of fun to do it in GB--it's different, but still similar enough--so much discovery to be had!
My Dream Road Trip would have to me to go with my friend to every State that has a song like Sweet Home Alabama :)
Please Enter ME
I link the contest on my side bars
at http://sweettreatsread.blogspot.com/
My dream road trip would definitely involve going with my husband and my son on a nice long cross-country trip. Preferably a summer-long trip. We would take a pop-up trailer and definitely a canoe. I would want to stop at every out of the way little town and enjoy chili cook offs and town fairs. It would be a dream to take lots of pictures, see all sorts of National monuments, and see how other people in other towns live. When I graduated from high school, my father and step mom took me on a trip like this and I never had a better time. I am not sure if my husband and I will be able to swing a trip like this when my son graduates, but if we can...it is on!!!! :)
Thank you so much for the cool giveaway!
I posted your giveaway in my side bar.
How's this for coincidence: my mom's serious ex-boyfriend and my dad's serious ex-girlfriend (both of them couples for around eight years) got together and had a child... almost exactly my age.
Actually, it's probably less a coincidence than a statement on my parents' social circle at the time. My dad's ex was actually the one who suggested my parents get together. Our two families used to vacation together when I was little.
One coincidence has to do with dates...The date my second dog was born was six months (and ten years) after we got my first dog and then two years later on that same date (my puppy's birthday) my second dogwent to the vet where she died a few days later :( That's the only one that I can really think of now...
I posted a link to the contest on my sidebar: http://book-splot.blogspot.com
I think it's a coincidence that when I started reading THE ADORATION OF JENNA FOX a few weeks ago, I finally realized that Mary E. Pearson was also the author of SCRIBBLER OF DREAMS, one of the first YA books I ever bought (and loved). And I'd had ADORATION on my to-read list for over a year without making the connection.
And for my +1, I linked to the contest on twitter (@ladyleonore)
A funny coincidence -- I went to a library event with my son and we met another little boy there that my son really liked. It turned out they have the exact same birthday and so are the exact same age! It was so funny. They have become good friends too.
It is a coincidence that I just read Jenna Fox and saw this contest linked from another blog.
Would love a copy of this book :)
Best road trip? Cross country from east coast to west coast stopping at every national park possible!
Added you to my blog :)
Dream road trip: Hana, Maui with my family!
i am so eager for this book! my dream roadtrip is to travel through books.
My dream road trip would take plac all across the East Coast!
My dream road trip was realized two years ago and it's still a dream - I want to do it again.
Candleman and I took 5 weeks and drove from Utah to St. John's, Newfoundland. We toured many interesting sites in the US and Canada, including the headwaters of the Mississippi, Niagra Falls, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, and all the Maritime Provinces. We both relive that dream through the music of the area, pictures and our memories. Every time we discuss it we always say how much we want to do it again.
I think my dream vacation would be taking a trip with my friend Natahka (nickname) to go see Wicked the Musical somewhere close by, and then.....I'm not sure, just hang out on the road and do stuff.
Linked in blog post: http://ninjafanpire.blogspot.com/2009/07/contests.html
I think a road trip across Africa would be quite an adventure. Not by myself though.
My email address is armymom2[at]yahoo[dot]com
This novel looks wonderful.
Dream road trip: all across Canada!
Thanks for the contest!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I would love to travel through Italy and Greece and France. I have never been to Europe. I have seen and heard so much about the places, sights, food, countryside. I really want to go.
Madrid to Lisbon!
I love a road trip! I'd love to take my boys and road trip through all of the national parks of Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and up into Alberta. They'd love it. Thanks for sharing~
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
My dream road trip would definitely be an across-the-USA one. From Washington down through California, across the 4-corners states, through the Midwest, to Virginia and all the way up to Maine.
I love simple coincidences - like when I find a new recipe I want to try, and the main ingredient just happens to be on sale at the store...
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
I've been searching forever for TMB giveaways and when I realized you were giving one away I was SO excited.
My dream road trip would be across the US, looping around to visit every state. I've ALWAYS wanted to visit all 50 states.
I have a history of bizarre writing coincidences. Either I write a story or come up with an idea for a story, and a year or two later I see something eerily similar in a library, online, or in a bookstore. Or I write something and later find something similar that was published before I was born, or years ago but in another country. o.0
paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
My dream road trip would be for my daughter, my son and I to drive down to Walt Disney World and make a bunch of goofy tourist stops along the way.
My dream road trip if money wasn't an issue, would be to hop on a plane with my family and go to Texas. We have family out there that we haven't seen in years. We'll stay a week or two and make some great new memories to take home with us.
CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED! Thanks for your entries. Winners will be chosen soon and announced on Friday July 24th.
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