I just now explored the series feature and noticed that it wasn't very accurate - because I haven't entered a lot of books I've read. I have, for example, read every book in the Chronicles of Narnia (7 books) and A Series of Unfortunate Events (13 books), but have only entered the first book of each into LT. I have also completed Scott Westerfeld's Uglies trilogy, Stephen Lawhead's Pendragon Cycle, Melissa Walker's Violet trilogy, and have one more book to read in Jasper Fforde's Tuesday Next series, Shannon Greenland's Specialists series, and Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl series.
And I certainly can't forget the hundreds of Babysitter Club, Sweet Valley Twins/High, Nancy Drew, and Lois Gladys Leppard's Mandie books that I read as a kid.
There are a ton of series I've started or read the first two books of lately as well.
Just got back to Germany this morning, and have pictorial evidence that when I'm away, the cats will play. Took over the kitchen table while I was gone did you two Sacred Birman kittehs?

another adorable pictures of the kittehs! I'm sure they missed you.
I read all the Nancy Drew books too - YES - they were around when I was a kid. I also read all the Trixie Beldon series - those really show my age! I've read a lot of Karen Kingsbury series. I actually like to read series because I get so involved with the characters!
it all about the critters....
of course, if one does not enter all the info on Library Thing, it can only be so accurate...lol
I noticed a lot of incomplete series on my list, mostly because they are books I read long ago, pre LT, and that I no longer own, so they were never entered. Very untidy...it bothers me a bit. ;-)
OK, I have to ask, Is that a washing machine beside the oven? Is that a bit unusual?
Hi ccq -
In Germany, the washing machine is often in the kitchen for lack of a better place to put it (especially in the cases where the bathroom is tiny, as is ours). They call this a "Waschkueche".
I don't think it's ideal, but I've gotten used to it!
Finn is getting so big!
I was just snickering thinking about drying clothes in the oven. I have lived in Europe, but always in hotels, even when I was there for a year, so no apartments.
I know I read alot of Series but there was 117 Series which was a bigger number than I had guessed.The largest one being The Dragon Riders of Pern. I was also surprised to find a few I thought were stand alones are actually in a series now I have more books for my TBR Pile.
Your cat is adorable,I'm catsitting for my daughter right now so am trying to get used to having two spoiled cats instead of one!
PS Got Prophecy of Sisters today can't wait to read it!Thanks!
Emmy and Finn are adorable as always. When we were in France, our washing machine was right by the kitchen sink because we had a tube we had to put in the sink so the washer would drain in it. We didn't have a dishwasher or dryer, so it looks like things have come a long way.
I love learning about every day life - washing machine in the kitchen is very interesting. I actually think it rather convinient! What about a dryer? Would that be in the kitchen as well? Are they less common?
I love series but they always frustrate me because they suck you in! I started writing a list of one's I've read, but it got so long that now I'm writing a blog post of my own to link back to yours. Thanks for the inspiration!
They really are like siblings - bickering when mom's around, getting into trouble together when their alone. At least, that was my sis and me.
I don't use Library Thing because it's too involved for my brain!! LOL...anyhoo...those kitties certainly look pretty comfy on the table!!
I have been wondering about those kittens and how they fared in your absence! How did you fare in your absence?
Quilt Works - We don't have a dryer, but the people who lived in our apt before us had one in the kitchen under the table. We air dry all of our clothes!
Beth - I had a great vacation visiting friends and family. I only had time to read a couple of books and do a few blog posts, and I didn't do more than 2 hrs of work. So it was a good break.
The kittens seem to get along with each other now. Maybe they were just pretending to fight when you were around ;)
Basking! On the kitchen table no less--such spoiled kitties :)
Finn is getting so big!
First of all...adorable kitties. A lot more adorable than my jabba the cat. I came home today to find my cat had taken over my linen closet.
Secondly, I have my washer in my kitchen. And I live in Louisiana. I wonder what we call it? "Aint got no room for a washin' room?"
you mean they don't normally sit on your kitchen table when you're home?! LOL
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