Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Book Review: The Limit by Kristen Landon

13 year old Matt lives in a world where going over your family credit limit can have serious consequences, but Matt's family is not worried.  Their father has a great job, and the family spends and spends.  One day, on a shopping spree, Matt's mother is informed that she has gone over their limit, and soon the government authorities come pick up Matt to make him work off the family's debt.

This fast-paced middle grade novel has such an interesting premise, and addresses the problem of runaway spending that many consumers engage in well.  Matt's parents are portrayed as very, very silly.  They buy expensive items they don't need and never check their account balances even though they know that going over the limit could mean that their children are taken away from them.  They both have such a serious shopping addiction that they can't stop even after Matt is taken away.

Matt has other worries.  Once at the government workhouse, he is installed on the "top floor" a paradise with everything he wants as long as he does his (difficult) work and never leaves.  Matt is a math genius, so it's no ditch digging for him.  The villian here, Ms Smoot, has a honey voice and knows that the carrot motivates more than the stick.  Yet, Matt becomes suspicious when people start getting headaches and having seizures.  Is something sinister afoot?

You bet! And this is a fun ride to find out what.

My rating?  3 Zombie Chickens - Well worth reading.

THE LIMIT is available in hardcover on September 7, 2010. Find out more about it on the author's website


Zibilee said...

Oh, I think this book sounds interesting and also very inventive. I think a lot of people nowadays have shopping addictions, so this story is very timely. I am going to have to give this one a try. It sounds really good!

Natalie~Coffee and a Book Chick said...

I'm not usually into young adult, middle grade fiction, but I've been sucked into The Hunger Games and am now really willing to read it all! Thanks for the heads up!

Darlyn said...

A math genius? Wow, I could indulge myself reading how exciting his life is. Very adventurous. I would love t read it too =)

Readingjunky said...

Thanks for highlighting all this dystopian fiction. I'm really enjoying hearing about these great books.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you liked it. I just highlighted it for my WoW.

Mrs. DeRaps said...

Sound like a great read. I don't usually love MG novels, but it sounds like it has enough meat to warrant a read-through. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Interesting concept- kids working off the parents debt.

bermudaonion said...

I saw another review of this book yesterday and the concept has really intrigued me.

Rabid Fox said...

Interesting. Sounds like there might be a pinch of David Copperfield thrown into this speculative work.

Meg @ write meg! said...

Now that's a different concept -- and I like it! Definitely sounds like a thriller.

Lenore Appelhans said...

Mrs. DeRaps - I'm with you on the MG novels, but this was really good! I couldn't wait to pick it up again when I had to put it down.

Anonymous said...

I just read this review after balancing my account (which came out in the negative). I am very intrigued, but also broke.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what state this book takes place in? I really need to know for a book report!! Thanks in advance :)