Recap of Week 3 including all currently open giveaways
Recap of Week 2
Recap of Week 1
Here's what I have on tap:
Reviews of over 20 dystopian novels, past, present and future - complete with my infamous Zombie Chicken Ratings. (Refer to my index of dystopian reviews for latest updates and past reads)

Interviews with authors of dystopian fiction.
Dystopian Reader Views - I surveyed a ton of readers on fascinating dystopian related topics and I'll be sharing the results in a series of posts. You are invited to join in my posting your own response to the topic, either in the comments or on your own blog.
Previews of dystopian fiction coming out in 2011 and 2012.
Contests and book giveaways and more!
Speaking of contests, I have a fun one to start us off! Macmillan US has generously donated a 6 book dystopian YA prize pack of books I've either reviewed during Dystopian February or will review this month. All you have to do to enter to win is read and review at least one dystopian or post-apocalyptic novel during the month of August and then link to your review via Mr. Linky (if you review it on your blog) or via the comments (if you review it on a review site such as GoodReads because you don't have a blog). Challenge and contest is open worldwide, so get reading!
Nomansland by Lesley Hauge (Hardcover) (Publisher info)
The Gardener by SA Bodeen (Hardcover) (Publisher info)
Birthmarked by Caragh O'Brien (Hardcover) (My review)
Escape from Furnace: Lockdown by Alexander Gordon Smith (Paperback) (My review)
Escape from Furnace: Solitary by Alexander Gordon Smith (ARC) (Publisher info)
Razorland by Ann Aguirre (ARC) (Info on author's website)
Please link your reviews to any dystopian novel you review from August 1, 2010 to August 31, 2010. Please format your link as follows: Book Title (Blog Name). One link per review please. Make sure to link to this post from your review for it to count as an entry to the Prize Pack giveaway. The more dystopian books you read and review this month, the more chances you have to win!
I'm really looking forward to seeing all your Dystopian stuff this month!!
I am excited for this month! Thanks for hosting this.
I have never read any dystopian fiction, maybe this month will inspire me :)
This should be a fun month!
Too fun! I love the idea of a dystopian-focused month of posts. I can't wait to read them.
I just realized I still have a reply the dystopian email you sent sitting in my "drafts", argh! I really wanted to get that in on time :-( Oh well, I'm still looking forward to what you have planned!!
I'm really looking forward to all of the dystopian reviews! I have Birth Marked on my tbr but unfortunately I left it at home! I'll have to read it end of the month when I return :)
Whoa. Totally awesome. Can't wait!
I need two books for the pack, but have the other four! Oh no.
Livi - Gifts!
You are the bomb! I don't have time right now to pee, but if I did I would join. Love that button!
I am excited for this! My favourite genre.
Yay, prizes! I have my eyes set on Nomansland. Yeah, I do :)
I love Dystopian novels, so I can't wait to read both the books and your reviews.
ooo fun!
I read one in June that I could review or I plan to read Uglies this month. I've liked the dystopian books I've read in the past so I really should read more. It's gonna be a good month.
I am *so* psyched about this, and frankly can't wait to check out your posts this month. Dystopian is my favourite. :D
Well if I can get these few books reviewed then I will definitely participate. I've been meaning to finish the Ugly series and a few others anyway.
I came over from Becky's Book Review. Interesting theme. I look forward to reading some of the books listed.
Ahhh! I loved Dystopian February, so now you've got me all super excited!! I really need to read more dystopic fiction, so this will be the perfect oppertunity to introduce me to some!
And I've got an upcoming review of Matched, so I guess I'm all set - plus the prizes are super awesomesauce!!
Yay! This is the excuse I need to start reading more dystopian lit!
So excited! It sounds like you've put a lot into it. I'll definitely be participating.
I'm so excited! I love dystopian lit and can't wait for the excuse to read lots more! :)
Nice contest! I have a few on my bookshelf maybe I will read them this month.
I'm looking forward to this! :)
This should be a fun month!!!
Love dystopian novels!
I am so excited for Dystopian August! You've inspired me to read Catching Fire next, as I need to get my butt in gear before Mockingjay is released!
Yay! I'm excited! And I still love that zombie chicken. Makes me giggle every time.
I'm so excited to follow your reviews this month -- I <3 dystopian lit, and I'm hoping to discover some new ones to pick up!
Yay! I've got a review going up tomorrow for a dystopian book. :)
I'm not sure I filled out the form correctly! OOPS!
I must say, zombie chicken ratings are awesome.
I love dystopian books, they are my favorite!
Thanks for doing a whole month dedicated to Dystopia--I'm always on the look out for books like these!
no prob it was an amazing book! I can't wait for the second one!!! outside in :D
Oh yay! I love dystopian books :)
I also love the zombie chicken ranking!
After The Hunger Games/ Catching Fire- I've been looking for another like it with a little bit of romance!=) I will have to shift through your reviews!!!
we love dystopian august. and zombie chickens.
Thanks for the great contest!
cc932005 at hotmail dot com
I just posted a review of an older book (written 1984) called The Edict. I consider it dystopian, but it's a bit different from the main lot of them. Check it out!
Dystopians are the books I hate to love! There have been a few really great ones I've read recently, but my favorite was The Reapers Are The Angels by Alden Bell, if you haven't read it yet, you're missing out.
I'm a little behind on my blog reading but I'm specifically setting aside time this weekend to read all of the dystopian August posts. YAY!
I'm finally catching up on blogs and can't wait to see what other posts you've had up!
Hey, just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying this!
What a great excuse to read some good dystopias. :D
I am *so* excited for this. I have been reading some fabulous dystopian reviews through your links and my review of A Canticle for Leibowitz will post tomorrow. :)
From the Shadows
I've been following along this month (lurker mode) and loving it. Finally have a review I think counts! :)
Please discount my first entry into Mr. Linky.
Fun. I am going to tweet it out.
(also from 5MinutesforBooks.com)
Thank you for hosting this event. I love dystopian fiction and it is great to see all the great stuff out there.
Thanks for the awesome contest! I <3 dystopian novels, and I <3 all these reviews!
I absolutely love dystopias, so I am so glad you did this. It has helped me find even more to add to my plan to read shelf on Shelfari!
Some of these reviews haven't even been linked back to this page so shouldn't be counted.
Phew, that's me finished :) Thanks for hosting such an awesome event!
It has been a really lovely dystopian end of summer. Thanks!
Wish my August hadn't been so busy this year, I would have read and reviewed a lot more! I've enjoyed what you've done though.
This has been a fun month of Dystopian books on your blog.
Thanks for your hard work!
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