Sunday, November 30, 2008

Book Review and Giveaway: Aurelia by Anne Osterlund

Last day of November - last giveaway in my November Book Blowout.

Aurelia is the headstrong crown princess of Tyralt, a middle ages type kingdom with decidedly modern inhabitants. Robert, son of the palace's former spymaster and a former classmate of Aurelia's, is called in to help uncover a plot against her life.

This a short, satisfying read that excels in its characterizations, even of minor players. The assasination attempts and Robert's endeavors to sniff out the culprit(s) may drive the plot, but it is Aurelia's spunk and genuine concern for her subjects that steal the show. Recommended for anyone who likes their princesses with some backbone to go along with their whalebone corsets.

I have one extra copy to give away. If you'd like it, please leave a comment telling me who your favorite princess is and why by December 5th. This one is open internationally.


Carolina said...

Favorite princess? Mine would be the princess from The Paper bag princess by Robert Munsch. I like how she is the one to rescue the prince and to fight the dragon. I also like how at the end she leaves the prince and goes off by herself.

the story siren said...

I would love a copy of this book! My favorite Princess would be Princess Aurora because she is named after a Roman Goddess so that's cool right there, and then also she grew up away from the royal court so she isn't conceded like some others. I guess I don't know that peronally, but I imagine it would be true. :)

Emily said...

Mine would be Jasmine, from Alladin. She was a strong girl! Not like weak little Cinderella or something. And she had a bengal tiger for a pet. How much cooler than that can you get?

Anonymous said...

My favorite princess is Princess Mary, Henry VIII's first daughter. After reading Mary, Bloody Mary by Carolyn Meyer, I always felt sorry for her and felt that her childhood explains why she went on to to do the things she did as Queen.

Sarah Woodard said...

I love this book. I already have a copy, so don't enter me,
I love Ariel from the Little Meremaid. She would do anything for Love and the ones that she loves. I also love Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.

Yan said...

Princess Ariel from the Little Mermaid. Mostly because I'm strangely fascinated with red hair and my jealousy of her since I can't swim for the life of me x.x

Marie Cloutier said...

You don't have to enter me in the giveaway, but the book looks great! :-) thanks for letting me know about the adaptation of The Reader as well.

The Giveaway Diva said...

my favorite princess is belle! she's awesome!

oo i'm going to tell my friends to enter this! that's awesome!

Anonymous said...

my favorite is mulan!! I loved how she kicked butt and was not afraid to do things just because she was a women!


The Compulsive Reader said...

I already have this one, but I just had to comment to say that I really liked this book! I'm such a sucker for headstrong princesses and insidious plots...

Anonymous said...

Princess Elizabeth! I read all about her, it's cool that she survived the years of Queen Mary's reign (better known as Bloody Mary.
Or it would be Lady Grey (I think that is the right name)Though its pretty sad that Queen Mary had her beheaded after her couple of days on the throne.


Anonymous said...

I would have to say Princess Mia from the Princess Diaries books. She's just awesome and so real.

Thanks for the awesome contest!

juiciliciousss reviews said...

favorite princess would be...princess FIONA from shrek xDD
because she's an ogre which is totally out of the norm for a princess and becuase i want to be different


Bunny B said...

My fave princess is Sleeping Beauty - Aurora. It's always been my fave Disney movie :)
bunnybx at gmail . com

Anonymous said...

kiss-of-paradise at hotmail dot com

My favorite princess is Princess Diana. She is a great princess, with a big big heart to those around her

Fyrefly said...
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Fyrefly said...
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Alyce said...

Definitely Princess Buttercup from The Princess Bride!

darbyscloset said...

Princess Diana....for the love story leading up to her wedding along with all of the organizations she sponsered/supported.
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Fyrefly said...

Okay, my brain must have been travel-dead earlier, since I not only forgot my princess, but somehow double-posted. Sorry!

My first favorite that's coming to mind is probably Ella from Ella Enchanted. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Linda said...

Princess Diana, hands down! It was a tragedy that she died so young!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorites was Aza from Fairest by Gail Carson Levine or Addy from The Two Princesses of Bamarre.


Becca said...

My favorite princess is Princess Diana but not the one you’re thinking of. I mean Princess Diana as in princess of the Amazons who is better known as Wonder Woman.

Thao said...

I love Princess Arial from LIttle Mermaid too. Her love was so great and her pure mind was something I really adore...besides, she sings well too.

I also love Princess Mia in Princess' Diaries series by Meg Cabot because she's very normal and close to every teenage girl.


Wrighty said...

We only get to pick one? The Disney princesses are always awesome. Of course there will never be another Diana. My favorite is the Princess and the Pea. She was a true princess and she never complained either! Thanks for your contest!

Angela said...

My favorite princess?? Hmm, right now it's Ani from the Goose Girl by Shannon Hale.

Teddy Rose said...

Princess Diana, she tried to use her fame for good.

I blogged about your giveaway here:


Anonymous said...

My fav princess is Ariel from 'The little mermaid' without doubt, but I kind of like Jasmin from Alladin too.

Keri Mikulski said...

Princess Leia from Star Wars. Great contest! :)

Gwendolyn B. said...

I really liked Giselle from the movie "Enchanted." She was kind-hearted and fun! Thanks for the chance to win AURELIA.
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com

Lindsey said...

Hm, I think my favorite princess would be Cinderella because she was so sweet despite the fact that she was ill-treated. Thanks for the great giveaway!!!!!

ladyufshalott at

Amber said...

I love Princess Mia from Princess Diaries :) But being the history buff that I am, I also love Marie Antoinette...princess and later Queen of France.

ellie_enchanted said...

Yay, international!

I like princess (and then queen) Elizabeth I. She was a good leader and didn't give in to the pressure put on her to marry.

I also like most of the Disney princesses (besides the fact that Mulan, my favorite, is not actually a princess).

Anna Claire said...

Mine is Princess (Queen) Elizabeth I, too. She was strong, independent and reigned successfully for years and years. What more could you want in a princess?

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to go with Princess Fiona, too.

a real librarian said...

I'm going to say Princess Buttercup from The Princess Bride! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!


avalonne83 said...

My favourite princess is -- no doubt -- Princess Elizabeth, later known as Queen Elisabeth I. She was so strong and independent that she was able to reign for years and years. Great!

avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it

Ruth King said...

Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She always reminded me of myself because of her love of books.

Chick Lit Teens said...

I'd love a copy of this book!
My favorite princess would have to be Princess Anastasia. Not only do I love her fictional counterpart, but also her real life. The story of the Romanov's is both tragic and fascinating.

Anonymous said...

My favorite princess is:
Princess Arial in The Little Mermaid because I would love to know how it feels to be a mermaid!!

THanks for the giveaway!

My email is:

Meredith said...

I have always loved Belle. I realize that she may not be a real princess, but she is definitely my fave.

When I was younger and the Disney movie came out, I was convinced that I was just like her. I had brown hair and eyes, was tall, and loved to read. And I loved how compassionate she was to everyone but the evil Gaston! And even then, she was polite. Which is alot like my personality. I cannot stand to see anyone hurting.


Theresa N. said...

My favorite Princess is Diana, she
tried to make th e rest of the royals human.
Theresa N

Simply_Megan said...

Mine is Sleeping Beauty! I used to love her when I was little.

Chelsie said...

Favorite princess: Princess Mia from The Princess Diaries. I love her, she's so funny and awesome :)


Anonymous said...

My favorite princess is Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She was bookish, smart, and kind. She also loved unconditionally, which is rare, even in a fictional character. :)

zarache AT aol DOT com

leonore said...

I'm going to pick Princess Sparkles, Summer's pony from the tv show The OC because:
1. I want to pick something no one else did haha
2. I used to love those sparkly pony things.

PS. I think I should get an extra entry because of our name similarity : )

Paradox said...

I've got to say Princess Kida from Atlantis: The Lost Empire. I am obsessed with Atlantis and books about it. I would either pick her or one of the princesses from Gail Carson Levine's books, like Ella.

Anonymous said...

My favourite princess would have to be Princess Anastasia because she's spunky, witty and kicks butt. She's true to herself even when she doesn't really know her own identity. =)
Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks.

Carmen T

Sena said...

I love Princess Aurora. I think she's the prettiest princess of all the Disney ones :)

gautami tripathy said...

Princess Diana, no doubt. She could relate with the masses.

Count me in:


velocibadgergirl said...

My favorite princess is Princess Buttercup from The Princess Bride because she never gives up on love, and she's pretty tough to boot. Aurelia sounds like she could give Buttercup a run for her money, though!

Diana Dang said...

Hmm, my favourite princess would be Princess Ai from well, Princess Ai. It's a graphic novel. I love her outfits!