Monday, April 5, 2010

Book Review and Series Giveaway: Airhead by Meg Cabot

Confession: This is my first Meg Cabot novel. I know. I can’t believe it either. I always meant to read one, but I just never did. Until AIRHEAD came along with its irresistible premise: 16 year old brainiac Emerson Watts is involved in an accident in the presence of teen modeling sensation Nikki Howard, and when she wakes up, she wakes up in Nikki’s body. Now Em can get any guy she wants, except the one she wants: her best friend and video game buddy Christopher.

AIRHEAD is just the kind of light, fun read I needed after reading Ellen Hopkins’ TRICKS. Meg’s voice on her blog has always seemed effortless to me – like chatting with a really witty, laid back friend – and that effortlessness is clearly on display here. Even with all the high-tech trappings, the story and prose just flow, never seeming at all forced.

I mean, ok, the build-up to the reveal of why exactly Em is now in Nikki’s body is agonizingly slow, and there’s no real resolution of any of the conflicts presented (Em vs the Stark Media empire for example) in this installment – because this book is set-up for the next two in the series, BEING NIKKI (out in paperback now) and RUNAWAY (coming in hardcover April 20th). But I was so charmed by the writing and the characters that I have no problem coming back for more. (In fact, I will be reading those other two novels this month).

I really liked getting inside Em’s head and experiencing her reactions to the sudden changes in her life. Still, the standout character for me was Lulu Collins, the BFF of the model formerly living in Nikki’s body. Lulu may be hilariously clueless about a lot of things, but she’s also sweet, well-meaning and full of wisdom in areas where Em is in way over her head.

So, if you’re not yet acquainted with this series, you’re in luck! I have two AIRHEAD prize packs to give away today to readers in the US. The prize pack includes paperback copies of both AIRHEAD and BEING NIKKI to prepare you for the RUNAWAY release. To enter, just tell me this in the comments: If you HAD to wake up in the body of any celebrity, whose life would you prefer? Would you keep on living as them as if nothing happened? Or would you make some changes? I’ll keep the giveaway open until Monday April 19th at 11:59 pm CST.

Oh and find out more about the series at the official Airhead series website!


Kelly Jensen said...

I would totally want to wake up as Lady GaGa. I think the decision to change anything would have to happen after changing - there's no way we know what's going on in that head!

Annika said...

If I could choose... Hmmm... It would probably be Penélope Cruz, just to have a taste of glamor! She seems so friendly and classy so I would just keep wandering round being friendly, classy and cute! (Oh and super rich).

j said...

Do Authors count? If so I would want to be Maggie Stiefvater and change nothing.

If not, I would have to say Kristin Stewart and act a little less dopy and more alive.


Beth S. said...

I would choose to be a figure skater. My first thought was Michelle Kwan because I love her so much, but then I realized two things 1) she's retired from skating and 2) then I'd never get to actually MEET her if I was her. So I would choose to be Mirai Nagasu, because not only would I know how to skate (and I've always wanted to learn), but I'd also be mentored by Michelle.

I realize that skaters aren't the huge stars they once were and perhaps Mirai isn't really a "celebrity" as such, but that's who I'd choose. :o)

Anonymous said...

I'd want to wake up in the body of Angelina Jolie. Several reasons - love Brad Pitt! :) and she does such amazing things that I would like to be a part of. And she's so fit - I'd love to see what that's like :)

foltzsfantasticbooks at

Emmagan said...

Hmm, that's a tough one but if i had to chose i think i probably want to wake up as Nicole Richie because she is so pretty and has a fashion lines. I always wanted to have my own Fashion line. And also because she dating ( engage i think XD ) to Joel Madden sexy best lol. I don't think i would change anything.


Alysa Stewart said...

I'd pick Julia Roberts. She's such a big, big star I think it would be really interesting to see what it's like on the other side of that fame. I've been meaning to read Airhead!

Donna Gambale said...

Can't believe you just started Meg Cabot! Seriously, her stuff is so fun to read. Glad you enjoyed it. I listened to the Airhead audiobook but haven't gotten to Being Nikki yet. Thanks for the giveaway!

For a celebrity..... I'd choose..... Jennifer Aniston. Because I feel like I'd want to be her friend, so I wouldn't mind being her! I just might change her taste in men, but nothing else.

Christa said...

That question is so *so* hard. I'd miss my family & husband if this happened... and hmm... I would probably choose Hillary Scott from Lady Antebellum. I think it would be fun to experience her life for a while... but I know I'd change things - purposely or not, since I wouldn't be able to stop being me, lol.

I'd love to win this contest. These books sound awesome!

donnas said...

I really wouldnt want to. But if I had to, I would want it to be one of the more down-to-earth celebrities. I really wouldnt want to deal with the constant attention and monitoring they go through.

Kelsey said...

I would like Keira Knightley's life, because as far as I know she doesn't have a husband or children, which is what I would prefer. I don't think I would change anything, but then I don't know everything about Keira.

Thanks for the great giveaway!


bermudaonion said...

I haven't read any of Cabot's books yet, but I hope to remedy that soon. Glad to see this one's fun. No need to enter me.

Jessy said...

I would have to say -even though I don't like her- Paris Hilton. I think she has it the easiest out of all the celebrities. I wouldn't tell anyone I was her, but I would change a few things like helping out organizations and donating money.

Mandy said...

I would chose Hayden Panettiere, because she doesn't have all of the fame drama surrounding most celebraties, and she supports great causes.

PJ Hoover said...

I needed some light reading after TRICKS, too.
Hmmm...which celebrity? Maybe JK Rowling? And I doubt I'd change a thing :)

GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

It's ok-I didn't read a Mag Cabot book until I got my job a few years back-now I'm hooked. Avalon High is my favorite I think, but I've heard good things about the Mediator series.

Lulu is my favorite character as well. I'm reading Runaway now (got an ARC) and it's a great series and wraps up in three books!:)

Zibilee said...

I have also never read a book by this author, and your review has made me curious. I would definitely want to wake up in Jennifer Aniston's body. I think she is just beautiful, and she seems to be a really nice person as well!

Sandy Nawrot said...

Uhhhh...whoever Viggo Mortensen is sleeping with? Is he married? Well, whatever. I want to wake up in his bed, and would make no changes whatsoever. That was easy!

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. that's a tough one. If I had to choose it would probably be Natalie Portman. She's so intelligent and beautiful, a fantastic combination.

Alison Can Read said...

Hmm...maybe Anne Hatheway. She seems really classy. Maggie Gyllenhall seems interesting too.

Staci said...

I have the series on my school I need to read them!!!

Priya said...

Hmmmm... maybe Carrie Underwood? I don't think I would make that many changes, though. :)


misskallie2000 said...

I would love to wake up as Julia Roberts.
Julia has a loving husband, beautiful children and a awesome career in movies. I would just like to live in her shoes for a short time. Then I would go back to being just me. LOL

Would love to win these awesome books. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

nat @book, line, and sinker said...

sounds like a light and fun read! love your review, honest but positive. :)

as for waking up in a celebrity, maybe the barefoot contessa, ina garten? i love her cooking, home, kitchen, and personality.

holdenj said...

So glad you started these! I really enjoy Meg Cabot, have read quite a few of them. I would like to be Jennifer Garner. She's successful, does a variety of projects and seems to have the mom/wife thing down in Hollywood. At least for now! Thanks for the chance to win.

Linna said...

I loved reading Airhead. Lulu was such a great character- and I really want to see how they resolve the crazy conflict Em's gotten into!

If I could be anyone... I'd have to choose JK Rowling. Just for a little while, to see where she comes up with all her amazing ideas! Runner ups would have to Obama and Oprah. Yeah.

Anonymous said...

I would love to wake up as Emma Watson. She seems to exude class and intelligence. She also has a fantastic wardrobe. I don't think I would change anything; I would want to live the same life for just a little.


Awesome contest, by the way!

Linda said...

wake up in the body of a celebrity? let me think...that's a tough one. Maybe Sandra Bullock? Then I could get rid of Jesse James and continue being a classy lady!

Jackeline R. said...

Ah! awesome! I love Meg cabot. If I had to I would want to wake up in the body of probably Britney Spears just so I could take her to therapy. Poor chick she looks so lost.


Bookish in a Box said...

I'd choose to be Evangeline Lilly. I'd make her convince the Lost writers to make Kate do her own thing to get off the island. :-D

whatinabox at gmail dot com

Michelle said...

I'm thinking I'd want to end up in Kate Winslet's body - she's seems like she's really got her act together. Plus she's gorgeous and an incredible actress, both of which would not be such a bad thing.

throuthehaze said...

I think I would want to wake up as Zooey Deschanel. She is gorgeous, talented, and seems down to earth.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Bookie said...

I would wake up as Beyonce. I love her voice and music. I would totally keep her body and life. It would be pretty cool.


Sylvia said...

Probably Hayden Panettiere or Angelina Jolie! Their characters in movies and shows are always interesting and not to mention, they're very "GOOD" people. I wouldn't change a thing, I just wanted to feel how they feel when they do the things they do:)

Lauren said...

Funny how celebs aren't just actors anymore. In fact, I'd say some authors have MORE fame!

I'd like to get into Amanda Bynes's head - not to change anything big, although it would be nice to take advantage of the fame for charity. She's been in the spotlight for years and years but stays out of the tabloids.

Holly said...

I would be Jennifer Garner!

Michelle said...

I read all three right in a row. Like you, I enjoyed that it was a light fun read. I hope you enjoy the remaining two!

shal said...

I would probably want to wake up as someone who has a lot of stuff. Probably Paris Hilton. I would then donate everything I own to charity and volunteer more. I feel like this would help more people than being someone already helping out.

I've read the first book and I loved it. I love Meg cabot in general, <3

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

I would want to be Angelina Jolie, so I can wake up next to Brad Pitt all the time. I would not change a thing cause shes awesome already and is changing the world one babystep at a time.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

BeyondTheIcyWalls said...

Hmm.. I wouldnt mind waking up in Jennifer Aniston's body. I'd like to find out if she is(or has) slept with Gerard Butler. He is SO sexy *faints*

Or maybe Johnny Depp's wife. I wouldn't mind being her! XP

Oh, being M. Manson's girlfriend would be nice too! I would SO give him the love that he deserves. He is such an amazing artist.... God i love him :D *goes to listen to his music*

Vera said...

Well, I have the 3rd book and would really love to get the first two! Hate reading books out of order. If I had to wake up in any body, I'd love to wake up as Tina Fey - she's so funny, talented and seems like a genuinely nice person.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, tough question. I would love to wake up as Kresley Cole, just to be able to read her next book sooner. LOL. I would change nothing too, she's such a wonderful writer.

Reading said...

I would love to wake up in the body of the President. There is so many things I would fix.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Lasha said...

I would love to wake up in the body of drew barrymore, i love that she is such a down to earth person, she starred in one of my favorite movies "Ever After" and made an awesome movie "whip it". IF I WOKE UP IN HER BODY, i would not change a thing, shes so cool, smart and funny. It would be a dream to meet her one day.

arudd908 at gmail dot com

~The Book Pixie said...

You may or may not have heard of her but I think I would possibly choose Billie Piper. I just think she's a really great actress and she strikes me as she is probably a really good person. You don't hear crap about her in magazines either. Atleast not here in the states, not sure as far as UK goes. As to whether or not I'd do things differently I can honestly say I don't know. I'd have to decide that once I was living her life and could really see what it's like.

Great contest!


Sophia said...

I'd definitely be Oprah. She's amazing and inspiring. I wouldn't change a thing, since she's already awesome. I love the way she donates her money and helps those in need.

Thanks so much for the giveaway!


Nancye said...

I would like to wake in the body of Courteny Cox. She is so pretty and her show Cougar Town is so funny! She looks like she is having a blast. (It doesn't hurt that some of the guys on the show are really HOT!!)

These books looks like a fun read! Thanks for the chance.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net