Clearly this humorous faux dating guide is aimed at the legions of Twilight fans (there are numerous references to Edward, werewolves, a vampire’s attraction to the new girl, and a vampire’s tendency to watch girls while they sleep). It is quite funny, and made me laugh a lot, though it’s probably more fun to dip into bit by bit over a longer period of time rather than reading straight through as I did.
Some things I learned:
My blood type (A-) has a full-bodied, woody flavor with notes of cinnamon, meaning I attract active, clean cut vampires who enjoy hiking (on cloudy days – or at night)
The famous phrase, I want to suck your blood, has a different meaning depending on what word your vampire crush puts his emphasis on. (Hint, best case scenario is that he emphasizes YOUR rather than BLOOD.)
Tori Amos made “The Infinite Vampire Playlist” with her song Blood Roses.
If your vampire boyfriend treated you badly, you might want to next date a slayer.
THE VAMPIRE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU is available in paperback now.
Austen, Hemingway
Rushdie, Poe
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You’re a pro!
"A story to me means a plot where there is some surprise. Because that is how life is- full of surprises", by Isaac Bashevis Singer. I hope your day is full of book surprises. Happy Reading!
Readthon Cheeleader and Follower
Can I just LOL at the title? This sounds comical!
Comic relief for the read-a-thon? Sounds rather funny.
I agree that this one should be read a little at a time and I was disappointed that the book assumed that only girls want to date vampires. What about all those girl vamps, don't they need googly-eyed guys falling under their thrall? Just a thought.
That title is too funny!!!
Hope you're enjoying your day of reading for fun!!!
Oh, it sounds like a very funny read!
I just wanted to stop by and congratulate you on your read-a-thon, it seems like you did a lot of reading today!
I bet my daughter would love this book, as she is crazy about all things vampire. Thanks for the great review. I will have to let her know about this one!
This books sounds awesome and it has alot of important advice. With more and more girls falling in love with vampires every day this book becomes increasingly more vital.
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