I have eclectic taste and I review nearly everything I read, so in theory, that means just about any type of genre could show up on my blog. I even reviewed a Christian romance once. That said, the majority of my reviews are literary fiction or young adult fiction. I really enjoy literary thrillers, historical fiction (plagues, middle ages, and early US history being favorites) and certain types of Sci-fi/fantasy (fairy-tale retellings, time travel, speculative, dystopian, post apocalyptic and generally Earth bound). I also like to mix in the occasional non-fiction book and memoir.
I am by no means bound by genre, in fact, I love finding novels which transcend genre and break new ground. Like, if someone wrote a chick-lit dystopia, how cool would that be?
I am by no means bound by genre, in fact, I love finding novels which transcend genre and break new ground. Like, if someone wrote a chick-lit dystopia, how cool would that be?
Every morning after getting brushed, Emmy wants her daily dose of fresh air and bird ogling on our back balcony. Since it is winter and we don't want her to get too cold, we snuggle her into her cat bed (otherwise ignored) and put her out for about a half hour, checking every few minutes to make sure she hasn't jumped out and wound her leash around the table. Here she is telling me that she's not yet ready to come in...
Awww, that picture is so cute!!
Hi ...I'm a children's author and fairly new to blogging (a little over a month). I noticed you liked to write children's books, so I stopped by.
Now I see you're all about books! Please come visit me.
Jan Mader
PS...Your kitten photo is adorable!
I do enjoy a dash of dystopia from time to time...
Who knew Emmy had attitude! I love it!
Hi Lenore,
You sound a lot like me - I will (at least try to) read anything that comes my way...and review if I have time.
Love the picture.
Stop with the cuteness you must stop!!!!!!! :P Love it!
I'm a big fantasy fan and that shows on my blog, but I read and review other types of books too. I'll read anything that captures my interest, regardless of genre.
Emmy's bed looks so cosy! My cats always ignore their beds, but then Winter's not nearly as hard here.
My love Emmy, she's always so cute.
Thanks for the link to the meme.
My cats totally disregard their beds, in favor of A. Laundry basket filled with warm fresh clean laundry, and B. My soft comfy reading chair, and C. Whatever quilt I'm working on at the time.
(Cat Hair just adds another layer of warmth to the quilts I make....)
Awww. The kitten picture is so cute!
You always have the best pictures!
Yikes! I wanted to let you know that the poll wasn't working on my original post, so I deleted it and redid it - it IS working now! :) Wendi
love the pic :)
I love books that combine genres in new and weird ways. It's a great idea - shoe shopping in a post-apocalyptic society? Why not! If you're time traveling and where you're going it's after Memorial Day, is it okay to wear white shoes? A girl has to know these things!
A chicklit dystopia would be such a good idea! Why's it always the serious types who survive the apocalypses in books? :)
AWWW!!! EMMY is too cute in this shot!
Pampered Kitty Doodle Doo!
My three are all indoor cats. I can tell that they want to go outside... but NO!
Emmy just keeps getting cuter and cuter every week!
Your post on my meme post made me smile. I have to remind myself to read the men. I do like them, but there's so many books so little time.
Thanks for commenting.
I think just about every blog I read is eclectic too lol. Aw! Isn't she cute?! My cat is afraid of outside but she loves to sit in windows.
Love the picture of Emmy!
I review everything I read. Although I have my favorite genres, I'm willing to try others as well.
Your kitty is adorable. :)
Aw, cute kitty! I love seeing Emmy every week :D
Chick-lit dystopia would be interesting! I wonder what that might be like...
My reading tastes are all over the map too!!! Love the photo of your kitty!
I read just about anything except science fiction.
Emmy is so dang cute! She could be a TV or movie star...
Emmy is adorable!
Super-cute picture! I love the look she is giving you. :)
I'm a big YA fan myself. I love it more and more.
And your kitten is absolutely adorable!!!!
Emmy actually stays in there while you go back in? Wow. She looks so adorable in there, all cozy.
I'm amazed that Emmy likes you to brush her fur! She is truly amazing.
You know, one of the only genres I tend to shy away from is thrillers - I do enjoy them when I read them, but I tend to get bad nightmares! :)
Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week. ~ Wendi
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