Sunday, November 23, 2008

20,000 visits! And a long list of thank yous...

Today Sitemeter logged my 20,000th visit - how cool is that? I've had so much fun with the blog since it transformed into a book review blog back at the end of April this year. I've written over 100 book reviews, had tons of interesting discussions, and made a lot of new bookish friends. So I have to say a big thanks for everyone who has been a part of this - and what better way to do that than to compile a list of people who commented in the past month (little did I know this would take me HOURS - which means I skipped any post which had a contest attached - though I am very pleased if you entered the contests!). I really look forward to your comments and I appreciate each and every one :) Thanks also to my 64 followers, to my 160ish subscribers (last time I checked), to my lurker friends who stop by without leaving comments (but who show up at my door asking to borrow books I've reviewed), to my fellow LibraryThing tuesday thingers who insist that I post a picture of Emmy every tuesday, to the amazing publicists who keep me wading in books, and to all the awesome authors I've had the pleasure of interviewing.

Alea of Pop Culture Junkie
Steph of Reviewer X
Lauren of Shooting Stars Mag
Beth Kephart author of House of Dance, Undercover and Nothing but Ghosts
My aunt Linda of Linda's Sunflower (yes, she is really my aunt)

Jen (aka Ladytink)
Steve of The Zombie Chronicles
Susane Helene Gottfried of West of Mars - Win a Book
Dar of Peeking Between the Pages

Jeane of Dog Ear Diary
Khyrinthia of Frenetic Reader
PJ Hoover author of The Emerald Tablet
Joanne of Book Zombie
Lisa of Minds alive of the shelves
Anna of Diary of an Eccentric
Dawn of She's Too Fond of Books
Serena of Savvy Verse & Wit
Alyce of At Home with Books

Gabbi of All Five Stars
Cathy of Kittling: Books
Kathy of Oklahoma Booklady
Sandra of Fresh Ink Books
Andi of Tripping Toward Lucidity Estella's Revenge
Melissa Walker author of the Violet series
Ali of Worducopia
Michele of Michele only one L

Just Blinded Book Reviews
caite of A lovely shore breeze
Amy of My Friend Amy
Keri Mikulski author of Screwball
Marie of The Boston Bibliophile and host of TuesdayThingers
Luanne of A Bookworm's World
Kristi of The Story Siren
Shana of Literarily
Lisa of Books and Cooks

Wendi of Wendi's Book Corner
Kirsten of We Be Reading
Wendy of Literary Feline/Musings of a Bookish Kitty
Ms. Bookish
Meghan of Medieval Bookworm
AS King author of The Dust of 100 Dogs
Rebecca aka The Book Lady
Margaret of BooksPlease
Icedream of Reading in Appalachia
Traci of Traci's Book Bag

Melissa of Shh...I'm Reading
Nadine (aka TruBlu93) of Starry Night
Alexa Young author of Frenemies
AC of A Novel Idea
Confessions of a Bibliovore
Julie of Booking Mama
Aerin of In Search of Giants
The Book Muncher
Bethany of B&b ex libris
Yvonne of Socrates Book Reviews

Stacey of Book:Thirty
Stephanie's Written World
Carol's Notebook
Rol of Sunset over Slawit
Amanda of That Teen Can Blog!
The Book Spot
Jena of Muse Books Reviews
Sarahbear9789 of Sarah's random musings
Liviania of In Bed with Books
Taren of The Chick Manifesto

Carol of Bookluver-Carol Reviews
simply_megan of Simply Books
Hope of Hope's Bookshelf
The Bookworm of Au Courant
Julie of Julie's Jewels
mari of Mari Reads.
Mrs. Yingling of Mrs. Yingling Reads
Em of Em's Bookshelf
Janette Rallison author of Just one Wish and My Fair Godmother
Tracy of Bookroomreviews

Natasha of Maw Books Blog
Trish of Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin'?
Fyrefly's Book Blog
Lana of A Hoyden's Look at Literature
Jill of Breaking the Spine and founder of Waiting on Wednesday
Emily of That One Girl Emily
Joy Hall
katayoun of Katayoun Massoudi
Violet of Violet Crush
Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog

Tower of Books
Charlotte of Charlotte's Library
Meredith of Meredith's Musings.
Amee of Bookity Book Books
Book~Adorer of Book~Adorer
Eli of nineseveneight book reviews
John Marco author of the upcoming Starfinder
Wrighty of Wrighty Reads
Diana Dang of Stop, Drop and Read
jocelyn of Teen Book Review
Jenn of Jenn's Bookshelf
Heather J. of Age 30 Books
Paradox of Paradoxical
Readingjunky of Readingjunky's Reading Roost
Mariah of The Fanatic Reviewer
Ruth of Bookish Ruth
Sara of What a Girl Reads
Renay of YA Fabulous
Library Cat

Evie S.

Thank you :)


Anonymous said...

Huge congrats on your 20,000 visits!

Darlene said...

Congrats Lenore! I sure am happy to have met you!

Andi said...

Congratulations!!! You have a great blog. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

It looks like your blog is the place to be!

Valeria said...

Gratz Lenore!

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Congratulations on the hits, Lenore. They are well-deserved. Keep up the good work! (and thanks for the link love.)

S. Krishna said...


the story siren said...

Congrats Lenore!! Here's hoping to another 20,000!!

Michele said...

Wow! 20,000!!! That's awesome! Congrats!

Literary Feline said...

Congratulations! I may not always comment, but I do visit your blog regularly. I love reading what you have to say about books and other bookish topics.

PJ Hoover said...

You're welcome! Your blog rocks!

Jill said...

Congratulations! What a big milestone!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Lenore! What a labor of love, compiling this list. I enjoy your blog very much - it's always so enjoyable to read.

Alea said...

YAY! Congratulations to you! That list must have taken you forever! That's so funny your friends pop over to borrow your books you reviewed! :D

Sandra said...

What a nice thing to do, and a lot of work too, no doubt. Keep on blogging.

A.S. King said...

Congratulations, Lenore! And thank YOU! Your blog rocks!

Kimberly Derting said...

OMG, Lenore! Congratulations!!! That is HUGE!!! Keep up the great work... :)

katayoun said...

congrats!! definitely huge!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Yay!! Congratulations! And wow, all those visitors in a month? that's insane! I'd love to get to that point. Go you!


Sarah Woodard said...

Congrats on the 20,000!
That is amazing.

Ruth King said...

Congratulations, and thank you! It's always a joy to read your posts.

Luanne said...

Woohoo!! 20,000! That's amazing! Keep going Lenore!

Linda said...

WOW! Congrats on 20,000!!! What an awesome achievement. PROUD OF YOU!

Ladytink_534 said...

I enjoy visiting! Hope you keep your blog running for a really long time!

Meredith said...

Congrats on 20,000! That is just amazing. I love your reviews, they always help me figure out if a book that I am on the edge about is worth it or not.


Midnight Philosopher said...

Congratulations on reaching this milestone, Lenore. It's wonderful.

Anonymous said...

There's a good reason for that! Congrats. Love your reviews and blog!

Bibliovore said...

Big heaps of congrats on your 20,000 visits!

Shalonda said...

Congrats! 20,000 is AWESOME!!!!

Liviania said...

Wow, 20,000 visits? Congratulations!

Melissa Walker said...

How very cool--big congratulations!

Book Lover Lisa said...

Woohoo! That is wonderful. Congratulations. I enjoy your blog, so I am not surprised.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Fantastic!! Blogging really does add an new dimension to your life, doesn't it. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations!!!

You do have a great blog!!!

Beth Kephart said...

You have so many visitors because you are so good at what you do. I'm proud to know you.

Keri Mikulski said...

Congrats! And thanks for writing such an amazing blog. :)

Anonymous said...

You're welcome and CONGRATULATIONS!

Amber said... thanked me :) Wow. I am flattered. And 20,000 visits is amazing. I am really looking forward to meeting you on Wednesday!

Ali said...

Thank you! (And thanks to Emmy, too, for brightening my Tuesdays!)

Anna said...

Congrats! What an accomplishment! You've got a great blog, so I'm not surprised one bit!

Diary of an Eccentric

Unknown said...

Wow 20000! Thats a lot congrats!

Marie Cloutier said...

congratulations! :-) your blog is terrific!

as far as your memoir- I can't wait to read it! :-)

Serena said...

Congrats on 20,000 visits. This is a great blog. I hope that I don't fall behind on it again. I'm on vacation and reading blogs and books...catching up on the fun things. this is such a great tribute to all of us who read your words!

Joanne ♦ The Book Zombie said...

Wooo - way to go! Your blog is awesome and I always look forward to your posts :)

Emmy is pretty darn cool too!

Amee said...

Congrats! Happy 20,000!

nadine said...

20,000? That's pretty amazing. CONGRATS!
