Shelter Me has a lot going for it: A clever, twisty, and unpredictable plot that held my interest throughout, a foreboding atmosphere and a cast of memorably bizarre characters.
Normally it would bother me more that Maggie does not actively shape her destiny - the entire novel is basically Maggie getting caught up in a series of events beyond her control and relying on miracles to save her. But since this does reflect the experience of wartime pretty authentically, I can forgive it here.
The pacing sometimes seemed a bit rushed to me. For example, I wouldn’t have minded lingering a bit longer in the incredibly creepy school and seeing more of what the crazy nuns were up to.
If you like fast paced thrillers filled with twists and characters who are not what they seem, then pick up Shelter Me. It’s now available in paperback.
Great review!
Very nice review! Concise yet comprehensive.
I am very intrigued by the cover.
Definitely checking this one out. Thanks for the review, Lenore!
This sounds good. I really like the cover too.
Right now I'm studying WWII and it's been a while since this one is my wishlist so I think I'll read it soon. It seems really good!
Loved your review^^
I like how it sounds. Alex McAuley book always sound so great.
This sounds like something I would like. I love the cover, too.
Cool cover. I'd really like to read this one. It sounds good especially the fast paced thriller part.
"If you like fast paced thrillers filled with twists and characters who are not what they seem..."
...Who doesn't? I definitely want to read this now.
Youy good writer lenore! XD I've seen this book a few times and it always looks interesting, I may have to read it!
I'm not sure if I'll be checking this out, but I think the cover is gorgeous!
Great review, Lenore. I'm putting this on my wish list. I love WWII era books and the Wales element has a strong appeal as well.
Elizabeth - LOL! Someone might like slow books with characters who are exactly what they seem ;)
It sounds really good. I love the cover!
Great review!
Fantastic cover!!!
This book sounds like it's right up my alley. I love stories with bizarre twists. Thanks for the great review!
This one looks interesting. I have to add it to my list of books to read.
I loved the cover but I couldn't finish this one.
Nice review. If you can answer, I'd be interested in knowing how much the historical setting plays into this book. Thanks!
The sounds right up my alley! I don't know how I missed this review. I hope it's okay that I linked to your review on War Through the Generations.
Diary of an Eccentric
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