Here's the summary from amazon:
Three tales of supernatural love, each pivoting on a kiss that is no mere kiss, but an action with profound consequences for the kissers' souls:
Goblin Fruit: In Victorian times, goblin men had only to offer young girls sumptuous fruits to tempt them to sell their souls. But what does it take to tempt today's savvy girls?
Spicy Little Curses: A demon and the ambassador to Hell tussle over the soul of a beautiful English girl in India. Matters become complicated when she falls in love and decides to test her curse.
Hatchling: Six days before Esme's fourteenth birthday, her left eye turns from brown to blue. She little suspects what the change heralds, but her small safe life begins to unravel at once. What does the beautiful, fanged man want with her, and how is her fate connected to a mysterious race of demons?
Each of the three tales -- which are about kissing -- begin with a short introduction that you can read on Laini Taylor's blog. She also talks about her inspiration and writing process on the post I've linked to. Sounds fun! I'm especially interested in Goblin Fruit. How about you? Too bad we'll have to wait until October 1...
"Spicy Little Curses" sounds very interesting to me ... it's always fascinating to see what happens when people try to buck fate.
I wish I could go to BEA too!! It's a good price for librarians, but the travel costs are what make it too much for me. I wish I was closer to NY! I am going to ALA this summer, so I'm hoping that will make up for it.
Oh now that's a neat cover! I really like how the colors pop. These all sound like neat stories.
Oh, this sounds really good. I went to BEA last year in LA and had such a good time - and came home with so many books. Also wish I was going to NY...
lips touch---ohh! sounds awesome. btw, catching fire is my most anticipated release as well, Hunger Games was so...it just...I can't even describe:-D
Oh yeah, this does sound interesting. I really like the cover!!
I wish I could go! But alas...nobody or nothing comes to TN.
They all sound pretty cool and that they each start with a kiss...I like!!!
I would pick that up in a heart beat because of the cover!
I love the cover! I like the sounds of the goblins!
Sounds good!
I just gave you an award :)
This does sound awesome! And I love short stories so yeah!
I wish that you were going to the bea too. I will have to look for this one while I'm there. I seriously cannot wait!
Wow sounds like a great book. I hadn't heard of this before. I'll have to keep my eyes out for it.
Sounds like a wicked book. The cover rocks :)
That cover is *hot*.
I SO wish you could be there. And I'm working on strategies for the Catching Fire signing. ;)
Oh, I wish I could go to BEA. I wish it so much! I'm just going to pretend to myself that it doesn't exist until it's over and too late :)
you have to be there at like 7am for a ticket for the Catching Fire signing... so even though I'm going to BEA I don't think I'll get a copy either, unless they have extras outside the signing. So don't feel too bad!
How do you find all of these great-sounding and great-looking books? *adding this book to wishlist* :)
And I wish I could go to BEA, but sadly, I have school >.<
What an awesome cover!! This sounds really good 8)
OMG! I am going to BEA! And I'll get up for Catching Fire - no problem :)
Carolina - I just do a lot of blog crawling until I find books that catch my interest!!
Lenore, I heard YOU ARE going to BEA!!! :) I'll be there with Sharon (who luvs books and cats:)) So I hope to meet up with you!
That is such a cool cover!
Yeah, I wish I could get up to get some of the tickets for the popular signings but alas I'm coming from almost 2 hours away and I'm bad enough waking up as it is.
I hope I get to meet some other bloggers though! And there are plenty of signings/ARCs that no tickets are required for. :)
I hate getting up early too. But I'll try to stay close by so I have a better chance of getting up. Plus, my body will still be in my own time zone (6 hours ahead) so that will make it easier too!
This book sounds amazing! I hadn't heard of it, but your review and the description have really intrigued me. I put this one on my list and will be waiting for it, along with the sequel for The Hunger Games.
The Lips Touch is soooo intrigueing. Love that graphics novel-feel about it. So, you're going to BEA after all? Have a good time!
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