Tuesday, April 28, 2009

LibraryThing Tuesday (51) + Picture of Emmy

Today's questions from Wendi is about the covers view on LT: Do you have any missing covers (they show as a plain gray book)? Did you have a favorite view (title, author, date entered)? Do you have any favorite covers? If so, is there anything they have in common?

I do have a couple of covers missing. I need to go back sometime and fix that, as well as add the correct covers for a lot of books. I like bold, graphic covers best. Or covers with stacks of old books on them.


Since I know you all need your Emmy fix even when I am away, here's Emmy testing out our new frying pan.


bermudaonion said...

Oh my gosh, Emmy, is just gosh darn adorable!

Alea said...

Yesterday I was wondering if we would get to see Emmy today while you were away! This is a great one!

Serena said...

LOL...looks like something my cats would do...one of my cats loves sitting in the sink or the bathtub

Amee said...

Another cute one! It's crazy the places she'll curl up.

Violet said...

Do you have any favorite covers? I have bought many books based on covers alone.

Thats such a cool pic, I mean Emmy looks so regal even on a cooking gas :)

Michelle B. said...

Haha, love the picture!

Kate said...

Awww. Emmy looks so cute :)

Holly said...


Is that the cutest cat or what!!

Anna Claire said...

I just love Emmy's deadpan expressions. She manages to look elegant in the weirdest places :)

Unknown said...

aww that's so cute! :)

Marie Cloutier said...

there are so many really tasteless jokes i could make about a cat in a saucepan, but i'm just oigng to say "ooo so cute".

i have several missing covers on LT but i try to fill them in cause it bugs me! :-)

Yan said...

...this why I want a cat. so I can make it do weird but adorable things and squeal my head off :P

H said...

The frying pan? That is a new one as far as cats I've heard of :)

@ Yan - unfortunately in my experience, you can't make a cat do anything. Like, if you want it to be weird and adorable, it just sits somewhere boring. Or if you want to work, it comes and sits on top of your papers. Very deliberately. Maybe that's just mine though.

ANovelMenagerie said...

When I was a girl, I had a cat who sat in a salad bowl atop the refrigerator. This picture is so cute... as is your kitty!

caite said...

Yum, yum, pan fried kitty for dinner!

Staci said...

I love your Emmy!! My cat Pistol is going to have babies soon! The hubs isn't too crazy about it but my son and I are way excited!!!!

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

That is the BEST pic EVER!

I'm sitting here feeling like crap due to this freak of a head cold and Emmy's picture just lightened me up!

Thanks for the smile! :)

Linda said...

I think Emmy needs a pet psychiatrist! (not really) :-)

Anonymous said...

That picture is SO adorable! Aww! :)

I was just passing by to tell you an award was waiting for you on my blog, but I couldn't resist commenting on that cuteness!

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Aw I so adore Emmy!

Ladytink_534 said...

Lol. She looks like she's just humouring you! Such a pretty cat :)

Zibilee said...

I love coming here and seeing what mischief Emmy is going to get into. She's a beautiful cat.

Ruth King said...

I love how the handle is almost perfectly aligned to be her tail. She's adorable as always!

valentina said...

oh my,that picture is priceless!!! love it.

Laina said...

Emmy's really cute, but my inner germaphobe is freaking out a bit now, lol.

Darlene said...

OMG, that has to be one of the cutest ever pics! Is there anywhere she doesn't get to. lol.

wdebo said...

Oh wow that is just so adorable!!

Wdebo :)