Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Book Review: Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George

If you are familiar with the Grimm fairy tale The Twelve Dancing Princesses, then you already know the main plot points of this retelling. Author Jessica Day George adds depth to the story of the young solider charged with finding out why the kingdom’s 12 princesses wear out their dancing shoes every night by setting it in a place with magic even darker than the original.

Galen makes a fine hero, he’s a noble orphan who knits and is kind to old ladies (traits which serve him well as the story progresses). He’s taken in by his uncle, the King’s gardener, and that’s how he meets the cursed Rose and her sisters. Galen and Rose are the only characters that we ever really get to know beyond one defining characteristic – the other 11 sisters run together in a haze of flower names and are treated more as a group than individuals. The romantic elements of the story were also a bit thin, even for someone like me who isn’t necessarily a fan of romance.

Despite knowing the fairy tale, I found this retelling adequately suspenseful and read eagerly, rooting for Galen to break the curse and usher in a happily ever after.

Princess of the Midnight Ball comes out in hardcover today.


Hillary said...

I like the cover. I'll probably buy it when it comes out in paperback. I've never read any fairy tale retellings...

Ana S. said...

Oooh, this sounds good! I love fairy tale retellings.

Anna Claire said...

It does sound good! And the cover is gorgeous

Angela said...

Ooo, I've had this book on my list FOR-EVER! The cover is so gorgeous! And I love a good fairy-tale re-telling!

Kd said...

love re-tellings! ans I also love the cover! :D


Darlene said...

This sounds good and that cover is absolutely beautiful!

Lenore Appelhans said...

Yes, the cover is gorgeously girly - but that shouldn't scare the boys away. It is mainly about a guy after all.

Ladytink_534 said...

Sounds like a good one! I know the original story well so I might have to keep my eye out for this one- which won't be hard with a gorgeous cover like that!

Anonymous said...

The cover is gorgeous. The book sounds fun -I'm a big fan of fairytale retellings.

Thao said...

I like Twelve Dancing Princesses, this must be a good one. By the way I like the cover, very nice dress!

Amy said...

This looks like a good one!

Alyce said...

That cover is gorgeous! I actually have a book of Grimm's fairy tales, but I don't remember The Twelve Dancing Princesses. I guess it's been too long since I've read it. It sounds like a great story though.

Janssen said...

This sounds good, but I must admit, I LOVE a good romance and it sounds like this might not fit the bill.

GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

I really liked Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow, which was another fairy tale retelling this author did. I'm looking forward to checking this one out.

S. Krishna said...

I haven't heard about these fairy tale retellings but they sound really good!

Literary Feline said...

I enjoy a good fairy tale retelling, although I admit I haven't read many. :-) I am not familiar with the tale of The Twelve Dancing Princesses, and so this would be completely new to me (unless I looked up the original story, which I would most likely do because I can't help myself). Great review, Lenore!

caribookscoops said...

This sounds good. I love fairy tales and their retellings.

Teddy Rose said...

I added the link to the ARC Challenge post.

Lexie said...

I can't wait to get my copy of this! I loved her Dragon books and her retelling of East o'the Moon, West o'the Sun!

Megan said...

I'm reading the book right now and its is a excellent book!!! I'm already half way through the book in one day!! I think that everyone should read this book. It's a great summer read!