Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hunger Games Sequel Info Released! Catching Fire it is!

The plot is TOP secret but we have a cover and a title!

From Publisher's Weekly:

David Levithan, executive editorial director at Scholastic, says that the manuscript for Catching Fire is available in-house on a “need to read” basis only. “It’s the most secrecy I’ve had about any project I’ve ever worked on. It’s pretty remarkable what [Collins] has done and where she’s going. There are lots of twists and turns, and part of the fun is the surprise of it."

Read the rest of the article here.

YAY! Funny that I was just speculating about this yesterday...


melanie said...

ooh this is GOOD news - can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I love both the cover and the title -which incidentally makes so much sense. I'm so excited to read it!

Lenore Appelhans said...

I know! Now we'll have months of speculation about what the title could mean...

Could Cinna show up with more fire outfits possibly?

Unknown said...

Love the cover! Can't wait to read it! :)

Angela said...

I am SO excited!!

Anonymous said...

OMG OMG OMG OMG! Quick, let's get hired on at Scholastic...

Khy said...

Is it odd that I almost squealed when seeing David Levithan's name instead of squealing over the title and such?

Tasha said...

Ahh, very exciting. I hope Collins reveals more about the Capitol.

Staci said...

I need to grab my copy of Hunger Games and read it NOW!! My son loved it and will be so excited to hear about the upcoming sequel. I wish I was one of those people that were allowed to read it!!

Linda said...

haven't read Hunger Games yet, but it's on my list.

Liviania said...

I don't like the title treatment, but other than that it looks awesome.

Liv said...


Alea said...

How much you want to bet that the cover designer knew next to nothing when designing that! :P

Nancy said...

YES!! *does happy snoopy dance* I loved this book and cannot wait for this gem to get into my hands.

Thao said...

Nice title. I bet you're super excited about it hey?

Doret said...


Steph Su said...

This news is well deserving of the happyhappyjoyjoy dance!! THANK YOU for posting this up! I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I am literally DYING to read this! I devoured the first one. I kind of hate the cover though :(

Busy Bookblogger said...

I am so excited for this! Who wrote Battle Royale?? If it's anything like The Hunger Games I would love it!! Thanks for the tip!

Anonymous said...

i cant wait! its gunna b so good. And suprisingly, the cover makes sence. i hope peeta and katniss end up together!