1. First off I want to say how thrilled I am that my new header has gotten such a great response. Daniel has agreed to design a custom header for one lucky winner! Just mention in the comments that you’d like to be entered. Check out another header he designed for our friend Steve this week (and no, I don't think that is really his baby) and his daily drawings for an idea of his style. I’ll announce a winner Feb. 9th.
2. I am very excited for next week’s launch of a new YA podcast called The Read Carpet put together by the fabulous Adele. More details soon but I can tell you that it’s going to be really cool and that I contributed a segment for the first installment where I discuss dystopian fiction.
3. I have found a fellow book enthusiast in my own neighborhood who has agreed to be a guest reviewer for Presenting Lenore. Jen is a fellow American in Frankfurt and she’s going to be perusing my TBR stacks and then contributing book reviews every once in a while. Her special area of interest is international fiction.
4. New books this week: Graceling by Kristin Cashore, Ten Cents a Dance by Christine Fletcher and The Fetch by Laura Whitcomb. Thanks to my Aunt Linda for the lovely belated Christmas gift!
5. Got a few more awards from fellow bloggers this week! I’m Tink Approved! I’m a frequent visitor to Ladytink’s Movieholic & Bibliophile Blog and I love this cute graphic. Thanks! I also got the Kreativ Blogger award from fellow SCBWI member Angela. I am supposed to mention 7 things I love. And guess what? This post contains 7 this week just for that reason. Thanks for thinking of me Angela! Thao of the new book blog Serene Hours also tagged me with the Happy Tag, so this counts for that too.
2. I am very excited for next week’s launch of a new YA podcast called The Read Carpet put together by the fabulous Adele. More details soon but I can tell you that it’s going to be really cool and that I contributed a segment for the first installment where I discuss dystopian fiction.
3. I have found a fellow book enthusiast in my own neighborhood who has agreed to be a guest reviewer for Presenting Lenore. Jen is a fellow American in Frankfurt and she’s going to be perusing my TBR stacks and then contributing book reviews every once in a while. Her special area of interest is international fiction.
4. New books this week: Graceling by Kristin Cashore, Ten Cents a Dance by Christine Fletcher and The Fetch by Laura Whitcomb. Thanks to my Aunt Linda for the lovely belated Christmas gift!

6. And speaking of new book blogs, I posted some advice for new book bloggers in FAQ form this week in case you missed it. Taylor of For the Love of Books is a brand new blogger that is worth checking out and she's even having her first ever contest where she's giving away 3 copies of the must read Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson (see my review here and enter her contest here).
And speaking of contests, you might also like to enter Susan's contest in honor of Black History Month or Carrie's contest to win a signed copy of Saundra Mitchell's Shadowed Summer.
Oh, and here's your personal invitation to AS King's lauch party for Dust of 100 Dogs (read my review) this weekend:
Event: D100D Weekend Online Launch Party! "Games! Prizes! Fun! "
What: Night of Mayhem
Host: The Dust of 100 Dogs
Start Time: Saturday, January 31 at 12:00pm
End Time: Sunday, February 1 at 11:00pm
You know I'll be there!
7. I was scratched rather deeply on my finger by a cat yesterday (that's not the part I love). You see I tend to forget that not all cats are as gentle and loving as Emmy. Emmy is so sweet that even when she plays, she knows not to bite hard and to retract her claws so she won't hurt us. And I love that.
Love the new header too! ;) Happy Friday, Lenore!
Your aunt must be a fabulous person, to choose such great books to be presents. :)
International fictions, that'll be good!
Happy Friday, Lenore!! Love the header and you have indeed recieved some awesome books :)
Steph Su - Aunt Linda here. I gave Lenore a gift card and she picked out the books. But yes, I'm fabulous! LOL!
Lenore - Please enter me in the contest to win a header from Daniel! (Hi Daniel!)
Sorry to hear about your "cat-scratched" finger. OUCH!
You already know I love the header ... so please give me a chance to win one myself! :)
i really love your new header...no need to enter me in the drawing since Monica helped me design mine already! LOL
I look forward to your guest reviewer!
Please give me a chance to win a header...I love yours!
Sorry about the scratched finger...been there done that!
I love your new header and i would love one of my own. thanks for the giveaway!
Definitely enter me for the header contest! Yours is abfab.
Yay for book giftcards from family members! Few gifts compare.
Your friday posts make me happy.
Aw, yay Emmy. I wish my dog was that sweet. LOL
YES, enter me in the header contest. I really love yours.
I'm stoked for the podcast too. I need to record mine this weekend. :)
I'm really very excited about the podcast. I love listening to podcasts. I also love dystopian fiction.
I would LOVE to get a new header from Daniel. Please enter me!
Your Friday sounds fabulous minus the cat scratch (ouch!).
I agree with everyone - Your header is beautiful! But please do not enter me - I'm not sure what sort of header I would want if I was picked, so let's give everyone else better odds of winning! :)
I love your friends header, and blog name (nothing better than zombies!)
Sorry about your scratch. My cat is very particular about when you can or cannot pat her, so I tend to forger their are friendly and cuddly kitties out there :)
I am sooooo late to the party. ;) Love your header! It really is beautiful!!
Very cool contest. Please enter me! (If I'm eligible, since I just won the Memorist giveaway. I don't want to be greedy here. Well, maybe just a little.)
Hi Lenore,
Of course I'd love to enter to win a header.. yours is pretty much the coolest thing ever :)
Also, would you like to do a link exchange? http://lookatthatbook.blogspot.com
I'd like to be entered for the custom header. *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Happy Friday!
The new books sound awesome :)
Hope your finger gets better soon!
Thank you so much for mentioning me in your blog! I am really looking forward to the podcast!
But back to whats going on in your life, it sounds like you have had a fabulous week! I'm glad to hear it.
Also, I would love to be entered to win a header by Daniel. I always find myself meandering over to his daily drawings and I absolutely love them!
Have a great weekend,
How fun that Jen is going to help you review!
Your new header is fantastic!
Love the header! I would like having mine redone.
shelcows AT gmail DOT com
I'd love to be entered in the header contest. Also, looking forward to meeting your new reading friend and reading her reviews.
I love your new header! and I'd love to be entered in the contest for a custom-designed header!
Please enter me in the header contest! I haven't been to Daniel's blog for a while so I'm enjoying browsing back through the pics right now. Love them, love them, love them.
Oh I would definitely want to be entered into the custom designed header contest!
And I listened your segment at the Read Carpet and it mention of The Hunger Games! Yaay. Cool topic btw.
And nice books, really want to read Graceling by Kristin Cashore.
I'd love a chance to win a custom header. I loved his daily drawings blog. So cute.
I would love a chance to win a custom header designed by Daniel!! Yours is gorgeous.
Glad you like your award :o)
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