Saturday, January 31, 2009

Presenting The Read Carpet Podcast!

It's here (a bit earlier than I expected)! The Read Carpet is a podcast made by an assortment of bloggers to talk about our favorite subject - YA literature. It was put together by Adele and has a rotating roster of contributers including myself and some of the most awesome bloggers around. We are planning to have two episodes a month and you'll hear from me every other episode if all goes well. This time, I discuss dystopian fiction and I even managed to record a take without Emmy meowing in the background!

Please excuse the sound on my segment (which begins at 14 min 20 seconds in). I will invest in a better microphone for next time. In case you can't or don't want to listen to audio, I will post a transcript of my segment here on my blog one week after the airdate .

Go to the official Read Carpet site where you can find the show notes and find links to all the contributing bloggers or listen to the podcast right here. It should also be available at iTunes starting tomorrow. And remember, we'd LOVE to hear your feedback. Thanks!


Christina Farley said...

What a concept! I listened to it. Is that your voice? You've got a great speaking voice, perfect for this kind of thing

Lenore Appelhans said...

The first person is talks is Adele and she's the one with a great speaking voice. But if you kept listening (my segment is in the middle after Taren, Hope and Kristi) then yes, that's me.

Anonymous said...

I loved loved loved your segment! You talked about some of my favorite books and inspired me to pick up some new ones. I'm sorry you thought FITA was something else....hopefully you weren't expecting a great work of literature or anything :P

Alea said...

Oh man this was so great! I loved listening to it! Adele does have a great voice doesn't she! I wish she could do all my talking for me from now on!

Anonymous said...

Oh and another thing, inspired by your segment, have you read Lois Lowry's The Giver. It's one of the first books I think of in regard to dystopian worlds.

Lenore Appelhans said...

I would love to get a voice implant that made me sound like Adele - such a great accent!

And The Giver is one of my favorite dystopias but I couldn't figure out a way to work it in this time. Maybe I will have to do a dystopias part two. What do you think?

Thao said...

You guys sound awesome. Get a better mic next time and please speak louder. I'd love to read all the books you mentioned in the episode. I wish to hear from more bloggers soon.

Lenore Appelhans said...

Thao - Yeah, it's just my crappy laptop mike and I am now aware I need to get a real one!

Adele said...

I am Australian and so my voice sounds great to you guys regardless of what I say!

The volume is actually my fault. Next time around it will be better.

Alea said...

Adele- Well yeah but also you just know how to talk! I repeat myself a lot and say like a lot and talk really fast. Not good.

MySharonAnne said...

Please tell me I'm not the only one who wants to hear Emmy meowing!

I'm going to listen to this later on my Zune (I'm too cool for an ipod!).

Beth Kephart said...

Lenore! Congratulations. So fun to hear your voice (it is precisely as I'd imagine)

Bridget said...

Sounds like a great idea! I've posted this on Win A Book.

Staci said...

I'm there with bells on!!

Unknown said...

Really cool podcast! Can't wait to hear more!!