Saturday, January 3, 2009

WOW (Waiting on Wednesday) Picks Status

This is a post I plan to keep updated with the status of my WOW picks.

Pick 1: The Dust of 100 Dogs by AS King. Feb 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 2: The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. March 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 3: Nothing but Ghosts by Beth Kephart. June 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 4: If I Stay by Gayle Forman. April 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 5: The Angel Maker by Stefan Brijs. December 2008. (initial post) (ARC in TBR pile)

Pick 6: The Fetch by Laura Whitcomb. Feb 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 7: My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison. January 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 8: The Rapture by Liz Jensen. June 2009. (initial post) (ARC in TBR pile)

Pick 9: Swoon by Nina Malkin. May 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 10: Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde. December 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 11: Radiant Darkness by Emily Whitman. April 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 12: Turning Japanese by Cathy Yardley. April 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 13: Death by Denim by Linda Gerber. May 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 14: Shelter Me by Alex McAuley. January 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 15: The Plague by Joanne Dahme. May 2009. (initial post) (signed hardcover in TBR)

Pick 16: Dull Boy by Sarah Cross. May 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 17: Hot YA Book Sequels of 2009. Various release dates. (initial post)

Pick 18: Far North by Marcel Theroux. March 09 (UK) May 09 (US) (initial post) (ARC in TBR pile)

Pick 19: Crazy Beautiful by Lauren Baratz-Logsted. Sept 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 20: Genesis by Bernard Beckett. April 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 21: The Heights by Brian James. April 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 22: The Splendor Falls by Rosemary Clement Moore. Sept 2009 (initial post) (DNF)

Pick 23: The Waking: Dreams of the Dead by Thomas Randall. Nov 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 24: The Miles Between by Mary E. Pearson. Sept 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 25: How It Ends by Laura Wiess. Aug 2009. (initial post) (paperback in TBR pile)

Pick 26: Wonderwall by Elizabeth Hand. Oct 2009. (initial post) (Delayed until 2011)

Pick 27: The Long Wait for Tomorrow by Joaquin Dorfman. Sept 2009. (initial post) (do not have yet)

Pick 28: Hot YA of September 2009. (initial post)

Pick 29: Lips Touch by Laini Taylor. Oct 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 30: Day of the Pelican by Katherine Paterson. Oct 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 31: Shiver by Maggie Steifvater. August 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 32: Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. Spring 2010. (initial post) (review)

Pick 33: Half Minute Horrors by various authors. August 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 34: Pastword by Ian Black. Nov 2009. (initial post) (ARC in TBR)

Pick 35: Mathilda Savitch by Victor Lodato. Sept 2009. (initial post) (review)

Pick 36: Adland by James P. Othmer. Sept 2009. (initial post) (do not have yet)

Pick 37: Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder. April 2010. (initial post) (review)

Pick 38: The Broken Teaglass by Emily Arsenault. Sept 2009. (initial post) (hardcover in TBR)

Pick 39: The Things That Keep Us Here by Carla Buckley. Feb 2o1o. (initial post) (review)

Pick 40: New Lionel Shriver

Pick 41: Upcoming Dystopia Sequels. Various dates. (initial post)


  1. Oooh I love your stats and status and all of that! :D

  2. It's awesome that you have most of your WOW picks!

  3. That is great that you have most of your picks already. Yay! I'm still excited for Swoon...I first saw it on here!


  4. Cool idea, to keep track of your progress on getting them!

  5. I want to read the Linda Gerber books...

  6. Sounds like you have a lot of great reading ahead of you! :-)

  7. I really want to read If I Stay. It looks so good!

  8. Did you see, The Angel Maker is on Shelf Awareness tonight/tomorrow. You should request a copy!

  9. Wow, you have an ARC of Forest of Hands and Teeth?! I'm bright green with envy! I cannot wait to read it. Oh well, I will settle for waiting for your review :) Great list!


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